What Made It Go Cloudy ?


New Member
Aug 15, 2007
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Brand new 50 gallon tank. Washed gravel and tank (clean water, no additives) put gravel in tank, filled tank via hosepipe, set filter running. Was left to run for 24 hours = perfect, 100 % crystal clear, all good.

Today, 36hours later, I added the heater (set to 26 deg), 90 ml of water treatment for the chlorine and enough ammonia (to start fishless cycle) to take the level to 6 ppm (confirmed with test kit)

Within about 1 hour, the entire tank has clouded over with a blue haze ???

The entire aquaruium is only 48 hours old so cannot be bactria blooming as suggested in other posts re cloudy water.

I dont understand why it was 100% clear and suddently gone so cloudy you cant see the back of the tank.

Is this due to heaing the water / water treatment or ammonia being added ?

The water treatment was bright blue so I am guessing this may be responsible due to the cloudyness having a blue tinge.

I know you normally add the water treatment to a bucket and mix before adding but as it wa a new tank i filled via the hose as it would have taken for ever doing 50 gallons with a bucket and then added the water treatment the next day.

??? :angry:
What source of Ammonia did you use?

It was from my hardware shop. It was standard household ammonia cleaner, 9.6% diluted with water and no other ingrediants. I shook it up (no bubbles or foam) just plain, standard ammonia.

I put in about 10ml (in 2 x 5 ml goes with an hour between each) left in to circulate for 2 hours and took a reading and it was approx 6 ppm (exactly what I was aiming for)
I'm pretty sure it's got to be something to do with your Ammonia as it was when adding this that the tank has gone cloudy. Water treatment won't make you tank go cloudy.

It could still be a bacteria bloom even though the tank is 48 hours old. After all, there is food there now for the bacteria to grow and as such it will start to thrive. It's a difficult one and i'll be interested to see if anyone can come up with a solid answer for you.
Well, going to bed now, will wait and see what it is like in the morning and will let you know. :rolleyes:
what water treatment is it, meythalaine (uhh im positive i spelled that wrong) blue?
what water treatment is it, meythalaine (uhh im positive i spelled that wrong) blue?

Woke up this morning and it has cleared up a lot. it is about 80% clear now. Looking at the surface, I can stll see tiny particles that are what is causing the clouding but whatever it is, it is clearing.

Odd, its now 100% clear again. When the ammonia drops to nil and I add mroe again, i will be interested to see if it clouds again.

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