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  1. R

    Clown Loaches

    I have 4 in a 60 gallon tank. They are very shy and other than being out at night, you hardly see them as they hide at the back in the plants
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    Nitrate Problems.

    Hi, My kit is a liquid test kit (API) It would be great if the key measures i.e the 40 and 80 colour were not nearly 2 identical shades of red !!!
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    Nitrate Problems.

    Hi, My tank eventually finished cycling last week (fishless) It is 180 litre with trickle filtration in the hood (agua one) I have the fine white wool and then the heavy black wool and ceramic noodles under. I have no carbon in as per advice on here. Readings are now: Ammonia 0 NitrIte...
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    Nitrite - 24 Hours To Drop And Not Getting Any Quicker?

    Strange, just checked the tap water again and it shows nil nitrItes. Must have been some tank water residue in the test tube.. Still no explanation why my NitrItes wont go down though ???
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    Nitrite - 24 Hours To Drop And Not Getting Any Quicker?

    I am having this same problem with my nitrItes - Its driving me mad... 180 litre tank, 34 degrees, lots of aeration, have done 75% water change 2 days ago. Ammonia is processing in under 12 hours (has been for last 2 weeks) but NitrIte still through roof despite 75% water change I have just...
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    Give Up ?

    OK, Yesterday I did a 20% water change, today i have done a 50% water change (180 litre tank) I have given it 4 hours to settle and my NitrIte is still off the chart My ammonia is still clearing from 4ppm >> 0 in about 10 hours. My PH is 7.0 Tank is 34 deg and covered with a quilt. I have a...
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    Give Up ?

    SexyFishKeeper Like the idea, will have a go. Thats all I need.... to see it going down.. Cheers
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    Give Up ?

    Lovely, I will do a 50% change. PH is 7 so seems high enough for bacteria to develope. Thanks
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    Give Up ?

    So am I going for the 50% water change ?
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    Give Up ?

    PH = 7.0
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    Give Up ?

    How much ?? 50 % or 75 % I am wary that I don't wipe out the good bacteria I have so far !!! Cheers
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    Give Up ?

    Hi, My tank (175L) has now been running for 4 weeks (fishless cycle) After about 2 weeks, the ammonia had still not started to drop. I managed to get some filter media and added this and within 2 days, all the ammonia was processed to nil. I added a little more ammonia and it has for the last...
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    Just Leave It ?

    What about the fact 6 weeks later is is still not getting any better ? What about the algae covering the bottom of the tank / gravel ?
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    What Is Going On In My Tank?

    What are you ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte levels ? Has the tank cycled yet ?
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    Just Leave It ?

    Now I am even more confused if no one else knows ??
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    What To Do?

    What size heater should i have - The packaging for heaters will tell you which one based on how many litres your tank is. There are plenty that will heat 204 litres single handedly so no need for 2 External filters are best for that size tank (in my opinion) Look in your local fish at the...
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    Just Leave It ?

    No one got any ideas ?
  18. R

    Just Leave It ?

    Hi, My ammonia is now clearing from 5ppm to zero in about 12 hours. My nitrIte is through the roof My nitrAte is through the roof. The temp was 30 deg, I have now maxed it to 34 deg today My tank has been cycling now for 6 weeks. I have added a good quantity of filter media from a friends...
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    Will It Ever Be Ready ?

    Thanks guys, Is there anything I can test to see if the bacteria is starting to develop to clear the nitrites? At least if I can see it is starting to work I can sit back and chill Would I be right in thinking that I need to do nitrAte tests to confirm the nitrIte is being converted to nitrAte ?
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    Will It Ever Be Ready ?

    Hello, I have had my aquarium set up now for nearly 6 weeks, I am doing a fishless cycle. It's soooo slow. Tank is 180 litre, trickle filtration system. Temp set to 28oc 6 weeks ago I started the tank off, added ammonia to take it to 5ppm and tested daily After 3 weeks, it was still 5ppm...
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    Will Cycle Start ?

    Hi, My tank is vigin so I appreciate may take some time. I do have a friend with a tropical tank. When you say get some of their media, what should I get ? I have a built in filter in my hood that takes filters that are a custom shape. Am I just trying to get a piece of wool of the black wirey...
  22. R

    Will Cycle Start ?

    Hello, New tank (50 gallon with trickle filtration built into hood) Doing a fishless cycle as per instruction on here. Have white wool, ceramic noodles and black mesh in filter. Tank was setup and left 48 hours to settle. Have then added ammonia so it read 5-6 ppm. The ammonia was added 6...
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    Sources Of Ammonia

    I found ammonia in the second shop I went to. My local chemist did not have it but said they could order it easily. I then phoned the local hardware shop in a nearby village. They had it. A 500 ml bottle for 2.50. It is 9.6% ammonia and mixed with water. If you shake it does not foam or fizz so...
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    What Made It Go Cloudy ?

    Odd, its now 100% clear again. When the ammonia drops to nil and I add mroe again, i will be interested to see if it clouds again.
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    What Made It Go Cloudy ?

    Woke up this morning and it has cleared up a lot. it is about 80% clear now. Looking at the surface, I can stll see tiny particles that are what is causing the clouding but whatever it is, it is clearing. :rolleyes:
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    What Made It Go Cloudy ?

    Well, going to bed now, will wait and see what it is like in the morning and will let you know. :rolleyes:
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    Honestly, he was 100% sincere. He said that pee was ammonia and that along with some fish food left to rot would give all the ammonia required... I know little about this new hobby I have started but i know human wee has many other chemicals in it as well that you ertainly would not want in your...
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    What Made It Go Cloudy ?

    It was from my hardware shop. It was standard household ammonia cleaner, 9.6% diluted with water and no other ingrediants. I shook it up (no bubbles or foam) just plain, standard ammonia. I put in about 10ml (in 2 x 5 ml goes with an hour between each) left in to circulate for 2 hours and took...
  29. R

    What Made It Go Cloudy ?

    Hi, Brand new 50 gallon tank. Washed gravel and tank (clean water, no additives) put gravel in tank, filled tank via hosepipe, set filter running. Was left to run for 24 hours = perfect, 100 % crystal clear, all good. Today, 36hours later, I added the heater (set to 26 deg), 90 ml of water...
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    Chemical Test Kits

    Hello, I have just purcashed a test kit for the 4 main tests. It has 2 test tubes, the chemicals, pippette and colour chart. You mix the chemicals with sample, shake and compare to colour chart. This gives a good indication but is not very accurate. I am finding that one colour may = 10 and the...
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    Hi, I forgot to ask one other thing - Should I have the heater on while the tank is cycling? If so, what temp should I leave it running at. My water is currently at room temp which is 20 deg c Thanks
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    I went to my LFS and decided to buy my setup as the guy was very knowledgeable. He has about 30 years experience and even made beer money at uni many years ago by breeding discus. He has 4 shops around the county and was very helpful. My thinking was it would be good to have someone like him who...
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    Just Checking Before I Jump...

    Hi Merry 78, well if you have the same issue it can't be that have anything wrong. I find it amazing that a fish tank is deigned for people to look in so what do they do, designa power head with a huge square front and slap a great big technical label on it and design it to face the front of...
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    Just Checking Before I Jump...

    I have so far found this inbuilt filter system a bit hard to work out, the instructions are poor to say the least. Mine seem to spray the water into both left and right compartments (the incoming pipe between the left and right cmpartment is a 'T' bar so splits the water to both compartments...
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    Just Checking Before I Jump...

    In the filter system in the hood there are 2 trays, left and right side. In the left side, I have a bag of carbon, on the right side a bag of ceramic noodles. I then have a fine white sponge and a heavier black one. They both come together and one set for the left and one set for the right. Do...
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    Just Checking Before I Jump...

    Hello, Thanks to all for previous advice, I now have all my equiptment: 1 x Aqua one, 200 litre - The aquarium has Wet and dry trickle filter system built into the hood aqua one 2. Heater / thermostat, 12 plants (to collect when tank ready), 3. Water treatment for chlorine / tap water 4...
  37. R

    Is This Ok ?

    Hello, Brand new here and trying to learn a lot... I am looking at my first tropical setup and like the look of a corner tank. I have found a package deal that is a 190 L tank and stand that comes with a Fluval 205 external pump/filter as well as lights, gravel and heating element. From what I...