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  1. R

    Help!sick Dutch Blue Ram

    Also I bought the fish from Maidenhead Aquatics Stapleton and the guy there said they dont change the water parameters too much (in terms of pH hardness etc) so thats why I kept mine the pretty much the same. The female ram has gone lighter too and still today breathing rapidly :(
  2. R

    Help!sick Dutch Blue Ram

    its just the female ram which is not doing well,she has gone a bit paler in colour for the mucus it doesnt seem as if theres any excess
  3. R

    Help!sick Dutch Blue Ram

    yeh it is a bit but thats what the tap water is and im not too keen on changing the pH values with solutions or rocks etc unless it defo has to be done. I dont have tests for the water hardness but if its any help its Leicester tap water
  4. R

    Help!sick Dutch Blue Ram

    Reposting in here because no-ones answering in the emergency section!! Hiya guys. Problem ive got today is a unwell female dutch blue ram.For the past couple of days shes been breathing quite rapidly,I thort it just musta been stress from getting used to the tank (got them about 2 weeks...
  5. R

    Help!sick Dutch Blue Ram

    Hiya guys. Problem ive got today is a unwell female dutch blue ram.For the past couple of days shes been breathing quite rapidly,I thort it just musta been stress from getting used to the tank (got them about 2 weeks ago).Today its just resting at the bottom,comes up to the top sometimes but...
  6. R


    Thanks for all your replies. Unfortunately it doesnt look like hes going to make it, his breathing is now really faint and isnt showing any activity at all. It wasnt really a case of the picture,as from the outside he looks fine apart from his fin,its just he wasnt moving at all, and kept...
  7. R


    No it is cycled, I ran an external with one of my previous tanks for a while,and then moved it over to the new tank before fish were put in. There has never been any traces of ammonia or nitrites so its not that. As for fin could be but he isnt moving which means his skins shedding a...
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    Hey all. I have a couple of corys in one of my tank which has been set up for about a month and a half, all cycled water levels fine, and last night I noticed one of the corys (Corydoras.Ambiacus) was sitting on top of the internal filters which is quite high up. Ive never seen him do that...
  9. R

    Worried About New Gourami's! :(

    I set up my new tank a while back now, but didnt have much time to get new fish until now. My local lfs which sells quite a big range of fish had quite a few gourami species.Ive really wanted the dwarf gourami for a while now, and I read a bit about it obviously was worried about the...
  10. R

    Worried About New Gouramis :(

    I set up my new tank a while back now, but didnt have much time to get new fish until now. My local lfs which sells quite a big range of fish had quite a few gourami species.Ive really wanted the dwarf gourami for a while now, and I read a bit about it obviously was worried about the...
  11. R

    New Tank And Gourami Compatibility

    Omg lol, i think im really confused now!!I think i must of got mixed up with the banded gourami (the pic in my first post) with the dwarf gourami (the one in -germ-'s post.They do luk a bit similar with the red!! Anyways,yeh so im a totally newbie to gouramis, ive never owned one so the only...
  12. R

    My Betta And Its Mates

    Ok so ottos and white cloud mountain minnows?What have most of you guys put in your tank with your bettas (if anything)?are there any colourful fish that go well with it?
  13. R

    Fish-less Cycling My New Tank

    it would be best to mix in hot water with the cold before putting it in, but i havent really worked out a good method to do this. I could use boiled water, but ive heard this could could have some 'nasties' in it like metals etc, and likewise hot tap water, which has been sitting in a water...
  14. R

    New Tank And Gourami Compatibility

    anybody?what is the full name of the gourami in the pic?
  15. R

    My Betta And Its Mates

    Ive already got some catfish which live on the bottom, so when i take the tetras out n im also taking the guppy out, all thats going to be left is a male better and 4 cory catfish!Im more after fish which are smalish, non agressive, but swim in the middlish regions if that makes any sense!
  16. R

    New Tank And Gourami Compatibility

    Im about to set up a new tank, its around about fully cycled now, and wanted some info bout gouramis. They look really nice, and seem really peaceful, but im a bit confused about the dwarf gourami. The one which appeals to me is this one Now I thought that this is a particular type of dwarf...
  17. R

    My Betta And Its Mates

    Hiya guys. Ive got a 30l tank set up which has a betta,a female guppy, some corys and some glolight and neon tetras. At the time when I got all these, the lfs obviously said they all go together,and they have been getting along, but sometimes I notice the fighters fins are nipped in the...
  18. R

    Fish-less Cycling My New Tank

    Wooo this is really freaky, but a couple hours after I posted my reply, the nitrites have vanished!Such a good feeling, cant really describe it!cant wait to get some fish in there, but wanna add a couple of plants first.When I do the 80-90% water change, should it all be done at once?Like in one...
  19. R

    Fish-less Cycling My New Tank

    Right well the algaes all growing, my nitrates are high and my ammonia is getting processed from 3/4ppm back to 0 in 6 hours or less and I dose ammonia twice a day to make sure no bacteria dies off. Im surprised at how fast its processed tho!My nitrites have been stuck at 2ppm for nearly two...
  20. R

    Filter Question

    Sorry, bit off topic here but where did you find the tetratec 1200 ex filter at that price?!Its a gud deal!!
  21. R

    Fish-less Cycling My New Tank

    Thats great help!Thanks a lot! Ill keep everyone posted. I noticed green and brown algae growing the other day to my delight, so i tested straight away for nitrates, and there present!Still got a nitrite spike though, this should come down soon right? Also, I have the lights on during the day...
  22. R

    Fish-less Cycling My New Tank

    Alright guys, thanks for the huge response ive been getting!Well the cycle is now on its way, I finally started to get nitrite readings, and today theyve shot up even more!So it looks like the fish flake food in stocking method does work, but just really slow!I also managed to get some boots...
  23. R

    Snails :o

    eee the person that suggested that snail soup!!!i had one snail in my tank, i thought it would be a problem so removed it(must have come from some new plants). Anyway, i left that snail overnight in this pot with some of the water from the tank..i didnt feel like throwing it away. I totally...
  24. R

    Fish-less Cycling My New Tank

    anyone ever see growth of bacteria or fungus while doing a fishless cycle with food?
  25. R

    Going Away For A Week While Tank Is Cycling!

    yeh they will let out ammonia, but as your tank is cycling, there could be a spike in ammonia or nitrites at some point, and if your not around to maintain it, the fish could suffer!i would consider another method, im doing the whole fish food in stocking thing, it does work kinda, but slow and...
  26. R

    Fish-less Cycling My New Tank

    When ive been using fish food, it has been in stockings!there hasnt been much leakage of the fish food flakes into the actual tank, of course it has decomposed and therefore broken down to ammonia..but these bacteria or fungus growing in the pipes isnt going to starve the beneficial bacteria of...
  27. R

    Which Type Of Corydoras ?

    Sterbai corys wooo!got some yesterday, I gotta admit, there the sexiest cories ive seen and make a wonderful addition to any tank. anyone agree?hehe
  28. R

    Cory Activity

    I have some peppered cory, got a couple yesterday actually!and i too was dumbfounded by why there not that active, but it seems thats perfectly normal for them. The one I had previously before getting more is really healthy, and has grown loads!they jus keep themselves to themselves, and dont...
  29. R

    Fish-less Cycling My New Tank

    tried my local boots and they dont have it, they dont even have a households cleaning section!its a decent size the food method im using causing those wierd lumps of bacteria/fungus things in my pipes?is it harmful for the cycle?
  30. R

    Fish-less Cycling My New Tank

    ok i hope im seeing this rite, but the last post by someone just quoted something I wrote 4 times!!lol. is this normal?
  31. R

    Quickie About A Cory!

    Cool. Im thinkin of getting at least 1 other peppered then and a couple of a different species. I ideally would have more peppered, but because its such a small tank, and the base has a low surface area already for them to "vacuum", it would get waaay overcroweded
  32. R

    Quickie About A Cory!

    Hiya all,atm ive got one peppered cory catfish in a 30litre tank!I know, there best if groups, but wasnt told this when i bought them ages ago by the stupid lfs, but it has been doing fine tho. I now wanna add a couple more, obviously dont wanna overload the 30l tank, but was just wondering if...
  33. R

    Fish-less Cycling My New Tank

    Noo im not planning on adding fish any time soon anyway!I read ur topic on your setting up, and with the Stability. After you added this, did you see the ammonia go down at all soon after?If it didnt go down straight away, how long did it take?(how bigs the tank??)It does indeed say you can add...
  34. R

    Fish-less Cycling My New Tank

    In theory it should work,Ive put the seeded gravel from my previous tank into my new one, cant say ive noticed anything. Still waitingfor my new filter media to get seeded tho, and then try moving that into the tank im tryna cycle. As long as the new water doesnt have chlorine in or any other...
  35. R

    Fish-less Cycling My New Tank

    I really want to put that media in the way of the water flow, but ther is just no space in that silly compartment!im gna try again tho, maybe squeeze the media really compact and bung it in. I just checked the nitrite levels and there is still nothing so far :( ammonia's actually gone up to...
  36. R

    Fish-less Cycling My New Tank

    Just wonderin if it is ok then to remove all the bio sponge from my matured tank and put it in the new tanks filter?If i do this, is it ok to have it out of the water for a short period of time while changing it over? Or would it be better to take the old sponge out, and squeeze it onto the new...
  37. R

    Fishless Cycling....

    I dunno bout brime shrimp, should work though. Im doing this right now with flake foods in a could crush the flakes up all over the gravel i suppose but would get really messy, so ive just put food in a stocking which is soaked in the bottom of the tank, and keep replacing this...
  38. R

    Volume In Uk Gallons

    Im setting up the exact same dimension tank now!I make it 30 US gallons, around 120 litres, unless you have a glass lid and supports at the top instead of a proper hood, then it would slightly less
  39. R

    Buying More Fish Today

    I personally think with the cory's you should keep them, and maybe get a couple more, it should be ok for your 15gal tank, that equals 60litres right?My dads got a 60litre tank at home and has about 5 corys in there, with about 15 other fish ranging from guppys to mollys and platys. Corys are so...
  40. R

    Fish-less Cycling My New Tank

    With the issue of having my new media in my previous tank. Ive already said that it isnt in the old filter, the new media is just hanging on the side next to the old filter, as there isnt much space in this any good? If anyone has them easycrystal filters that come with the tetra tanks...