Can Anybody Identify The Sex Of My Heros Efasciatus?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 18, 2007
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Here is the picture of both of them. They were solsd to me as a male and female, but I personally think they are both females. The bigger one is chasing the smaller one a lot. The fins and the dots on the gill flaps seem to be the same. I've had them for about a month now.

Heros Efasciatus by Marek's Photography, on Flickr

If I am right, would you advice getting a male?
I would say they are too small to tell yet, sexing sevs is difficult untill they are mature.
I would guess somewhere between 10-12 month old or about 4-6"
I'd still guess that both are female. But as Star says, it's easier when they get bigger.
Well I find at the size of 3"-4" you can get a good idea what they are. Males have way more spots then female. The larger one I would say is male. The smaller one could be a female has some spots and that make me think could be male.

Watch the spot on the face. If they get more and more spots or markings on the face and gills then it's a male.

See the photo of mine. That's a male.
Well I find at the size of 3"-4" you can get a good idea what they are. Males have way more spots then female. The larger one I would say is male. The smaller one could be a female has some spots and that make me think could be male.

Watch the spot on the face. If they get more and more spots or markings on the face and gills then it's a male.

See the photo of mine. That's a male.
Thanks for your reply snowflake311. Your sev is absolutely gorgeous! If they turn out to be of the same sex, do you think they might be aggressive towards each other? At the moment, the bigger one chases the smaller one, especially at food times, but not only.
Thank you I love my severum nip. I have 2 males but nip my green severum is much much bigger and I only saw them fight once then the smaller gold knew his place and they don't fight any more. I also have other fish in with them so aggresstion is spred out.

If yours get along or not will depend on them and your set up. Only time will tell for sure if it will work.
Thank you I love my severum nip. I have 2 males but nip my green severum is much much bigger and I only saw them fight once then the smaller gold knew his place and they don't fight any more. I also have other fish in with them so aggresstion is spred out.

If yours get along or not will depend on them and your set up. Only time will tell for sure if it will work.
Yes, the sevs are lovely. I saw some videos on youtube. They swim very gracefully. Wills told me that because of the fish I have I need to get a bigger tank. This might be a problem as my wife is not changing her mind... There are many different oppinions on how big these sevs can get. If they will get very big, I think I will have to rehouse them. Shame you're so far away I could give them to you :)
I know that there is that feromone theory that the size of the fish depends on the size of the aquarium. I believe in it only to some extent. My clown loach is about 5" now. I've had it for about 2 years. I know they are slow growers, but I wonder how much bigger she's going to get. I had two, but the other one just disappeared. Can you believe it? I could not find her anywhere. Not inside or outside the tank. The same happened to one of my golden gouramis. My family denies disposing of any fish. Mistery unsolved.
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