Search results

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    Anyone Know Where I Can Get A Halfmoon (england)

    Drop a PM to Modaz. He's a breeder based in Bournemouth and should be able to help you.
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    Wanting To Add Colour To My Tank

    Cheers - I was swaying towards Cardinals!
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    Wanting To Add Colour To My Tank

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    Wanting To Add Colour To My Tank

    Hi all, just thought I'd pick your brains quickly. I have a 180 Fluval Vicenza community tank. Currently stocked as follows: 4 Torpedo Barbs 8 Penguin Tetras 2 Celebes Rainbow 4 Copper Harlequins 2 Otos 1 Catfish (not sure breed - bought from Modaz when I was in his shop) Stocking wise I...
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    Guess Who's Been A Busy Boy......

    Came into my lounge this morning to find this whopper in the tank... :hyper: Someone had a busy night!
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    What a lovely person :/
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    Har. Fish Are Great.

    I know - he's been really funny. Very alert. I left a pair of socks on the sofa arm by his tank, it took me 20 minutes to work out why he was sat in that corner of his tank - and what he was looking at. That, and the moth that got attracted to his light. Just as well it couldn't get into the...
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    Har. Fish Are Great.

    Just popped a lump of cucumber in my community tank for the oto's to chomp on. Had a bit left over so dropped it into Rusty's tank for the snail to graze on and it started to bubble a bit. Rust came charging over, flaring like his life depended on it, and ate every bubble he could. Silly...
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    Help! We Have A Problem With Our Male Siamese Fighter And Red Tail

    Good news. It's picture time now.....we're a nosy lot. What does he look like?
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    Help! We Have A Problem With Our Male Siamese Fighter And Red Tail

    Most people on here would tell you not to listen to LFS advice as it's generally crap. You've just experienced your first taste. :angry: Where did you go to buy the fish? If you're in any doubt - check on here first, you're more likely to get the correct advice from another member. Most of...
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    Pk X Ct Spawn - Update With Pics

    He's nice looking. I like the black edging on his fins. I'd like to give breeding a go myself soon - I just don't have the time at the moment to dedicate the appropriate care to raising the fry.
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    Help! We Have A Problem With Our Male Siamese Fighter And Red Tail

    No worries - I take it you're re-homing the Betta? Make sure you get a heater, and a small-ish filter as they can get blown around by the current. You won't need an airstone as their labrynth organs enable them to breathe from the air. If you get plants try to buy silk one as the plastic...
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    Help! We Have A Problem With Our Male Siamese Fighter And Red Tail

    In my experience the RTBS will chase most fish in the tank with them - like I said earlier they're VERY territorial. I've got a 180l tank and had to take the RTBS back to the LFS because he was beating the crap out of my other fish. I've got Denisonii barbs at 4-5 inches in my 180l and they...
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    Help! We Have A Problem With Our Male Siamese Fighter And Red Tail

    I can see a flurry of responses already. 1. Betta's are very territorial, RTBS are too - already you can see the problems 2. You *may* be able to get away with keeping the RTBS in the tank, you will need to remove the fighter into his own tank though - I would say that both the tetras and the...
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    Ok, Im Banned From World Of Water Now!

    Hmm...wouldn't be that pet shop at Creekmoor would it? I've made more than one scene in that place. :angry:
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    What A Day!1 Im Whacked

    Haha, sounds like fun. Saw someone doing the same with Neon Tetras once. That made me laugh a lot. If I didn't have a job, and or need the money I'd come and give you a hand - but sounds like it's a lot more entertaining this way :fun:
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    How To Feed?

    Put a worm on the end of the chopstick. I usually let mine "chase" the end of the chopstick for a while then release the worm. Gives them a bit of exersise and doesn't make it too easy for them to get it. My new boy actively "hunts" the chop stick too. He'll chase it, then hide under a leaf...
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    The Best Of Aquabid

    Nice one Constantine - he's a stunner. Look at this one Har. He's very very very very similar to my new HM so he's a beauty!
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    Introducing My New Hm Guy

    Rusty won in the end :good:
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    Introducing My New Hm Guy

    Better day today - he's gradually overcoming his agrophobia :lol: Spends a lot of time @ the back of the tank, has a quick explore then darts back off to his 'safe' spot behind the heater. Bless him. Bloodworms are defrosting at the moment, a couple of them should cheer him up. Just stuck...
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    Introducing My New Hm Guy

    Thanks Daz. I'll keep you posted how he gets on / tail grows back. Think he's had not a 'stressful' day as such, more an action packed one as he's still at the back of his tank hiding behind the top of the heater. Gonna turn the light off in a sec and let him chill.
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    Introducing My New Hm Guy

    Popped over to Modaz's shop today for a new Betta following the sad departure of my VT last week. Came back with this guy. He's a 4(ish) month old HM with a rusty coloured body and redish fins. 1st - This will be his new pad: Investigating his new home. (Note: the tank temp is a bit...
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    Yellow Hm X Steel Blue (mg?) Hm Spawn Log

    You've got some good looking fish there. :good:
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    Yeah, he was joking about putting them in a tank together! Get a tank - Mine's 35 litres (UK). 10 gallons is a minimum you want for one - if you want a healthy fish. Get a small filter - sponge would be best, and one that's not too powerful. If you can cycle it before hand - if you've got...
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    Fry Pic At 3.5 Months Ish!

    :good: :hyper:
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    Fry Pic At 3.5 Months Ish!

    You have more like this? Deffo be over on Saturday!
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    Bored Betta?

    Yeah, the tanks heated. I tried to sync the water changes to my main tank - 10-25% per week, he seemed to not like that - that's why the 100% each week. He's a fussy little bugger!
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    Bored Betta?

    Hey, My lil' guy doesn't seem to be too happy at the moment. He's spent the last week or so just sat on the bottom of his tank, popped out today to the LFS and bought an entire new decor for his tank and an apple snail for company. That's all in now, however, it's not really seemed to have...
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    I can't say enough good things about them. Monty and his team are fantastic!
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    Tony Moves In

    Lovely tank - looks fantastic in there. Question about your Oto - I thought they needed a well oxygenated tank - do you have an airstone or do the plants provide good oxygen for the little guy through photosynthesys (was paying attention at school all those years ago!). I thought about adding...
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    Help: Whitespot That Just Wont Go

    Hi guys, I'm into my second week of whitespot treatment in my 180l tank introduced from 2 rams added a fortnight ago. I'm using Protozin whitespot and fungus treatment, and after the first week of treatment I saw that it had not shifted so after a water change I continued the meds. However...
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    Am I Overstocked ?

    If your stats are ok then no. What filter do you have in there? As a guide for stocking head over to Go to community creator and enter your tank dimensions etc. Silver sharks like to be kept in a group of 3 or more, however, I've got two and they like to shoal...
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    Zebra Danio Inquiry

    What are your water stats? Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate? Can you post a pic? I've had Danios in the past that have "large" bellies, they're just females and are shaped that way. Have you seen her poop at all? They are greedy and could just be constipated, I used to feed mine a cooked...
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    Is It Illegal To Post Fish?

    In the UK - Yes. TriMar Aquaria in Cornwall do - I usually pick up stock when I'm down visiting my Girlfriend's mum and Dad. We usually get them to bag the stock up and bring it back home (3 hour drive and we've not had a problem yet) I've also used their mail order service and it's top...
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    Good Lfs..

    Dorset Maidenhead Aquatics - Wyevale garden Center Wimborne. Cornwall TriMar Camborne - this is my favourite. Mail order procedure is excellent.
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    Cycling - How Much Ammonia

    Afternoon! I used the Homebase ammonia to cycle my new 180l no probs. The best way to calculate how much is to start small! I'd say 2ml would be fine for a tank that size (cycled my Mum's 60l with that amount) However, if you want to check for yourself get a 10l or so bucket and add 4-5...
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    Introducing Rocky!

    He's pretty. Good find!
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    Another Cycling Question

    Tis ok....cycled today!!! Excellent.....One is off the the LFS for some stocking!!!
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    Another Cycling Question

    Ammonia is going from 4-5 ppm to 0 in 12 hours. Not considered the PH actually....I've only got test kits for Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate. Good thinking, I'll pop to my LFS later and pick one up. What PH range should I be looking for?
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    Another Cycling Question

    Hi, Quick question RE: cycling. Doing a fishless cycle on my new 180l, ammonia was being processed in 12 hours within 7 days thanks to some mature media I added. However, things seem to have stalled. 3 Weeks later my Nitrite is off the scale (and has been since day 7 but not dropping, my...