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    Having Trouble Reaching Your Inbox?

    Lol i though i was the one banend for a while then....
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    Fairy Shrimp Eggs

    does anyone know what they look like? (the eggs that is)
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    Fairy Shrimp Eggs

    i was wondering it it was possible to farm fairy shrimp cysts?
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    Artemia And Fairy Shrimp

    HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow thats amazin! wow... ... i want one..... ....thats shut me up i dont know what to say to that....
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    Airstone Questions

    do you really need a heater in such a tiny space? if you do have one be careful because the water round the heater can get very very hot, so set it to a low heat.
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    Triop Questions

    KK by now i bet your fed up with noobs askin bout triops but there are a few things i would like to know: 1. what can i keep with triops 2. how big a tank will i need? will 20litres do? 3. how can i increase life expectaancy? (had a few problems with this in the past) 4. And is life expectancy...
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    Artemia And Fairy Shrimp

    so for a triop tank (that i will eventually get round to startin) which would be better? and isnt there also a supossed carnivorous fairy shrimp?
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    Artemia And Fairy Shrimp

    ive seen a few sites which sell both Artemia and fairyshrimp and wanted to know what the difference was.
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    Does Any One Have Any Daphnia In Their Pond?

    no they have theryre own tank and its not a bowl. their goldfish theyre ment to look stupid and swim around in circles. i live in wiltshire by the way!
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    The shotgun methods a bit harsh! there wont be much left of the bird to eat!
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    Does Any One Have Any Daphnia In Their Pond?

    If anyone has any daphnia (water fleas) that can you please send me some? I really love these critters and want to feed them to my fish (their bored i think swiming in circles day in day out has numbed their pathetic brains) im also do A level biology and i am very interested in investigating...
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    well if i get any i will send them to you! so its basically raising triops all over again1 yey i had so much fun trying to raise them things and then... they died :(
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    I went to lfs asked for some live daphnia and he said "we dont sell live foods"!?! its stupid! i like the base ball idea. Hmm i wonder.... im lookin for the live stuff, i dont have a lot of time on my hands (A levels) and so i cant be bothered to actually go out into the wild and look for some.
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    Actually theyre very nutritous to fish
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    No they refuse to sell live foods ive tried almost every shop in a 5 mile radius from my house
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    I really really need some daphnia has any one got any that i can have so i can start up a cultue?
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    Hermit Crabs!

    I dont know any thing about hermit crabs but do know this great website if i were you i would type "hermit crabs" into google you will find loads of websites which will be useful or click here
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    Does anyone know where I can get some daphnia from (theres none in my local area and shops refuse to sell live foods) does any one have any they can send to me or know of a decent website where i can get some?
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    Triops Detrius

    which would be better for triops an 11 litre tank or a 20 litre? Would i need any ort of filtering if so will a bio-filter do?
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    Triops Detrius

    Okay okay. I got some triops eggs which dont come with any weird little creatures (insifua/detrius or somthing like that) and ive been trying to get them to work but the triops dont hatch or if they do hatch they dont last long what am i doing wrong? Ive tied using detrius that this website told...