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  1. R

    Heater size

    Thank you all for your advice. I'm going to get 2 300watt heaters. Any view's on the better ones to buy. Thanks in advance
  2. R

    Heater size

    It will need to be about 82-84°F. As I keep discus. But now setting up a second tank that's alot bigger then the one I have at the moment. Thanks in advance
  3. R

    Heater size

    Hi all I'm after a bit of advice. I been given a 600 litre aquarium. But not sure what heater size would be good to use I have seen some 300 watt heaters at a good price would 2 of them one each end of the aquarium be any good. Thanks in advance
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    Help With Aiptasia Anemones

    hello all just letting you know i got some joes juice today it worked wonders. thank you all for your help
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    Help With Aiptasia Anemones

    hi i have got aiptasia anemones on my live rock i have been told there bad whats the best way to remove them from my tank.meny thanks
  6. R

    What Is Best Filter Media To Use

    thanks so is keeping the Foam Pads out is the right thing to do
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    What Is Best Filter Media To Use

    hi all i have got hold of a Fluval FX5 External Filter i was told not to use the Foam Pads that come with it as this can couse nitrates probs. so i was wondring what is the best filter media to use for a fowlr setup.menythanks.
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    Would A Bicolor Angel Be Ok

    all so a couple weeks after bicolor angel goes in i would like to put in a yellow tang is that ok. menythanks
  9. R

    Would A Bicolor Angel Be Ok

    hi all. in my tank i have 6 blue green chromis / 2 ocellaris clowns / 2 pajama cardinals and 1 pajama wrasse.its 330 liters and has 33 kg or live rock. my local shop have a offer on on bicolor angels i would love one in my tank would it bo ok with my other fish. meny thanks
  10. R

    Help With Ro-unit

    hi all i just got myself a ro unit putting it in this weekend i was wondering how when it running how do stop the water from running from the pipe that goes in my bucket when its full as it is 100 gal but i wont need that much water when doing water changes. thanks
  11. R

    Secondhand Powerhead

    hi do anyone know of a website that sells used fish stuff i need a old powerhead for mixing my salt. thanks
  12. R

    How Do Feed Fish Frozen Food

    i have just got some frozen mysis for my fish im not sure if i feed it to them frozen all let it defrost. if it needs to be defrosted can do it useing hot water or do i just leave cube of it out the freezer. thanks
  13. R

    Whats The Best Cuc To Clear Brown Algae

    hi my tank is getting lots fo brown algae is been running for 4 weeks the algae is on my live rock and sand just wondering what good cuc is best for this.thanks
  14. R

    I Have Just Put My First Fishs In

    ui all i posted the other day about what fish to put in my tank first iv done it i put 6 Blue-Green Chromis in. my tank is 330L i let you all know how things go.
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    Whats The Best Order To But These Fish In

    thanks yes std i did mean a Regal i will give it a miss. do think a Royal Gramma would be ok
  16. R

    Whats The Best Order To But These Fish In

    thanks AK77 i would like to end with 5 Blue-Green Chromis pair of common clowns 2 Yellow Tangs and Blue Tang Yellow Goby and Spotted 2 Cardinalfish what do you think. all so what cleanup crew do think are good my live sand got browh alge on it.
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    Whats The Best Order To But These Fish In

    my tank is 330 L
  18. R

    Whats The Best Order To But These Fish In

    hi im about to buy my first fish what fish should i put in first out of Blue-Green Chromis and False Clownfish there will about a week in betwen them going in.thanks
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    Lest Aggressive Damsel

    hi i was told that yellowtail damsel fish is the lest aggressive damsel do anyone know if this right. thanks
  20. R

    What First Fish

    i like both types of angels
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    What First Fish

    i would like to end up with fish such as angles and tangs
  22. R

    What First Fish

    hi all im going to start puting fish in my 230 liter tank it has live rock and live sand has been running for eight weeks. what fish are good to start with i know damsel is a good first fish but as thay are agressive so would i able to have diffrent types of fish with them. thankyou
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    Never Heard Of This Aquarium

    im thinking of going for AG1200
  24. R

    Never Heard Of This Aquarium

    hi all this is my first post i goinging to buy another Aquarium and on a websits i have seen a a tank i like but i have heard of the brand i was wondering if anyone on this forum have its called The Baolong range of Aquariums this is the website...