Help! Weird Sickness For Guupies Has Attack My House!


New Member
Oct 29, 2007
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there is something really wierd happen at my HOUSE! we have two tanks in the house. each tank uses the same water. EVERY SINGLE TIME we put guppies in any tank they die. EVERY SINGLE TIME. at first they look fine. they swim around the tank. but the next day they start to get un acktive. thy don't swim that much. then there tail starts to fall of. every day more falls of intill there is no tail at ALL. this happens EVERY SINGLE TIME WE GET GUUPIES. i love guppies alot but they always die. no other fish dies. only the GUPPIES.
Do you test your water??? If so what are the stats???
Also do you only get your fish from one place???
Good questions. Are there any other fish you have in the tank that do not die? You really left little information to discern anything. How large is the tank? Is it cycled? What are your water parameters for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate? How is the temperature? It may be poor conditions the fish are kept in, but it could just be a store that has weak strains of fish.
Do you test your water??? If so what are the stats???
Also do you only get your fish from one place???

no i did not test my water but it looks clean. i do get my fish from one place but they look perrfectley fine in the store. i think it has someting to do with my water. do you think water conditioner would help?
Good questions. Are there any other fish you have in the tank that do not die? You really left little information to discern anything. How large is the tank? Is it cycled? What are your water parameters for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate? How is the temperature? It may be poor conditions the fish are kept in, but it could just be a store that has weak strains of fish.

i think my water is in good condition because GUPPIES are the ONLY fish that die. i don't get why! i mean they look REALLY healthy when i just get them. they eat, swim, and look fine.

They die in four days! Well the males do. The females die in about 6 days.
Do you test your water??? If so what are the stats???
Also do you only get your fish from one place???

no i did not test my water but it looks clean. i do get my fish from one place but they look perrfectley fine in the store. i think it has someting to do with my water. do you think water conditioner would help?
Are you for real???

Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are deadly to fish and are invisable to the naked eye

You should test the water for these regulary and they should all read 0 anything above means it could kill your fish

I suggest before you add anything else you buy a water testing kit else you'll just be throwing your money away and killing the fish
Water may appear clean, but it may be quite toxic for fish.

Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are part of the nitrogen cycle, all referred to as bioload. Fish waste starts as ammonia, bacteria converts it to nitrites, and then bacteria converts nitrites to nitrates. Nitrates are generally removed with water changes. Any levels of ammonia and nitrites in the water spell instant death for fish. That is why it is important to have the tank cycled so there is a bacteria culture built up to handle the initial two steps. Nitrates you want generally under 40 PPM, but lower is better. If you don't know about this, look it up online. There are kits to test for this, like chelbel said.

Chlorine and chloramines are also toxic to fish, which are used to sanitize water. These can be handled with a product like Prime, which remove chlorine, chloramines, and heavy metals sometimes found in water.
Do you test your water??? If so what are the stats???
Also do you only get your fish from one place???

no i did not test my water but it looks clean. i do get my fish from one place but they look perrfectley fine in the store. i think it has someting to do with my water. do you think water conditioner would help?
Are you for real???

Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are deadly to fish and are invisable to the naked eye

You should test the water for these regulary and they should all read 0 anything above means it could kill your fish

I suggest before you add anything else you buy a water testing kit else you'll just be throwing your money away and killing the fish

i already tried that yesterday. it did not help. i just wasted my money. and by the way i alawys use water conditioner for my fishtank. i talking about the one that they sell in pet stores that are for fishtanks not for your hair.
Water conditioner will not help with what I referred to as bioload. Do a read on the nitrogen cycle. This site makes it pretty simple. [URL=""][/URL] (I hate this forum. It always edits out other people's URLs trying to keep people from looking at other sites.) Quit censoring. This is my last post here. I'm fed up with this site. Aquarium Advice Dot Com is a better forums anyway.

You still haven't indicated what your levels are, which I assume you don't know. Test kits are the only way to tell. What size is the tank? What is in the tank? When was the last time you did a water change? My guess is the bioload is quite high and you are adding fish to poisoned water.

This post is not mean to be patronizing but it sounds like you don't know the basics of fish care. It's not just feeding.
Do you test your water??? If so what are the stats???
Also do you only get your fish from one place???

no i did not test my water but it looks clean. i do get my fish from one place but they look perrfectley fine in the store. i think it has someting to do with my water. do you think water conditioner would help?
Are you for real???

Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are deadly to fish and are invisable to the naked eye

You should test the water for these regulary and they should all read 0 anything above means it could kill your fish

I suggest before you add anything else you buy a water testing kit else you'll just be throwing your money away and killing the fish

i already tried that yesterday. it did not help. i just wasted my money. and by the way i alawys use water conditioner for my fishtank. i talking about the one that they sell in pet stores that are for fishtanks not for your hair.

I didn't for 1 minute think you meant hair conditioner :rolleyes:

I am trying to help you here

What did you do yesterday that did not help??? What did you actually test???
What is the water temp???
What is the size???

When you say the tail 'fell off' could you please explain what it looked like each day???
Nelya you NEED to cycle your tank!
What other fish do you currently have, and what size is your tank?
I'm not convinced this is water quality. That's not to say water quality isn't important, but all the fish suddenly having bits of tail go missing sounds more like an attack to me. That also goes with the females surviving longer, as they're faster and more able to stay away from aggressive fish. What other fish are with the guppies?

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