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  1. W

    Algae Is Pearling

    Good Point. I use Flourish liquid ferts. Sunday - 1.5mL Nitrogen, 5mL Trace, 2mL phosphorus, 3mL pottasium Monday - 2mL Iron, 2mL Comprehensive Wednesday - Same as sunday Thursday - Same as Monday I let...
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    Algae Is Pearling

    Yes, I have a drop checker. Runs light yellow to green. As far as adding light... I've tried, more ferts, less ferts, more co2 and less co2, timed co2 and constant co2. Never tried more light. I thought it can't hurt. In a 29 gallon tank I have two aquaclear filters, a 30 and a 50. I also...
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    What Deals Did You Have To Make To.....

    Not sure about the "deal" but I've been told one more tank and I have to move out of my house into an apartment... Hmm... Guess that could be a deal. First tank my wife and kids went along to get, 20 high. Second tank I got for free from work 29 gallon. Third tank I got free from a poker...
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    Algae Is Pearling

    Okay, I have issues with my planted tank. Constant battles with BGA and BBA. I have CO2 at ~30ppm and I dose Ferts but my plants do not seem to grow. I just added more light and changed to a glass top. I also added lots more plants. I noticed ovet the last few days that my algae on my...
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    Malawi Tank Lighting

    I use 1 daylight and one 50% daylight 50% Actinic. This way my acei really pop, but the tank is not overly blue. Best combo I've found. I use T12's though.
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    Bubbles Per Second

    Not sure what a jbl 602 is but I have a twenty gallon tank that I run at 90 bubbles per minute. I use an co2 indicator and plant health to determine that rate. You probably need 20X the number of bubbles that you have now. Make sure you have plenty of flow in the tank. That is a lot of space...
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    Chipped Tank

    I have a second hand tank with a few chip at the corners. It is a 29 galloon tank so it is pretty deep (chips are well below the water level). I haven't had any issues in over a year. Just my experience.
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    Which Filter For A 75 Gallon Tank?

    An aquaclear has a large rectangular filter sponge, a bag of bio media, and a bag of carbon. I only recently replaced a sponge in my aquaclear. It lasted over 2 years, probably could have gone longer but I replaced it anyway. My bio media bag has been in use for almost 2 1/2 years. Both just...
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    Which Filter For A 75 Gallon Tank?

    Go with the aquaclear. Just take it apart and clean it every 2-3 months. The emperor is loud and I find myself replacing the filters more often than the aqaclears that I use. Even better than both of these is a canister filter. That is a whole different story. Regardless I would use more...
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    Co2 / Fert Questions

    Why are you dosing easylife carbo when you have pressuried CO2? no need. save your money.
  11. W

    So There I Was At My Lfs

    I went again last night just to stare at the tank. (And buy some stuff from since the previous night the cash registers were broken and nobody could buy anything). I did not buy any tickets. You are right snowflake I need my garage for my car. Also my wife told me I was getting an apartment...
  12. W

    So There I Was At My Lfs

    I was at my LFS last night and they are selling tickets to win a.... 700 gallon tank. It was on display. I don't know the exact dimenions but it was HUGE! $10 tickets and they will sell no more than 300. How Cool but then I thought what the heck would 99% of fish keepers do with such a big...
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    Its Here My 566 Gallon 9Ftx3Ftx3Ft Tank

    I think what some are saying is it seems a bit crazy to give up so quickly. Everyone is jealous of your massive tank and now you can't seem to care less about it. Bitter pill to swallow for those of us with "huge" 55 gallon tanks.
  14. W

    39 Gallon Aquarium...previous Leak, Or Manufacturer Error?

    I vote for the previous owner trying to either stop a leak or be double sure that the tank would not leak. I've never seen silicone on the outside of the tank. Seems kinda odd to me. I can't tell be the photos... there is silicone on the inside of the tank right?
  15. W

    Does Melafix Harm Plants?

    Just got done with a 7 day Melafix treatment in my high tech tank. No affect on the plants. Java Fern, Crypts, radican swords, wisteria, spirallis.
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    Krib, Male Or Female?

    Looks like a female to me.
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    Newbie - Fluval 1 Plus To Much?

    Bad advice from a pet store??? Never heard that on here before :lol:
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    Mark On Serpae

    Probably should be in the emergency section. Anyhow, I would add Melafix if it were my fish.
  19. W

    Thinking About Doing A Malawi Set Up

    Any mix "Could" work. Why not just go either hap or mbuna?
  20. W

    Malawi Setup

    Love the rock work, but what the heck is a clown loach doing in the tank?
  21. W

    Canister Filter

    After looking at several websites and reading reviews I went with a Rena XP3. Excellent value and so far things have been good for me. That said everyone has their favorite brand and a disasterous story about when brand x leaked all over their new carpet, etc, etc. Good Luck.
  22. W

    Mature Krib?

    I have a krib that was bred from 2 wild caught parents. The fish is 1.5 years old now. Is it old enough to breed? Second question: if it is old enough to breed it is either a VERY small male or a female that does not exhibit the purple belly like the wild caught female. Is it possible that a...
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    What is this

    What is this
  24. W

    Flourish Excel Algae Removal

    Works great. Best if you can spot treat the worst areas of the tank. Works at normal doasge based on the instructions but i have exceeded the recommended dosage with no apparent trouble. Don't use it anymore. no trouble since I inject co2 now.
  25. W

    Have We Overstocked Our Tank?

    I would not have a stocking like that BUT I'm sure you can make it work with proper maintenance. I would speed that larger tank along and get ready for a minicycle. You added a lot of fish recently.
  26. W

    Setting Up A New Tank

    Goto youtube and check out the videos from lake malawi. It may help you decide on rock work and substrate. Search for cookie cutter lake malawi setups. That should lead you to a very nice cichlid forum.
  27. W

    Pretty Sure The Answer Is Yes But.......

    Congrats... Don't be suprised is she swallows the first batch or two. I've had i happen with yellow labs and acei.
  28. W

    Trouble Raising Gh With Seachem Equilibrium

    I though that kH was a part of gH??? In other words an increasing kH caused an increasing gH? Am I right? Maybe your test is bad. Speaking of that how are you testing?
  29. W

    Cold Water :o But My Fish R Fine :s

    19 is better than 50!
  30. W

    Is This A Good Combination Of Fish?

    No silver shark No red finned shark Plec is a question but my guess is it is a commom which would be a no Gourami - don't know Tetra should be okay.
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    Testing Out Live Fishcam

    That is too cool. Good Job! :good:
  32. W

    Fin Nipping,

    Puffers are not community fish. They need their own tank.
  33. W

    Do I Need Eggrate For The Weight Of This Rock ?

    Your tank likely has a tempered glass bottom. It will hold that rock with no trouble. If you have fish that dig it is not wise to have rockes on top of the substrate. The fish will dig and move the rocks around. I have probably 150lbs of rock in my 75 gallon tank. They are resting directly...
  34. W

    Urgent Help Needed- Dieing Ps Demasoni

    you should post in the fish emergency section. You might get more responses. With that many fish being sick and the existing tankmates being fine I would think thst you bought sick fish... where did they come from? Why were the three fish unrecognizable? Were the eaten? deformed? Need...
  35. W

    Water Still Foggy & Yellow

    Carbon might work but it does not answer why the water is yellow. Try to starve the fish for 3-4 days. Won't hurt the fish and worst case you save on the food cost :shifty: :shifty: My thought was that the filter is clogged with junk and the water is just bypassing the media. I'm not...
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    Water Still Foggy & Yellow

    Dumb question but is the inside and the outside glass clean? Any wood in the tank? What ornaments? Any chance that something could be rusting?? Sure noone else is feeding the fish? Have you stopped feeding for 3-4 days to see if that helps? Did you switch foods? Any chance that you...
  37. W

    Crypts With Rolled Leaves

    I have a high tech planted tank with some crypt wendtii plants. The leaves all roll up and do not look very good. The plants have been in the tank for over a year. I dose potassium, phosphate, nitrogen, trace, and iron with flourish brand fertilizers. I do a 50% water change once a week...
  38. W

    Very Puzzled - Need Help!

    That is what I would do. If the kit test from 6 to 7.6 and you are at the bottom of the scale it is certainly possible that you pH is actually less than 6. Given your tank picture and the written description I am having a hard time understanding how your tap is 7.6 and your tank is 6 or less...
  39. W

    Still At Wits End! The Ammonia Is Neverending!

    Check the Seachem website. I believe it tells you that Prime will mess up your ammonia test unless it is a specific kind of test. If the tank is stuck at 0 nitrite it only makes sense the the ammonia is a false reading. your link doesn't work for me so I will assume that you are using liquid...
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    Question About Fish.

    I vote "no" but opinions vary. What is your filtration? What are you going to do with the baby guppies?