Does Any One Have Any Daphnia In Their Pond?


New Member
Oct 8, 2007
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If anyone has any daphnia (water fleas) that can you please send me some? I really love these critters and want to feed them to my fish (their bored i think swiming in circles day in day out has numbed their pathetic brains) im also do A level biology and i am very interested in investigating the affects of certain chemical products that we dump into the water! I know its a bit weird but im sad and have no life. (dont waorry about the daphnia i will be as humane as where did i put the sulphuric acid....)
Um, posting where you live exactly in the world would help a lot :nod: .

"their bored i think swiming in circles day in day out has numbed their pathetic brains"

You aren't keeping these goldfish in a bowl by any chance :huh: ?
Um, posting where you live exactly in the world would help a lot :nod: .

"their bored i think swiming in circles day in day out has numbed their pathetic brains"

You aren't keeping these goldfish in a bowl by any chance :huh: ?
no they have theryre own tank and its not a bowl. their goldfish theyre ment to look stupid and swim around in circles. i live in wiltshire by the way!
I usually have water fleas in my water barrel, but the weather has been so horrid this year I never had any. You will have to buy them from a lfs if you can find one that has them! :good: :good:
tank, bowl, doesnt matter as long as its big. How large is the tank?
Its too late in the year to get daphinia at this time of year if you live in england, goldfish are also not as stupid as a lot of people believe, its been proven that the 3/5second memory or whatever thing is a myth, as far as i am aware their short term memory is 3 and a half hours, which is pretty good as far as fish go :good: .

If your fish can only swim around in circles all day, it may be because they have no option, if you were a fish how long would it take you to get bored being in your goldfishes tank? It may be worth re-decorating their tank or upgrading the tank depending on how large it is to give your fish more to do, fish do get bored :nod: .

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