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  1. kingmed

    Need Advise On A Good Feeding System For My Bettas

    I am currently feeding Omega one pellets to my boys, I have one baby double tail that I crush up some of the pellets for until he gets large enough to consume the whole pellet. I also have a package of frozen brim shrimp, and will soon buy some frozen blood worms which I heard it's best to only...
  2. kingmed

    Adding New Pool Filter To Established Tanks

    I have two tanks a 55 gallon which has very little sand substrate and has 5 yo yo loaches in the tank, and a 29 gallon tank which has some but could use more substrate. I am concerned about the 55 gallon since I was going to add some malasian trumpet snails like I was wanting to do. I've had...
  3. kingmed

    Best Type Of Sand For Multi's (Shell Dwellers)

    My main question is I have a 30 gallon that is cycling and I was wanting to know what type of sand would look best to bring out the color in shell dwellers perferrably multi's. I have used pool filter sand and like it but I've been told that with the color of the pool filter sand and the...
  4. kingmed

    Betta Vase

    Here is my 3 gallon betta vase, it holds 2.5 gallons of water. It does not have the plants in it at this present time. I change out the water every 3 days and the female is doing great.
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  6. kingmed

    Petco $1 Per Gallon Tank Sale

    About two weeks before getting the above 30 gallon tank I got this 25 gallon tank, stand and hood for 15.00 at a yard sale. It is going up tomorrow, I'm spending alot of time with Rachelle my 10 yr. old daughter teaching her to do aquarium stuff, she's very excited about helping and learning...
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  9. kingmed

    Petco $1 Per Gallon Tank Sale

    I buy all my fish tanks from yard sales or either get them for free from people around here that don't want them any more. I picked up a 30 gallon wood grain tank with light, hood, whisper filter and heater, and a great looking wooden stand for free from a lady that just didn't want the tank...
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  11. kingmed

    Help With Algae In 55 Gallon Tank

    I have a 55 gallon tank that is in my dinning room and has been setup for over 2 years, it has pool filter sand as the substrate (which was cleaned very good before adding to tank), the inhabitants are 4 tiny baby angelfish, 1 adult angelfish, 5 yo yo loaches,1 synodontis catfish and 1 spotted...
  12. kingmed

    What's Your Largest Fish?

    My largest two would be my adult regular cream color angelfish which is probably 5-6 inches and my synodontis catfish which is a good 6 inches long. My spotted raphael is probably about 4 inches but I really don't know since I haven't seen him out in months. My angelfish is probably close to...
  13. kingmed

    25 Gallon Stocking Help

    I have this tank that I bought at a yard sale for 15.00, I have a whisper filter with it and will soon be setting it up. I want a good center piece fish, a school of fish and bottom dwellers. Now I had thought about putting my large white/cream angelfish and my 7 black skirt tetra's as the...
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  15. kingmed

    Suitable Tankmates For Cherry Shrimp

    I keep mine in a 29 gallon with dwarf cory's.
  16. kingmed

    Fish Not Eating Tubifex Worms

    I bought some omega one freezed dried tubifex worms the other day and the fish seem to be picky at eating it. I was told to take my finger and push it up against the tank and the fish would consume it at their will. Does it take time to feed tubifex worms?, I feed my fish mainly flakes, shrimp...
  17. kingmed

    2 Female Bettas In A 2 1/2 Gallon?

    Get a 10 gallon and get 6-8 females to keep the aggression down.
  18. kingmed

    All Set With Fish Food!

    Went to a few pet stores today on the way to get the kids some school clothes at walmart (can't believe it's that time of the year again). Got some Nutrafin MAX--Spirula flakes in the largest container, this is for my bigger fish also put some in a baggy and made them into smaller bite size...
  19. kingmed

    Sae's And Cherry Shrimp

    My SAE'S are only about 1.5 to 2 inches at the most (pretty small). I was told when I got the pygmy cory's that the cherry shrimp would be good to keep with them to take care of the algae.
  20. kingmed

    Sae's And Cherry Shrimp

    I have a bunch of baby cherry shrimp in a 29 gallon with pygmy cory, 2 small SAE'S and 5 tiny baby platy's. The shrimp are doing fine but will the SAE's or the baby platy's bother them?
  21. kingmed

    5g Tank

    I believe the African Dwarf Frog would be a good choice and you could probably have 2-3 of them in the tank.
  22. kingmed

    What Filter For 29 Gallon Pygmy Cory Tank

    Have an AC110 at present time on my tank with 12 pygmy cory's, 1 cherry shrimp, 2 SAE's and 5 baby blue platy's. The filter has a sponge from a smaller Aqua Clear filter fit over the intake of it to keep the suction down, I'm going to eventually use the filter on my 29 gallon for my other 55...
  23. kingmed

    Worried About My New Guinea Pig

    I think having another guinea pig would be probably better but if you keep her where she can be with you in the same room most of the time and get your attention I think that would probably be O.K. We kept Charlotte down in our living room where we all spent most of our time together and she...
  24. kingmed

    Worried About My New Guinea Pig

    If you would like to have a ton of information on the care and upkeep of Guinea pigs go on (www., there is a forum on there that you can join, it gives you all the info on food, housing and any other care you would need. This was one of the places I used to always visit when...
  25. kingmed

    Besides Yourself, Who Supports Your Fish Keeping Hobby?

    I do this on my own, my children love it but are unable to help do to there age. My wife loves the way the tanks look but does not like to go to fish stores and has no interest in the hobby as long as I keep the tanks looking good. She gives me money for what I need (she pays the bills, Thank...
  26. kingmed

    Is This Forum Been Ruined By Imature New Users?

    I do ask alot of questions here and I also do read alot of the posts and learn every day something new about fish keeping. All of my inquires are sincere and the questions are usually meant to help me provide better food, home and atmosphere for my fish. I figure that if I'm going to spend all...
  27. kingmed

    What Else To Feed My Fish

    I don't feed my fish more than twice daily, in the morning they get their flake food and in the evening they get either cucumber, pea, frozen bloodworm or flake food again. I usually will through a small piece or two of the hikari algae waffers in my 55 gallon after turning the lights out so my...
  28. kingmed

    What Else To Feed My Fish

    I'm currently feeding my fish omega 1 fish food flakes and hikari algae waffers every day, frozen Hikari bloodworms 3-4 times a day and thawed frozen peas and cucumber at least 1 time a week. I want to supplement by either giving them freeze dried tubifex worms, frozen baby brine shrimp or...
  29. kingmed

    Which Frozen // Freeze Dried Food For Fish

    I have angelfish, cory's, synodontis catfish, raphael catfish, blackskirt tetras, sae's, pygmy cory's and red cherry shrimp. I have some other fish but these are the main ones at present time. Today I went and bought a package of Hikari Algae waffers for my bottom dwellers. Now I am going to...
  30. kingmed

    Pygmy Cory's In A 29 Gallon

    Yesterday I brought home 14 pygmy cory's (they have a stripe down there side) that are about 1/2 to 3/4 inch in length and very cool looking, didn't think they were so small. Also brought home 4 small True Siamese Algae Eaters that cost me 3.99 each they are about and 1 1/4 inches in length...
  31. kingmed

    Micro Worms/vinegar Eels

    Does any one know if you can start your own colonies without buying a starter kit and how would you do it.
  32. kingmed

    Pygmy Cory's In A 29 Gallon

    Thanks, I have a spotted raphael in the tank also, should I move it into my 55 gallon tank. I'm afraid he might decide to have lunch with one of these little guys.
  33. kingmed

    Pygmy Cory's In A 29 Gallon

    Is a regular 29 gallon tank to tall for pygmy cory's, I am thinking about putting a dozen or so in one this weekend.
  34. kingmed

    Low Light Plants

    What are some low light plants for aquariums that would be good for back ground, that get at least 8-10 inches or more in height.
  35. kingmed

    Mopani Wood, Tannins Question

    I'm not an expert but I had the same problem with my 55 gallon tank. I eventually got tired of the tea color in the tank and boiled the mopani drift wood in a large pot on the stove, I did this for 3-4 hours adding water as I went along while I kept boiling. I didn't mind the color but my wife...
  36. kingmed

    How Many Pygmy Cory Cat's In A 29 Gallon And 10 Gallon

    I have a 29 gallon tank that I would love to have a large school of pygmy cory's in----at present time I have medium/large angelfish and spotted raphael in the tank. #1---would a group of 12 be O.K. for the 29, also would I have to remove the angelfish and raphael to another tank so that they...
  37. kingmed

    Dwarf Chain Loaches In A 55 Gallon

    I've decided against any other laches, I'm thinking about maybe getting a SAE in the tank to kind of keep any algae from starting up in the tank.
  38. kingmed

    True Siamese Algae Eaters (sae)

    I found a petstore not to far that sells these, I was wanting to get some--are they O.K. by themselves or do they need to be in a group?
  39. kingmed

    Dwarf Chain Loaches In A 55 Gallon

    I was thinking about getting some of these small guys, the question is could I get 2 or 3 of them and put them in with my 4 yo yo loaches---would they all school together? I know it's best to keep 4-5 together but just curious if they'd be happy with just a few?
  40. kingmed

    55 Gallon Tank Filtration Questions

    I have an AC 110 on my 55 gallon tank and I just noticed yesterday that the poo is not all being picked up and filtered out of the tank, have the same filter in my 29 gallon as is being filtered no problem, as you all know the 29 gallon is shorter than the 55 would this have alot to do with...