Twist jumped out of his tank!!!!


Fish Addict
Mar 1, 2005
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So im just sitting by my computer in my room talking on the phone and of couse looking at my bettas. I get up to walk to the other side and i feel something wet that my foot grased... I look down and im like "what is that, Holy s*** its Twist!!! "I scoped him up and put him back in his tank. Hes just kinda floating not doing anything...
But hes alive. I dont know how long he was out of water for but his fins look even more messed up now... My foot prehaps on his fin....
I feel so bad.
What can I do to help him along yet again... -_-
Take a deep breath - it's okay.
It happens to everyone.

Just make sure he gets clean sparkly water and if you have some salt toss in a pinch of that. Keep an eye on him - lucky thing you found him when you did. Stress can sometimes bring on illnesses, so watch for stuff like ick or fungus, but he just might be okay.
Ok, I just did a water change yesterday and added salt than. Should I do another 100% water change and add new salt?

Gosh, this is so horrible. I just feel sooooo bad. I only had his top off for abit. I like to take there tops off to give them fresh air and to let them look up out of there water.

Why would he jump?

Thanks bettamom ;)
You know, when I first heard of the "my betta jumped out of his tank" bit I got so paranoid I started covering my betta's bowl >_< You poor dear, that must have been awful! Lucky for him he jumped out when you were in the room! As far as why they do it, I have no clue. If he's a jumper you might want to cover his bowl too! I just took a piece of foamcore, cut it to size, cut a large hole in the top for circulation and covered that baby. Happily I got a new hooded tank so I don't have to worry about it anymore~
I unfortunatly had a bad incident with one of my first boys. Granted, I wouldn't blame him for 'commiting suicide' because I had them all in half-gallon homes at that time. *I didn't know better* anyway, I had changed all 4 of my boys' water that afternoon. Did chores, came back, took my shower, went to feed them...then that's when I noticed Maroon wasn't in his home. I freaked....I looked everywhere...I finally found him, shriveled up and brown on my carpet. Why did it take so long for me to find him? My carpet is shag....burnt red, burnt orange, brown, cow poo green, scuzzy yellow, and black. *no, I did not choose that, it was my step-brothers' room....I think their mum did...yuck* I never had the lids completely on because I didn't think the 2 lil' holes gave them enough oxygen...after that, on they went. Only other scare I had was Fatima...I was going to give her a wee bit of pea, but it was stuck to my thumb. I thought I got it down enough for it to float off of my thumb but I didn't. I went to move it to my finger, she jumped out and 'plop!' landed on my carpet! Bill was like wtf?! I was freaking for a second and then it hit me, that I should put her back in her home...*smacks head* She lived though that, and yes, got her pea. :flex:
You don't need to do another water change if you just did.
They jump for lots of reasons - boredom, freedom, no reason at all. :)

I'd make sure everyone stays covered all the time. They don't need much air to come thru and they'll be just fine. If you want them to be able to look up and out the top of their tanks, you can pick up some glass tank toppers for 2 or 3 bucks at a pet supply place. They fit glass 2.5G tanks but you could put them on top of just about anything.

Hope he's doing well :)
I've never had a betta jump but I hear about it a lot so I'm pretty paranoid.

For my 2.5 gallon bowls I got embroidery hoops from JoAnn's (Michaels have them too). They're color plastic rings that have a wire hoop that fits inside. Usually you drape your fabric over the metal hoop, pinch the handles a little, place it inside the plastic hoop and when you let go it expands a bit and sandwiches the fabric nice and tight. Think of a drumhead.
I put plastic wrap instead of fabric but leave a small gap in the back of it (or you can poke holes in the wrap). I like the clear wrap so all you end up seeing is a ring of color around the bowl from the hoop. It's kind of nice actually. But I bet a light gauze or cotton would be nice too if you want a touch of fabric to decorate the bowl. The fabric would breathe enough so you wouldn't need a gap. This embroidery hoop then fits perfectly on the top of the bowl. It's easy to just lift it when you need to feed.
Twist seems to be doing ok. Hes not as active as he was before but at least hes alive :)
Poor little guy, he's probably a little stunned. Sounds like he'll be okay though :fish: :)
well i have a oranda an a blackmoor i also have a hooded tank so there not goin far lol anyway maby if your tanks are big enoghf take a lil water out so u can leave the hood/cap on but the fish can still jump for watever reason lol
:) just an idea lol
wow! poor guy. i've heard that you should cover your tank if you have a betta because he'll jump out but i never thought it was true!

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