Eye Missing..


Jun 28, 2007
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Hey guys..I just randomly noticed that my zebra danio's left eye is completely missing...o_O He seems to be fine other then his eye gone.. :blink:

why did this happen? Is it a illness? Should i be worried? :unsure:
Do you have any 'sharp', 'spikey, 'sticky outy' things in the tank, and/or any boistrous fish, or a mix of males females, are there loud noises/suggen noises near the tank?

In my experience, danios (and other fish) can be prone to startling/dashing and somtimes, tatch their eyes on opbjects in their blind panic (not a pune). This may be the case in your tank...?
Pirate danio!!! Buwhaha! I guess so!
Well yes there are some bigger fish in the tank.. Maybe thats it..
So he's alright then?
Pirate danio!!! Buwhaha! I guess so!
Well yes there are some bigger fish in the tank.. Maybe thats it..
So he's alright then?

Provided he is still eating, and swimming about ok, should be fine.

I have seen one eyed fish growing to decent sizes, and the blind cave fish seems to do ok with no eyes. It might have some issues competing for food. However, i reckon he will be ok :)

Might be worth just having a good look to make sure the wound is not too angry, might need some treatment to help it heal. Otherwise, let nature take its course.
Not to mention Blind Cave Fish have radar sensors like bats!
Pirate danio!!! Buwhaha! I guess so!
Well yes there are some bigger fish in the tank.. Maybe thats it..
So he's alright then?

if it is due to the bigger fish, it means they ate his eye - - can you say OUCH? you might want to address this before they cause more damage to this and the other fish in your tank!
Pirate danio!!! Buwhaha! I guess so!
Well yes there are some bigger fish in the tank.. Maybe thats it..
So he's alright then?

if it is due to the bigger fish, it means they ate his eye - - can you say OUCH? you might want to address this before they cause more damage to this and the other fish in your tank!

Don't worry i did
I moved him along with his shoal to a different tank
he seems to be fine
yay! i just became worried because i have seen some people in your situation who, once they realize it is not a disease...think its "nature taking its course with survival of the fittest"
they think that the big fish are naturally supposed to eat the little fish, and they are somewhat right...but a tank is not a natural setting due to the fact that little fish can never escape like they could in the wild

so glad you separated them! hope the little guy heals swiftly!!!

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