Search results

  1. sunpirate2u

    30 Gallon Tank, Fish Needed...but What Fish?

    Oh alright. Yeah you should be fine in my opinion! You could even add more if you wanted to. I would take out the pleco though, they can get to be about 12inches in time...try substituting with a different bottom feeder (well, it depends on what species of pleco really). I do think it's a bit...
  2. sunpirate2u

    30 Gallon Tank, Fish Needed...but What Fish?

    Let me just get the main points out with out getting too complicated here. Well... First of all, are you planning on keeping the goldfish? If so, you definitely will not be able to keep any other fish in there along with them. Two reasons: 1.) Tetras, corys, and a pleco are all tropical...
  3. sunpirate2u

    Dying Of Old Age?

    Okay... I just boiled some peas, deshelled them, and cut them up into smaller pieces. :) I put them in her tank and she didn't really see them. Oh and while I was doing this she was sorta swimming around, but i can tell something is up with her swim bladder. Atm she is "smelling around" so...
  4. sunpirate2u

    Dying Of Old Age?

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking too, swim bladder. Okay, I'll cook up some peas and see if she touches them. She still seems rather strong, but week at the same time. If that makes ANY sense haha Yes I do use water conditioner, i use "Stress Coat"... and yes gravel vac, but every month a 100%...
  5. sunpirate2u

    Dying Of Old Age?

    Oh I totally know it's such a bad idea not having kits on hand. My family thinks I'm crazy trying to go the extra miles for all the science behind fish life. My mother's response? = "Honey, I kept a single goldfish in a bowl for many many years, and even traveled across the country with it."...
  6. sunpirate2u

    Dying Of Old Age?

    Ah, all i have is an ammonia tester. Not very helpful eh? The tank was just cleaned the other day, if i may add Oh and it was also just fed this morning and my mother and brother claim it was completely fine until about two hours ago. I only have olive oil. What would I do with it if i acquired...
  7. sunpirate2u

    Dying Of Old Age?

    Hey guys, My little 12 year old brother has kept this Black Skirt tetra for about four years now, alone :blink: . It survived fine without other's around her. Anyways, she got bigger and bigger throughout the years and reminded very healthy and wonderfully active. Today, I walked by and saw...
  8. sunpirate2u

    Tail Types?

    Well, I'm not quite sure. But i do see a forms of fin damage there bud.. :blink:
  9. sunpirate2u

    Meet The Members

    Forum Name: Sunpirate2u Real Name: Andria Vita Location: Phoenix, Arizona US Number of Years in Hobby: 5 years Fishkeeping Profile: 10g with 2 male guppies 4 female guppies, 20 and 30 gallon communities Favourite fish species: Guppies, bettas, Gouramis, apple snails..ect Favourite...
  10. sunpirate2u

    My Photo Editing Hobby

    thank you!! :D
  11. sunpirate2u

    My Photo Editing Hobby

    Hey guys! I'm 15 and I love to edit photos in my spare time... I get TONS of praise from my family and friends but im not competely convinced that im that great. lol I really try to set emotion in to each picture and i try to be as mature as i can. Here is my little portfolio: Friend...
  12. sunpirate2u

    Rogues Gallery

    Yeah yeah this is me! It's the best photograph of me right now. It was taken last week. I took it plus did the photo editing. What do you think? (guess how old i am! :P )
  13. sunpirate2u

    Sick Guppy...?

    hey guys..i recently got a few amazing guppies (2 males 4 females) but one of the younger females seems to be ill.... :/ she is anti-social..i noticed that the first few days i had her. But now she is lingering around the filter riding in the current like some sick guppy from Petco :sick: or...
  14. sunpirate2u

    How Old Is Too Old To Mate..?

    Here is that picture! I'll try to get another one once my camera is charged. But i think he actually isn't too old..what do you think? He is really big, but you can't really tell
  15. sunpirate2u

    How Old Is Too Old To Mate..?

    Wow! That's pretty interesting.. Yeah i'll try to get a picture up! Right now I'm at my summer job :P , so ill get one up in two days! Check when i do.. ^_^ Thanks Helter ~AnDi
  16. sunpirate2u

    How Old Is Too Old To Mate..?

    Hey guys! Well I just got some more absolutely gorgeous guppies two days ago (2 males and 4 females :) ) Well one of my males looks to be pretty old...and he’s very large at least. The thing is, he doesn't seem all interested in my females at all. He just goes about the tank normally but isn’t...
  17. sunpirate2u

    awww thank you! (:

    awww thank you! (:
  18. sunpirate2u

    Fish Completely Missing!?!

    well..the last time i saw it was yesterday morning...then i went to check the tank in the afternoon and it was gone
  19. sunpirate2u

    Fish Completely Missing!?!

    the only other fish in there is 5 little neons...
  20. sunpirate2u

    Fish Completely Missing!?!

    Hello, Yesterday I took a peak at my tank...and after a few minutes my little honey gourami was no where to be found :-( ! I figured maybe it was somewhere i could not see. So i put a little food in to see if he would come up.....still nothing. Then I began to freak out...i opened the...
  21. sunpirate2u

    12 Gallon Stocking

    I am getting my fish today! :fun: Im going to go with: 1 honey 6 Neon tetras 10 cherry srimp I'll let you know how it goes :good:
  22. sunpirate2u

    12 Gallon Stocking

    hm....yeah okay! Flame tetras are pretty and i'll have to do more reaserch on those other ones
  23. sunpirate2u

    Eye Missing..

    Thank you so much!! :) :) me too ^_^
  24. sunpirate2u

    12 Gallon Stocking

    Do you guys have a stocking list? I can't come up with many good ones... I would like a honey or a female betta to be the attraction, then tetras and shrimp to go along with them. Example: 1 honey 5 neons/cardinals 3 or 4 serpae then 2 or three cherry shrimp OR 1 female betta 5 serpae 5...
  25. sunpirate2u

    Eye Missing..

    Don't worry i did I moved him along with his shoal to a different tank he seems to be fine
  26. sunpirate2u

    12 Gallon Stocking

    I had a stocking of female bettas once... Ended badly because some were mislabed as females when they were natural males...-_- well i had a few danios in smaller tanks before.. They lasted a long while..but yes they thrive better in larger tanks i suppose.
  27. sunpirate2u

    Eye Missing..

    Pirate danio!!! Buwhaha! I guess so! Well yes there are some bigger fish in the tank.. Maybe thats it.. So he's alright then?
  28. sunpirate2u

    12 Gallon Stocking

    Hahaha yeah.. Thank you so much!! ^_^ i know i am confusing sometimes. Maybe i can replace the zebras with something..blahh,..grr.. So many amazing species..
  29. sunpirate2u

    12 Gallon Stocking

    Hmmmm... I like your ideas...i shall keep that in mind What about: 5 serpae tetras 5 black skirts 2 zebra danios 3 glofish btw the zebras and glofish will shoal together. What about the cherry shrimp? I dont know much about them..
  30. sunpirate2u

    12 Gallon Stocking

    I really really want a colorful tetra setup.... were some of my ideas: Stock 1 - Rummynose tetras 3 - Zebra danios 2 - Glofish 2 - Honey dwarf 1 Stock 2 - Rummynose tetras 4 - Zebra Danios 4 - One female betta :wub: Stock 3 - Serpae tetras 5 - Black skirt 5 Stock 4 -Rummy...
  31. sunpirate2u

    hey baby!!

    hey baby!!
  32. sunpirate2u

    Eye Missing..

    Hey guys..I just randomly noticed that my zebra danio's left eye is completely missing...O_o He seems to be fine other then his eye gone.. :blink: why did this happen? Is it a illness? Should i be worried? :unsure:
  33. sunpirate2u

    crazy..aint it?

    crazy..aint it?
  34. sunpirate2u

    New Stocking

    Hey guys! My 30 gallon is open now... i gave my last stocking that was in there to my cousin (yes yes my levels are fine i know what to do when getting new fish :rolleyes: ). I was wanting a new group :) I am interested in long finned serpaes, they really caught my attention at my LFS :drool...
  35. sunpirate2u

    Aggressive Danios!

    Ohhhh k. Yea I was really confused.... They were acting fine it's just how they kept their fins thru me off. Ok.... It's all good. Thanks!!!!
  36. sunpirate2u

    Aggressive Danios!

    but what exlpains the clamped fins? Aren't they stressed out?
  37. sunpirate2u

    X-Ray Tetra

    oh i love these guys! They females are more round and fully bodied...the males are slimmer. Hope that helps...
  38. sunpirate2u

    Keeping A Betta With Guppys?

    dont put two bettas together.....unless they're females but even then ud have to have alot to keep them from being aggressive. Ive kept one male betta with a few was great! They'll be fine as long as the betta will play nice. Chose one with a peaceful attitude. Platys are know...
  39. sunpirate2u

    What Fish Is This...? (Video Within)

    they look like x-ray tetras