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  1. plaskotki

    Withdrawn Geophagus Steindachneri Female

    Bad news I am afraid... On Thu we witnessed daddy eating a few of his offsprings when she realesed them and did not manage to scoop them all up when he came. From Saturday, she has been behaving normally-eating, polishing gravel and not guarding anything, so I guess none of the little ones made...
  2. plaskotki

    Withdrawn Geophagus Steindachneri Female

    Will do. Many thanks.
  3. plaskotki

    Withdrawn Geophagus Steindachneri Female

    Thanks for your advice. I have ordered the tank divider. Will give it a go. Would be cool if we were able to raise some of the little ones.
  4. plaskotki

    Withdrawn Geophagus Steindachneri Female

    Star4-thank you for your reply. I saw the fry yesterday! so the mistery has been solved. The problem is that I have not got a second tank to separate the female and the fry from the rest. She is releasing the fry now and then, but the other fish seem to be very curious what's going on and she...
  5. plaskotki

    Withdrawn Geophagus Steindachneri Female

    Hi Guys, I am really puzzled! The geo female is still alive and has turned aggressive towards other fish, including the geo male. I have not seen her eat since my last post. Has the pair spawned? My son said he saw little black dots (fry eyes :/ ). She does not open her mouth properly so I...
  6. plaskotki

    Withdrawn Geophagus Steindachneri Female

    Thanks for your advice. I will start with adding more females when they're in stock and will see what happens. If there will be still incompatibility issues, I might try another male.
  7. plaskotki

    Withdrawn Geophagus Steindachneri Female

    Yes, they are the same pair. She was very lively after they recovered from ich. Sadly we do not have another tank, but there is a bushy corner where she tends to hide. She does swim out occasionaly. The male has been desplaying the courting behaviour quite a lot recently and when she is out of...
  8. plaskotki

    Withdrawn Geophagus Steindachneri Female

    Dear All, my 'Humpy girl' as we call her has been quite withddrawn for over a week now. She hass been hiding mostly, I have not seen her eat. She would swim towards a sinking pellet but then would stop just before reaching it and would not eat it. She seems to have her mouth closed whenever I...
  9. plaskotki

    Thinking Of Replacing The Internal Juwell Filter

    will 2 lots of media fit in one filter? I have not seen the new one yet so I am not sure...
  10. plaskotki

    Thinking Of Replacing The Internal Juwell Filter

    Hi there, I placed an order for Eheim pro 3 350. I wonder how you went about filter replacement. Did you just take the juwel one and set up fluval? I know it's second hand, which may make a difference if the media did not dry up. I would appreciate your advice, please.
  11. plaskotki

    Thinking Of Replacing The Internal Juwell Filter

    Hi everybody. Thanks for all you advice. Just to let you know that I have placed an order for EHEIM professionel 3 - 350! shame I'll have to wait until after Xmas to install it... It's going to be a long wait. I am just thiking what would be the best way of doing it. Should I run the old and new...
  12. plaskotki

    Thinking Of Replacing The Internal Juwell Filter

    Thanks for your reply. I think I've made my mind up. I am going to go for Eheim pro3 250 or 350. I put it on my Xmas list :) Fingers crossed.
  13. plaskotki

    Thinking Of Replacing The Internal Juwell Filter

    Hi guys, still deciding on the external filter for my rio 180. Found this filter: Eheim 2036 Ecco-Pro 300. It seems to very eco 8 watt. Has any of you got this filter? I can't find any reviews anywhere. Fluval 305 seems to be the second choice but the wattage is not mentioned anywhere. Please...
  14. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    Thanks for your advice guys!
  15. plaskotki

    Stocking Advice Needed

    No luck with convincing my wife that we need a bigger tank so far... My sevs are growing and I guess in about a year they will not be able to move in my tank :-( I will keep trying.
  16. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    Hi guys, just to let you know that the ich seems to be got rid of! I lowered the temp gradually back to 24. Should I continue addidng the salt when doing wc?
  17. plaskotki

    Thinking Of Replacing The Internal Juwell Filter

    Hi Raptorex and thanks for your suggestion. I looked up the All Pond Solutions filter selection and they look great. A bit on the big side in terms of the canister but it will still fit underneath my tank. I have to look into it properly and measure it all up. People evaluated these filters well...
  18. plaskotki

    Thinking Of Replacing The Internal Juwell Filter

    I am thinking of getting rid of the internal filter in my Rio 180 and installing an external filter. I have done some reading on this forum, but I cannot decide which filter to go for (make and litres/hr). Any suggestions would be welcome.
  19. plaskotki

    Can Anybody Identify The Sex Of My Heros Efasciatus?

    Yes, the sevs are lovely. I saw some videos on youtube. They swim very gracefully. Wills told me that because of the fish I have I need to get a bigger tank. This might be a problem as my wife is not changing her mind... There are many different oppinions on how big these sevs can get. If they...
  20. plaskotki

    Can Anybody Identify The Sex Of My Heros Efasciatus?

    Thanks for your reply snowflake311. Your sev is absolutely gorgeous! If they turn out to be of the same sex, do you think they might be aggressive towards each other? At the moment, the bigger one chases the smaller one, especially at food times, but not only.
  21. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    The fish were ok with the higher temperature. I will leave it up for a little longer then. Thanks again.
  22. plaskotki

    Can Anybody Identify The Sex Of My Heros Efasciatus?

    Thanks. When do you think it would be possible to tell?
  23. plaskotki

    Can Anybody Identify The Sex Of My Heros Efasciatus?

    Here is the picture of both of them. They were solsd to me as a male and female, but I personally think they are both females. The bigger one is chasing the smaller one a lot. The fins and the dots on the gill flaps seem to be the same. I've had them for about a month now. Heros Efasciatus by...
  24. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    Hi everybody, Just to let you all who advised me on getting rid of white spot that it seem to have gone now. I added salt about a week ago and I am planning to decrease the temperature to about 75-77F. I had also done 2 40% water changes (one 7 days after the salt addition) including syphoning...
  25. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    Thanks for all your advice. I really appreciate it. Will keep you posted.
  26. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    I ordered the adapter yesterday from 123aquatics. should be with me tomorrow. In the meantime the airpump is constantly on. The temperature reached 86F yesterday. The number of the white spots on my clown loach seems to be decreasing and she does look better. She is not breathing so frantically...
  27. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    Could not fins the stoper... Could you explain more what you mean, please? Would not like to ruin the powerhead.
  28. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    Fantastic!!!! I wish my wife was as supportive as your husband is. I have been working on her for some time to agree to a bigger tank. But I have not got anywhere yet...
  29. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    Thanks. I will investigate it when I get back home. I visited your profile. Gosh, it sounds like you live in a fish shop! How do you find time to look after all of them??? I wish I could do that...
  30. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    No, I have the internal filter that came with my juwel rio 180. I have the nozzle facing upwords, but as the water level is above it, it does not do much of the water surface disturbance. I could get rid of some of water, but maybe it is not necessary with the air pump. What would be your advice?
  31. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    thank you very much guys. I have increased the temp up to 27C, which I see is not enough. I will go up to 30C which is about 86F this evening. Now, the O2 levels. I have a twin pump with airstones on all the time plus the filter doing some surface disturbance. Do you think guys this should suffice?
  32. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    Hi snowflake311, Thanks for your reply. I think it is ich as I noticed white spots on my clown loach. I did some research on the net and found this article: white spot treatment Has anybody tried getting rid of white spot by increasing water temp and adding aquarium salt? It seems to be the most...
  33. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    Thanks for your reply. The fish that are "flashing" are the new additions. I have both the pair of eartheaters and sevs from the same shop on the same day. Can't remember 100% byt they might have come back from the same tank. It is only the eartheaters that display this behaviour. I have to get...
  34. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    Thanks hamfist for your reply. Your idea about gravel sounds good. In term of the infection, there is no sign of any skin changes. No spots, no wounds etc... What action would you advice? I don't want to lose them as my son would be very upset. They are his favourite.
  35. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    Tkanks everybody. It seems as I need to replace gravel with sand. But what would be the best way to do it? and later how to use the syphon to get rid of the debries, poo etc?
  36. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    I've had them for about 3wks now. This flickin started about a week ago. The freequency seems to have increased since the water change. They are eating fine, they mostly swim around, but sometimes just rest at the bottom of the tank.
  37. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    Hi star4. The gravel I have is round not sharp. Do you think that this flicking and rubbing can be the result of my gravel? what sort of gravel would you recommend? Could you post a link, please? The other thing I just remembered was that usually I used Tetra Aquasafe. This was the first time I...
  38. plaskotki

    Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

    I have not tested it. I used to test it when I first set op the tank 4 years ago and then I stopped it as the ph was always ok. I have not replaced the kit. I was adviced by the guy at Maiden Aquatics who kept cichlids himself that both sevs and redhumps are quite hardy fish and I should not...