Has My Geophagus Steindachneri Got Itchy Skin?

If you look on the powerhead there is a little bit sticking up should have a stopper in, you can take the stopper out, attatch an airline to the nozzel and it will drag air in that way, it can be noisy, but you can get the adjusters (i cant think of the name at the moment) that you put onto airlines to increase or decrease the flow. I have used this method loads of times on the juwel filters :good:
If you look on the powerhead there is a little bit sticking up should have a stopper in, you can take the stopper out, attatch an airline to the nozzel and it will drag air in that way, it can be noisy, but you can get the adjusters (i cant think of the name at the moment) that you put onto airlines to increase or decrease the flow. I have used this method loads of times on the juwel filters :good:
Thanks. I will investigate it when I get back home. I visited your profile. Gosh, it sounds like you live in a fish shop! How do you find time to look after all of them??? I wish I could do that...
I actually have more fish than my most LFS. I have the worlds greatest hubby who supports my every fish whim. I have a rather punishing shedule of daily waterchanges etc. I dont watch tv of an evening I much prefer interacting with my fish.
I actually have more fish than my most LFS. I have the worlds greatest hubby who supports my every fish whim. I have a rather punishing shedule of daily waterchanges etc. I dont watch tv of an evening I much prefer interacting with my fish.
Fantastic!!!! I wish my wife was as supportive as your husband is. I have been working on her for some time to agree to a bigger tank. But I have not got anywhere yet...
If you look on the powerhead there is a little bit sticking up should have a stopper in, you can take the stopper out, attatch an airline to the nozzel and it will drag air in that way, it can be noisy, but you can get the adjusters (i cant think of the name at the moment) that you put onto airlines to increase or decrease the flow. I have used this method loads of times on the juwel filters :good:
Could not fins the stoper... Could you explain more what you mean, please? Would not like to ruin the powerhead.
Forgot you may have the new style pump, if so you can get an adaptor for it to add air, like this.


I cant find a picture of the old style one :crazy: the nozzel that pokes through the hole in the filter the air intake pipe is on the top :good:

Its at times like this I could really do with a camera then I could just photograph how I have done mine :lol:
Forgot you may have the new style pump, if so you can get an adaptor for it to add air, like this.


I cant find a picture of the old style one :crazy: the nozzel that pokes through the hole in the filter the air intake pipe is on the top :good:

Its at times like this I could really do with a camera then I could just photograph how I have done mine :lol:
I ordered the adapter yesterday from 123aquatics. should be with me tomorrow. In the meantime the airpump is constantly on. The temperature reached 86F yesterday. The number of the white spots on my clown loach seems to be decreasing and she does look better. She is not breathing so frantically as she used to(actually I don't know whether it is a she or he :) and is not 'brushing against the gravel so frequently. I think on Sat when I can get to town, I get some aquarium salt and will add it just to be on the safe side. What do you think? The sucking loach makes a real mess in the tank. His skin must be itchy as well. He uses his tail to 'fan' the gravel from one place to another. I guess he is trying to scratch his body against the gravel to relieve the itch. The fish are still swiming in bottom/middle of the tank, which hopefully mean that they are not affected by the diminished oxygen levels. I know that it may change later on, but hopefully the adapter will have arrived by then and will help. The water change is due on Fri. I am planning to do about 40%. Hope that't not too excessive. What water dechlorinator do you use? I have been using aquasafe, but with the last one I used the API one. That's when the problems started.
40-50% wc is fine, if possible vac the gravel for the whole wc, even if you are fetching up no muck keep vaccing as once the spots are gone the ich is in the free swimming stage and will rest in the gravel :good:
Hi everybody,
Just to let you all who advised me on getting rid of white spot that it seem to have gone now. I added salt about a week ago and I am planning to decrease the temperature to about 75-77F. I had also done 2 40% water changes (one 7 days after the salt addition) including syphoning the gravel and rinsing the filter sponges. Do you think guys the ich it's now gone and it would be safe to decrese the temp and remove the additional airation?
As long as the fish are handling the raised temperature ok, personally I would leave it till the week end then slowly decrease the temperature over a few days :good:
As long as the fish are handling the raised temperature ok, personally I would leave it till the week end then slowly decrease the temperature over a few days :good:

The fish were ok with the higher temperature. I will leave it up for a little longer then. Thanks again.
Hi guys, just to let you know that the ich seems to be got rid of! I lowered the temp gradually back to 24. Should I continue addidng the salt when doing wc?

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