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  1. hollyp0p

    Glomat 2 Double Tube Light

    Yeah that's a shame, I've read they're going to replace them at some point but nobody knows when that will be. I'll have a really round my LFS's soon as there's a few down here and see what i can find :)
  2. hollyp0p

    Glomat 2 Double Tube Light

    yeah those compact T5's look good actually, only problem is I'm finding the starter units don't seem to be available, like they're upgrading them or something but have none on sale :unsure:
  3. hollyp0p

    Glomat 2 Double Tube Light

    The max room at the top is 22", so 18" would be fine, the juwel bulbs are 18". Where would you recommend findthing the 24W T5 and starter units, sounds like my best bet :) Thankyou!!
  4. hollyp0p

    Glomat 2 Double Tube Light

    does anybody know? pleeeeeeeeeeeeease?
  5. hollyp0p

    Glomat 2 Double Tube Light

    Glomat 2 the light unit in my juwel rekord 60 has been broken since october and it's depressing me now, I'm looking to fir my own new non juwel light unit in and run it, due to the small size of this tank I believe I can only really get away with 15W bulbs, but I also want my plants to be able...
  6. hollyp0p

    Aquarium Upgrade Advice Needed!

    Does anyone know how to find the link that was posted to me before on this thread, it doesn't actually open from this page and I need the upgrade guide!
  7. hollyp0p

    Is My Bulb Or Starter Unit Gone?

    Nothing got cracked or appears damaged, and because I am sure the light didn't go off for a while after that had happened I'm hoping it's the bulb....I was going to fit another unit into the front for extra lighting so I can have better plants soon so I may get the bulb, and if that's not it...
  8. hollyp0p

    Is My Bulb Or Starter Unit Gone?

    My light in my Juwel Rekord 60 won't turn on, the light flickers as though it's trying to turn on, but it never does, the only thing I can think that happened, but I don't think it affected it straight away was something fell on the plug socket last night.....a little bit after that the light...
  9. hollyp0p

    Omg Have You Seen This Story On Pfk?

  10. hollyp0p

    Bettas And Tetras

    when i had neons they fin nipped, i'd never put tetra with mine again, he lives with harlequin rasboras instead now
  11. hollyp0p

    Meet Paul Mccartney...

    they're beautiful :) :good:
  12. hollyp0p

    Meet Paul Mccartney...

    lol of course, what type of fish is that in your pic is it another gourami variation?
  13. hollyp0p

    Betta Tankmates

    my betta lives with 6 harlequin rasboras, 2 pitbull plecos, 2 variations of the pygmy corydora and 3 panda corydoras :D he used to live with zebra danios which he LOVED.....also hda some neon tetra but they are naughty fin nippers, so i'd avoid tetras!
  14. hollyp0p

    Meet Paul Mccartney...

    i was looking for a pic like that on google, very obvious difference i see now :D
  15. hollyp0p

    Meet Paul Mccartney...

    lol how rude :rolleyes: good i'm glad......he's got a great personality, I have my male betta caspian in a tank next to him and they do flaring contests with each other.....awesome!
  16. hollyp0p

    Meet Paul Mccartney...

    My other half got a dwarf gourami yesterday for his ADF tank, I was just wondering is he really a male, we have no lighting on this tank just as yet so it's hard to see if his colouring really is enough to be male, I think he is..... Paul McCartney......(he lives with the 'frog chorus')
  17. hollyp0p

    What's Doing This To Cam

    my two are both tail biters...what are the blimmin's not fair is it? I got some new cories yesterday to lighten my spirits, I have 3 panda cories :D and my other half got a dwarf gourami for his tank :)
  18. hollyp0p

    Pink Betta

    have you tried any local stores? I got caspian my pink/blue finned male in a local store to me a couple of weeks ago....
  19. hollyp0p

    Is This Tail Biting?

    Odin's is sort of healing up again at the moment, which is probably why it seems in between, they are both on a course of myxazin again at the moment to promote healing, I am planning ways to make caspians tank more interesting to him so as he is more distracted and not biting :)
  20. hollyp0p

    Is This Tail Biting?

    that's the sort of mess it appears to be, not as drastic, it#s heartbreaking to watch their tails dissapear though :( caspian didn't start until i put him in his new tank, which runs a mini filter, i only have it on a trickle, do you think there's a chance it's stressing him into tail chomping...