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  1. K

    Platy Help

    Well I'll never know what caused her behavior. She died this morning found her belly up on the bottom. :rip:
  2. K

    Platy Help

    No picture yet my camera is rubbish, I'll try again later. She actually looks thinner than before I left. She might have had her babies while I was gone. I am almost positive that she was pregnant when I left her belly was swollen. but she looks like a normal femal MM platy. I'll update...
  3. K

    Platy Help

    Hi all. I have a female MM platy that has been acting differently than normal. She is normally a fairly active fish but lately she just seems to lay about, hovering above the bottom or floating at the top. She has no white spots and she is not gasping at the surface. I just recently returned...
  4. K

    Thanksgiving Platy Surprise

    Just wanted to post an update on my babies. Now that they are bigger we can finally count. We have 21 baby platies!!!!! And they are all doing well. They are now eating algae flake and occasionally brine shrimp for a treat(they love to chase them). Thanks to everyone who posted answer you...
  5. K

    Thanksgiving Platy Surprise

    Ok I need a little further help. I started out feeding the babies liquifry, and Although they are not quite a week old I tried to crumple really small some algae flake(thanks Neale for the info). They don't seem to be interested in it, it just floats at the top of the tank. I do not want them...
  6. K


    She doesn't look like she is quite ready to drop yet, I may be mistaken but that looks like a platy. My platy before she dropped her babies "squared" up. The bulge on her tummy become kind of square in the front, thats when I knew she was ready to drop. I have tried to draw on your picture...
  7. PICT0002_2.jpg


  8. K

    Thanksgiving Platy Surprise

    I don't have any free floating algae though. Do LFS sell floating algae? I have never seen any around here. Is there a good online source for them?
  9. K

    Thanksgiving Platy Surprise

    Thank you for the answers, Neale I didn't know you weren't supposed to feed them regular flakes :blush: . Are they going to be ill because of it? :-( I tried to find Spirulina flakes tonight after reading your post, but my lfs was closed(evil buggers). Tomorrow I might try to get out and buy...
  10. K

    Thanksgiving Platy Surprise

    Look I am not trying to be rude but I have seen several response to many other threads, some of which started after mine. Did I do something to offend everyone? I read the tutorials but none of them give a timeline of how soon to start feeding after birth, and they also don't mention when to...
  11. K

    Thanksgiving Platy Surprise

    So I am in the middle of my normal hustle and bustle cleaning for guests who are on their way and I notice my platy female chasing some thing in the tank I wonder what it could be since the only other thing in there was the male and what do I find. Babies!!!!!!! I quickly placed mom and dad...
  12. K

    I Need Assistance

    I think my Female gold MM platy is pregnant as her belly is swollen up and has been that way for a couple of weeks now, but she has no gravid spot. I am very confused because all the pictures of a gravid spot show them as a black spot. I would love it if she is pregnant but I am not sure. I...
  13. K

    Ich And Rams

    Another Update I believe this is the 7th day for my ich treatment. The ICH is in remission on the rams and I have had no further losses in my tank. Funny thing is I went to the same LFS that I bought the rams from to get the meds and I look in their Ram tank, blink, and recheck. The whole...
  14. K

    Please Help! Argulus!

    Wilder is like out local fish doctor, she knows what meds are available in amazingly diverse areas of the world. So I would guess a medicine recommendation.
  15. K

    Ich And Rams

    I checked my water parameter's before adding the treatment. I use api's master test kit(liquid test). temp is around 80 to 82. I increased the temp as soon as I added my ich treatment. I am using api super ich guard I think its called. I mostly made this post if there was some urgent...
  16. K

    Ich And Rams

    I have two german blue rams, got them less than a week ago, and got home for my class break and lo and behold white spots on the fins and tails and body about the size of a grain of salt. Water params are 0 nitrite and ammonia, 15 nitrate I believe. did not test ph or hardness. I believe it is...
  17. K

    The Aqua Shuffle

    20 gallons for a single fish? I find that kind of hard to believe. The biggest angel fish I have seen has been in a 20 gallon with other fish he was about 3 inches tall in the body and was healthy. I was under the impression that moving the gouramis to a suitable tank might make the 20 safe...
  18. K

    The Aqua Shuffle

    okay I need to do some fish shuffling. I think I have a preggers MM platy, but all 3 of my tanks are full for various reasons. I need help figuring out a way to shuffle all my fish around to open aup a tank to put the babies in. I also would like to do this with the least amount of fish...
  19. K

    Livebearer Red Inflammed Gills

    I was curious as to what kind of fish this is, not to derail the topic, but I googled black chinned livebearers and got nothing. What species of fish is this? I am curious and would like to learn more about a new fish type. Any one know its scientific name??
  20. K

    Please Help Me Diagnose This Disease.

    I am by no means an expert in the area of Fish Disease but the gasping sounds an awful lot like gill flukes, Wilder what do you think?
  21. K

    Celestial Pearl Danio's

    I was curious if any one here knew any current information regarding the current conditions of the CPD's (not typing that long name over and over again). I am interested in acquiring some for breeding purposes but am unable to find any near me in New York. If any one has any info I would...
  22. K

    Who's Been Chewing On My Angelfish?

    Thanks for the advice, I am thinking the barbs as well, but the gouramis have also been fingered as culprits, This thread has been moved sort of to the new world cichlid thread. We had 2 angels one died of non nipping related causes and then 2 barbs died leaving only the 4 I think thats how...
  23. K

    Who's Been Chewing On My Angelfish?

    Well I don't know if watching the tank will help much as I have already removed the angelfish. Never had any problems before adding the angelfish so I am unsure. I haven't rehomed any other fish yet. I will do that when the angels fins have healed, and that will take a while so I have plenty...
  24. K

    Who's Been Chewing On My Angelfish?

    I wasn't sure because the angelfish was following the gouramis around when I got home, I thought that if they had mauled him he would stay away from them. I thought maybe the cherry barbs because they recently went from six to four. But I'll probably re home the gouramis.
  25. K

    Who's Been Chewing On My Angelfish?

    Was told to ask in the ciclids forum this question I asked in the tropical fish emergency thread. I hope this is the right place. Okay I have a small angelfish(oreo :D ), LFS says it can go in a 10 gallon tank but I knew better and put in a 20 gallon that is not fully stocked yet. My wife...
  26. K

    Who's Been Chewing On My Angelfish?

    Was told to ask in the ciclids forum this question I asked in the tropical fish emergency thread. I hope this is the right place. Okay I have a small angelfish(oreo :D ), LFS says it can go in a 10 gallon tank but I knew better and put in a 20 gallon that is not fully stocked yet. My wife...
  27. K

    Who's Been Chewing On My Angelfish?

    Okay I have a small angelfish(oreo :D ), LFS says it can go in a 10 gallon tank but I knew better and put in a 20 gallon that is not fully stocked yet. My wife calls me at work and says some one has chewed on the angelfish and sure enough I get home and his top fin is all tatters and shreds :<...
  28. K

    Sexing Serpae Tetras

    I have 5 longfinned serpae tetras and am interested in breeding but am having significant trouble sexing them. So how does one sex a serpae tetra? :blush:
  29. K

    Unusually Pale Fish

    Unfortunately this morning when I got up before work he was already gone. I never even got the chance to treat him. I am not quite sure how to clean my hospital tank but I assume that I should. Thanks again to Wilder for helping me. :rip: Unnamed
  30. K

    Unusually Pale Fish

    Wilder thanks for all your help :good: . I'll try for better pics in the morning. Till then we'll just see if my littlr buddy can make it over night. :sick:
  31. K

    Unusually Pale Fish

    unfortunatly that is the best I can get with my crap camera. I don't know what else to do. I can't draw it. I have parasite treatments and I don't know if they contain potassium permangenate. What would you recommend I do under the current circumstances? I tried taking more pics but they...
  32. K

    Unusually Pale Fish

    ok here is a pick mate, if I can get it to load. Never had much luck with forum pics but any ways. I also noticed that from time to time he jerks his head back and forth rather quickly. Maybe that will help.
  33. zanio.JPG


  34. sick_zanio.JPG


  35. K

    Unusually Pale Fish

    From the description that the link provided I do not believe that saddleback columnaris is the illness my fish has. The above picture highlights the affected area and the vertical bars in the picture are are like the ones on him. The patch upon further examination is not elliptical or circular...
  36. K

    Unusually Pale Fish

    Well the patches do run along aside in what I guess could be called a saddle pattern. No flicking or rubbing Still sitting on bottom no excess slime build up gills appear normal hope this helps, does it definatly sound like a bacteria or parasite? If it is should I treat the tank he came...
  37. K

    Please Help.

    You should only do water changes as you medication directs, never worked with protozin so I wouldn't know. It also might help to increase your tanks temperature up a bit. There is a sticky at the top of the forum on treating white spot/ICH. In my case it took 6 days for the spots to vanish...
  38. K

    Help Please I Think My Fish Have Fin Rot

    The tail shredding could be from other fish chewing on his tail after he died. A white spot on his side? In most cases I have heard of Fin Rot occurs primarily on the fins not usually on the body. Sounds like you may have a case of ICH going on there. However I am no aquarium expert just...
  39. K

    Unusually Pale Fish

    I believe my set up has cycled, I have had it for a month+ with fish. I just last week came off of a massive Nitrate/Nitrite spike(note the spike occured before this sick fish was placed in tank). I upgraded my filter to a much more powerful unit, and my water levels came down to zero after a...
  40. K

    First Loss - Nitrite Still High

    If it helps any I has huge problems with Nitrites and Nitrates for weeks, could not get the water levels down in my 10 gallon tank. I stepped up my filter from the standard 5-15 my kit came with and my LFS advised was sufficient and got a 10-20 gallon Aquatesh filter, with 120 gph rating :flex...