What Else To Feed My Fish


Fish Crazy
Jul 12, 2007
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Bloomsburg pa
I'm currently feeding my fish omega 1 fish food flakes and hikari algae waffers every day, frozen Hikari bloodworms 3-4 times a day and thawed frozen peas and cucumber at least 1 time a week. I want to supplement by either giving them freeze dried tubifex worms, frozen baby brine shrimp or regular brine shrimp also. What are you alls recommendation on what else would be good to feed my fish, I have pygmy cory's, cherry shrimp, larger cory's, angelfish and other small fish so it would have to be good for all the fish. Also can I feed either brine shrimp, tubifex worms or bloodworms to the fish every day without harming them. THANKS.
Meaty foods should only be fed once or twice a week to prevent constipation as they can "plug up" your fish.

To me it sounds like you are over feeding, fish only need feeding once or twice a day.

Overfeeding can kill your fish.
Meaty foods should only be fed once or twice a week to prevent constipation as they can "plug up" your fish.

To me it sounds like you are over feeding, fish only need feeding once or twice a day.

Overfeeding can kill your fish.
I don't feed my fish more than twice daily, in the morning they get their flake food and in the evening they get either cucumber, pea, frozen bloodworm or flake food again. I usually will through a small piece or two of the hikari algae waffers in my 55 gallon after turning the lights out so my bottom fish will get it (raphael and synodotis catfish). I would say at least 2 times a week I feed my fish only 1 time during the day and try to skip at least one day's feeding every week or so. I just wanted something else as a dinner time meal every so often, would the packages of seaweed that comes in a package at the petstores be a good veggy supplement for them instead of adding more meat products? Thanks for the response.
American spinich can harm your fish? :blink:

Even the fresh stuff?

I use fresh leaves from out garden give them a good wash and blanch them.
Taken from a rainbowfish forum I belong to:

"Just a note on the recipe posted on Adrian's site - what we call spinach in Australia isn't called spinach in North America. The North American spinach is actually quite harmful to fish. Aussie spinach = Swiss chard."
I'm currently feeding my fish omega 1 fish food flakes and hikari algae waffers every day, frozen Hikari bloodworms 3-4 times a day and thawed frozen peas and cucumber at least 1 time a week. I want to supplement by either giving them freeze dried tubifex worms, frozen baby brine shrimp or regular brine shrimp also. What are you alls recommendation on what else would be good to feed my fish, I have pygmy cory's, cherry shrimp, larger cory's, angelfish and other small fish so it would have to be good for all the fish. Also can I feed either brine shrimp, tubifex worms or bloodworms to the fish every day without harming them. THANKS.

Meaty foods should only be fed once or twice a week to prevent constipation as they can "plug up" your fish.

To me it sounds like you are over feeding, fish only need feeding once or twice a day.

Overfeeding can kill your fish.
I don't feed my fish more than twice daily, in the morning they get their flake food and in the evening they get either cucumber, pea, frozen bloodworm or flake food again. I usually will through a small piece or two of the hikari algae waffers in my 55 gallon after turning the lights out so my bottom fish will get it (raphael and synodotis catfish). I would say at least 2 times a week I feed my fish only 1 time during the day and try to skip at least one day's feeding every week or so. I just wanted something else as a dinner time meal every so often, would the packages of seaweed that comes in a package at the petstores be a good veggy supplement for them instead of adding more meat products? Thanks for the response.

Wait.. What?

im confused...

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