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    Do Puffer Fish Really Need Salt?

    i don't know what it's called. i know that it is brownish and likes people. (i heard that some eat out of the owners hand!)do you think if they needed a little salt they would still live in a freshwater?
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    Sick Female Guppy (so Sad)

    i feel sorry for your guppie. i don't keep guppies because i can't they always die. it's just a waste of money. you should get anoter guppie to replace it.
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    Do Puffer Fish Really Need Salt?

    do puffer fish really need salt. do you think they could live w/ out it?
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    Help! Weird Sickness For Guupies Has Attack My House!

    i already tried that yesterday. it did not help. i just wasted my money. and by the way i alawys use water conditioner for my fishtank. i talking about the one that they sell in pet stores that are for fishtanks not for your hair.
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    Sick Female Guppy (so Sad)

    i have some bad news for. :sad: your guppie will probley die. i don't know what's the sickness called but i know it. it happened to my guppies. i know your guppie has that sickness because you said it's tail droped a bit and that one guppie has a split tail. i don't think so there is a cure. how...
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    Help! Weird Sickness For Guupies Has Attack My House!

    i think my water is in good condition because GUPPIES are the ONLY fish that die. i don't get why! i mean they look REALLY healthy when i just get them. they eat, swim, and look fine. They die in four days! Well the males do. The females...
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    Help! Weird Sickness For Guupies Has Attack My House!

    no i did not test my water but it looks clean. i do get my fish from one place but they look perrfectley fine in the store. i think it has someting to do with my water. do you think water conditioner would help?
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    My Fish Has Two Tails!

    i think you should breed it. mabye you'll make a new spieces!
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    Need Help With Rummy Nose Tetra

    how do rummy nose tetras look like when ther're pregnet and how long are the pregnet?
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    Guppy Missing Its Dorsal Fin

    the guppie should be fine. but if you see any missing fins or bit fins you should remove it from the tank. and also it might of been born without one it happens sometimes.
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    Have My First Set Of Babies Today!

    that is a good number of babies. sometimes there's only 3! it depends on how much the mother guppie ate. you should move her out as soon as possible next time before most of the guppies get glupped down to the mothers tummy! ;)
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    Help! Weird Sickness For Guupies Has Attack My House!

    there is something really wierd happen at my HOUSE! we have two tanks in the house. each tank uses the same water. EVERY SINGLE TIME we put guppies in any tank they die. EVERY SINGLE TIME. at first they look fine. they swim around the tank. but the next day they start to get un acktive. thy...
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    Need Help With African Drawf Frog

    dose anybody know how to tell a male and a female for african drawf frogs? i really need to know because i want to breed them!
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    Twist jumped out of his tank!!!!

    wow! poor guy. i've heard that you should cover your tank if you have a betta because he'll jump out but i never thought it was true!
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    Dose Anybody Know How To Breed Bettas?

    thanks for the websites. :hyper:
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    Dose Anybody Know How To Breed Bettas?

    :hyper: dose anybody know how to breed bettas?
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    Dose Any Body No About African Drawf Frogs Here

    dose anybody know about african drawf frogs here? if you do please answer this question: is my frog a male or a female? please send me some info about hte difference about male and females i need to know cuz i want to breed them and my tank is only big inof for 2!