Help!sick Dutch Blue Ram


New Member
Jun 26, 2007
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Birmingham/Leicester(Term time), UK
Reposting in here because no-ones answering in the emergency section!!

Hiya guys. Problem ive got today is a unwell female dutch blue ram.For the past couple of days shes been breathing quite rapidly,I thort it just musta been stress from getting used to the tank (got them about 2 weeks ago).Today its just resting at the bottom,comes up to the top sometimes but isnt eating as much as it normally does..I have another male dutch ram in the tank and hes fine so I dont really think its anything to do with the tank (ammonia and nitrites are 0 and nitrates are low,around 10-20.

Does anyone know what it could be or is it just a phase? I really dont want to lose her as shes beautiful and become very fond of her! In the tank I have two corys,two amino shrimps,3 ottos and the two rams.

Thanks a lot.


saw this template afterwards:

Request Help

Tank size: 35 litres
tank temp:27 degrees Celsius/80 Fahrenheit

Volume and Frequency of water changes:10% twice every week

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Eheim Ecco filter with full set of media -substrat pro + bio balls + sponge media

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Just some plants and a sponge bob squarepants replica!


**edit** she has a stringy poo too!could it be indigestion?
Dont know what to tell u, I'm sure sopmbody else can help you out. Your pH is a on the high side for Rams but that shouldn't be the problem after 2 weeks.
yeh it is a bit but thats what the tap water is and im not too keen on changing the pH values with solutions or rocks etc unless it defo has to be done. I dont have tests for the water hardness but if its any help its Leicester tap water
I believe the higher the pH the harder the water, so I'm assuming since your pH is on the high side than your water hardness is on the high side. These factors make it even more difficult for your Rams to adapt. Try looking for more symptoms.
Also I bought the fish from Maidenhead Aquatics Stapleton and the guy there said they dont change the water parameters too much (in terms of pH hardness etc) so thats why I kept mine the pretty much the same. The female ram has gone lighter too and still today breathing rapidly :(
the only things it could be is the ph/hardness, but possibly not since its been 2 weeks.
the other thing that it could be is that the male has ben harrassing the female as you need a 2 foot tank for a piar of rams, 35litres is far far too small!!!!! :crazy:

these are cichlids and need territory and hiding places , if not rams can become very territorial and kill the other ram .

i think that this could be your problem :good:
Hello all, new to forum, but joined here as I have the same problem.

I've had my pair for about 6 months though and it's the last couple of days that the female has shown the symptoms mentioned. Although she did go very dark to start with. She has gained some colour back today, but is very inactive. Breathing has stopped being so heavy. I have a 65litre tank. I did wonder whether it was down to the male being "over intentive" they have been quite active although due to other inhabitants, no young have appeared. As mentioned, the male is very healthy, is she just tired?

Thanks in advance for any other suggestions/information.

She just died :(

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