New Tank And Gourami Compatibility


New Member
Jun 26, 2007
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Birmingham/Leicester(Term time), UK
Im about to set up a new tank, its around about fully cycled now, and wanted some info bout gouramis. They look really nice, and seem really peaceful, but im a bit confused about the dwarf gourami.
The one which appeals to me is this one

Now I thought that this is a particular type of dwarf gourami, but on this forum in the general faq, its called a banded gourami?So which one is it?
Ive read about the dwarfs being really diseased, but there the most popular too right?

Im looking to put neons in the tank, maybe some endlers livebearers, corys, etc. Does this gourami get along with neons?If it is a dwarf gourami, ive heard some dont get along with neons??And also, how many should be bought?Like getting two males causes them to fight or smthn doesnt it?
The tanks a 120litre,which is 30 gallons.

Im about to set up a new tank, its around about fully cycled now, and wanted some info bout gouramis. They look really nice, and seem really peaceful, but im a bit confused about the dwarf gourami.
The one which appeals to me is this one

Now I thought that this is a particular type of dwarf gourami, but on this forum in the general faq, its called a banded gourami?So which one is it?
Ive read about the dwarfs being really diseased, but there the most popular too right?

Im looking to put neons in the tank, maybe some endlers livebearers, corys, etc. Does this gourami get along with neons?If it is a dwarf gourami, ive heard some dont get along with neons??And also, how many should be bought?Like getting two males causes them to fight or smthn doesnt it?
The tanks a 120litre,which is 30 gallons.


Most people just call this the dwarf gourmami. I have read that they are shy. The ones that I saw were somewhat shy. I have a sunset gourmami, which is the same size. They are similar to the dwarf. He is not shy, He is courris and the boss of the tank. I read they are the last to eat but not him. I had him with serpae tetras and he would take food out their mouths. Now I have him with black neons. They all get along in a 10 gallon tank. He seems bored in there though. I want to get another for him. I am trying to get a female. At the pet store I saw many male sunset gourmamis together in a ten gallon tank and they weren't fighting. No singes of fighting or bulling. Perhaps because all were male. One dwarf gourami was with skirt tetra. I have noticed that fish can have different attitudes.. For instance once I had a simase fighting fish with guppies in a 20 gallon tank. Had no problems, even though, guppies are know to nip fins. When he died I put another simase fighting fish in and he ate everything. I have only had the gourami for a month but he seems pretty hardy. He has lived through a lot already. I put him in the tank 1 day after I set the 10 gallon tank up. Also, when I got a test kit, I found that the nitrate levels were very high. Thus I removed all of the fish and broke down the tank. That was 2 days ago and all are ok. I read that they can hole in head disease, due to dirty conditions. Thus soon all will go into a 30 gallon tank with no undergravel filter. nanomite
:nod: Colisa fasciata; Banded Gourami Aka Giant Gourami, don't let the 2nd common name get you mixed up with Osphronemus goramy the other gourami reffered to as a giant gourami :unsure:

Not a Colisa lalia; Dwarf Gourami
Oops in addition don't get Dwarf Gourami unless you can guarantee a good source! Check the DGIV link in my signature....
Dwarves are also known for being fairly susceptible to Bacterial illnesses as well as not being particularly peaceful, obviously depending on the individual fish.
Heres a bit more info to confuse you;
Colisa Lalia/dwarf gourami

Colisa fasciata/banded gourami/giant gourami

Macropodus opercularis/paradise fish

Osphromenus gouramy/giant gourami (juvenile)


If you are avoiding the dwarves due to the problems associated with them i'd personally reccomend either;
Colisa chuna/colisa sota/honey gourami

Colisa labiosa/thick lip gourami (they don't all get this fat!)

While others may reccomend Trichogaster leeri (which i think are one of the best looking);
hi, don't get males together you they will fight and try to kill each other :crazy:
In further clarification of the above comment - yes groups of only males will fight - its best to keep one male to every two females. Or, if your tank is big enough for multiple territories and lots of fish - multiples of the ratio M/F/F

Most people do want at least one male because usually they're the prettiest ones with the best colours and finnage.

When picking what kind of gourami you want - consider your tank before anything else - some are a lot bigger than others and require more space obviously.
Omg lol, i think im really confused now!!I think i must of got mixed up with the banded gourami (the pic in my first post) with the dwarf gourami (the one in -germ-'s post.They do luk a bit similar with the red!!

Anyways,yeh so im a totally newbie to gouramis, ive never owned one so the only reseach i can do is thru these forums and on the net.It kinda scares me with the dwarf's all being easy to go ill...i have fishless cycled my tank now,and it has finished, so if i do go with the dwarf gourami I would need to find a gud source which has been mentioned.Im assuming many chain pet stores arent the way to go on these then??

Btw the Trichogaster leeri luks amazing!!!

My tanks 120litres, 30 gallons, so maybe 3 gouramis in there?One male and 2 females?And just to clarify this, because ive seen many sites stating different things...if i were to get a dwarf, would it go with neons?Im defo getting a big shoal of them, and some people say them 2 dont get on, but then some people have them in the same tank?

Yeah the pearl gouramis (trichogaster leeri's) ARE amazing. They are great fish, beautiful, hardy, and peaceful. I have 3 in a 39 gallon.

Yes, you are right the best way is one male and two females. :good: Make sure you know how to sex them yourself before you go, the person you get at the shop mightn't have a clue. Will just save you any trouble later.

Whatever you do, DON'T get a dwarf from any fish shop - only get it from a private breeder, and if you're only starting out it's unlikely you'll have the opportunity. It'll only end in heartbreak. As you said, the banded gouramis are similar looking, so if you like their look, go with those.

Or, if you want something different, the pearls are a larger species (so make sure you have the room in your stocking plan) or other little gouramis like the honeys (sometimes called sunsets, red robins, thick lipped, depends on the store) might suit you well.

They should be fine with neons. My pearls are in with a school of 10 cardinals (the slightly bigger, more colourful version of neons) and they get along great, no fin-nipping, they pretty much completely ignore each other.
Or, if you want something different, the pearls are a larger species (so make sure you have the room in your stocking plan) or other little gouramis like the honeys (sometimes called sunsets, red robins, thick lipped, depends on the store) might suit you well.
Sorry if this seems pedantic but just to clarify, if they are labelled as thick-lips then be careful, as colisa chuna (honey) and colisa labiosa (thick-lips) are different species altogether.
i think a great combo of fish is blue gouramis and loaches. Blue are sometimes on the agressive side though.

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