Sick Female Guppy (so Sad)


New Member
Sep 14, 2007
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My female guppy has just become very sick. Her tail seems to be paralysed, she is barely moving at the top of the tank because she isn't very mobile without moving her tail.

My water stats are perfect, I had them professionally tested, so no problem there.

She hasn't recently given birth.

The tank is not overcrowded and I haven't seen her being harrassed by male guppies.

I can't see any physical signs of fungus or parasites, but her colour seems a bit darker.

She looks sick. I know that might sound weird, but her face looks sick and her body looks sick. Her tail droops a bit, but again it is not using it to swim.

I'm very worried because I've had her for about 8 months and she has always been strong and robust. She is the mummy of most of my other guppies, so losing her would be a horrible loss.
Although you never say it in your, I assume you are looking for suggestions as you don't want to lose this fish.

We really have to take your word on what you're telling us as you are giving incomplete information. I'm not trying to accuse you of hiding anything on purpose, but can you tell us some details? It's pretty much impossible to give accurate advice without more information.

When the water was tested, what were the actual readings? Just because someone is a professional doesn't necessarily mean they can't make mistakes. What are the levels?

When you say the tank is not overcrowded, we really have to take your word on it, but what size is the tank and what is in it?

Treating with Melafix and Pimafix medication is really the only advice I can give to you without more information. It will help her tail grow back without infection. Good luck and let us know if you have more questions.
okay ... I don't want to hide anything. I am looking for help. :blink:

I do 50 - 75% water changes every 2 weeks.

Today's water tested at:
ammonia: 0
pH: 7.0
nitrite: 0

I have 3 neons, 4 phantoms, 10 guppies (100L tank)

She hasn't lost her tail. Her tail is full, no tears but it is limp like it is paralysed.

I just saw some of the other guppies flashing. That is new behaviour in the last 2 hours or so. One of them has a recovering fin split. It's like all hell has broken loose on my tank. It is a well established tank.

Anything else?
i have some bad news for. :sad: your guppie will probley die. i don't know what's the sickness called but i know it. it happened to my guppies. i know your guppie has that sickness because you said it's tail droped a bit and that one guppie has a split tail. i don't think so there is a cure. how long have you had your guppies? let me know of some of it's tail starts to fall of. this is another sing of the weird sickness. you should read my post: WIERD SICKNESS FOR GUPPIES HAD ATTACKTED MY HOUSE!
it talks about the sickness. sorry about your guppie. all of your guppies might die just like they did for me. (the males usullay die faster then the females)
She died, but her tail did not fall off. I think there is some misunderstanding about her tail. "Paralyzed" means motionless.

After she died I studied her body and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Her tail, by the way, remained fully fanned and colourful the entire time, she just wasn't using it.

The fish with some fin rot has been that way for about a month, but he is still robust, eating and swimming well as are all the other fish. I'm pretty sure that followed an outbreak of algae which I promptly cleaned. He has recovered a bit, but not fully.

I don't think my situation is the same as yours, yours sounds incredibly awful!!! :crazy: I haven't seen anything like that in my tank. But thanks for your suggestion.
She died, but her tail did not fall off. I think there is some misunderstanding about her tail. "Paralyzed" means motionless.

After she died I studied her body and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Her tail, by the way, remained fully fanned and colourful the entire time, she just wasn't using it.

The fish with some fin rot has been that way for about a month, but he is still robust, eating and swimming well as are all the other fish. I'm pretty sure that followed an outbreak of algae which I promptly cleaned. He has recovered a bit, but not fully.

I don't think my situation is the same as yours, yours sounds incredibly awful!!! :crazy: I haven't seen anything like that in my tank. But thanks for your suggestion.

i feel sorry for your guppie. i don't keep guppies because i can't they always die. it's just a waste of money. you should get anoter guppie to replace it.

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