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  1. L

    How Much Lr I Need?

    yes, I am going to buy a flat LR and put them under the existing LRs rather than expand LR horizontally. Start thinking about the lighting...... any sugguestion? I did not find a good article to read. What I understand now, please correct me. 1. less than 24'' height, go for PC lights or T5...
  2. L

    How Much Lr I Need?

    It is 20 US gallon tank. with 14 pounds LR already. What you said, taking into account the corals attaching. Do you mean the part(LR) which is covered by the corals will not make the contribution to the cycling? For the damsel, i want to sent them back LFS too, but my wife doesn't want that...
  3. L

    How Much Lr I Need?

    Sorry, I did not follow you mean I do need to put more or i need to leave some space for coming corals
  4. L

    How Much Lr I Need?

    if i put less than that, will the filteration not work well? from the picture, the rocks have occupied the 1/3 space of the tank.
  5. L

    How Much Lr I Need?

    Here is the pic. I am going to put the corals in when I finish my tons of reading. What you think about the amount of the LF. I don't care about the outlooking, actually, I think less LF more space for the fishs:P. If the 14 lbs are enough for 20G filteration system, I will not buy more.
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  7. L

    How Much Lr I Need?

    After a nice talk with LFS sales, I am persuaded to buy 14 lbs LR and put them in my 20 G FO tank today. The ammonia even lower than noon. The water is changed from cloudy to super clear, that's soooo amazing. I did not realize the LF has a such efficient filtration capability. Because the most...
  8. L

    Beginner Question, Live Rock Or Not

    all LRs I can find in local area are cured LF, hopefully, they told me the truth:P I am going to buy 20lbs this weekend
  9. L

    Live Rock

    and it was just approved by my Fish Only tank, the brown algae are out of control after the tank finished the cycle. The FOWLR maybe a better choice.
  10. L

    Beginner Question, Live Rock Or Not

    I am going to put 10 lbs this weekend. Do I need to buy some lighting stuff?
  11. L

    Beginner Question, Live Rock Or Not

    After some discussion, I decided to change my FO to live rock tank (coral later, practice the live rocks first). It seems the live rocks help the filtration system a lot, doesnt it? My quesiton is : should I add 5 lbs LR once at a time to make the cycle process restarted slowly or add 20 lbs...
  12. L

    Beginner Question, Live Rock Or Not

    No I am not using the RO water. It seems that there is no solution to get rid of algae in fish only marine tank without live rock. It is the time to bring tons of rock home :good:
  13. L

    Beginner Question, Live Rock Or Not

    20G Fish only Tank, 2 damsels, one clown fish, one fire fish and one cleaner shimp in there. Aquaclear 150/30 filter, heater. That's all I put in the tank. And the sun light hits the tank direclty about 2 hours in the afternoon (i have no where to place the tank). The tank was cycled and the...
  14. L

    Brown Algae And Snails Died Within A Day

    kinda of mixture, the water is milky why, the sand is brown ...... how to clean it?
  15. L

    Brown Algae And Snails Died Within A Day

    Thank you for you guys sugguestion. I am going to ask LFS to sell me other snails. Which one is the easiest one? how to clean the sand tho? the water is turned cloudy today, it looks really muddy. thanks.
  16. L

    Brown Algae And Snails Died Within A Day

    I just started my fish only tank about a couple months, no amonia spike was abserved so far. But the brown algae started to grow up after the cycle done. To get rid of the brown algae, I bought four Turbo Snails from LFS, the three of them never moved after I threw them into the water. One of...
  17. L

    Newbie,new Cycle, New Found,need Help

    Betta, good suggestion. I will call lfs to see you will accept the fish return or not. I monitor the chemical (ph,ammonia, nitrate, nitrite) every two days. It looks not bad, the amonia is close to 0, nitrite is lower than 1.5ppm, nitrate is kind of high between 5-10ppm in the first couple...
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  19. L

    Newbie,new Cycle, New Found,need Help

    To stop be cruel, I bought "seachem cupramine" to cure the white dots on their fins which was identified as parasite by a lfs. He told me the seachem cupramine will not stop my cycle. any idea where I can buy the test kit to test concentration of Cu? Please give me a link. I removed the active...
  20. L

    Newbie,new Cycle, New Found,need Help

    Yes,you guys are right, I am such cruel to my first two damsels, I am going to take shower with the water in my cycling tank tonight........... Dose my health insurance covering my white dots on my body?
  21. L

    Newbie,new Cycle, New Found,need Help

    Thank you for SkiFletch's reply, lfs suggested me to use a couple fish to start the cycle instead of live rock, because the live rock is more picky for the water chemical than the damsels, that was what he told me. BTW, I'd like to keep a couple cheap fish in the tank. That makes the cycling...
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  23. L

    Newbie,new Cycle, New Found,need Help

    I am new here, this is my first post. I know you will blame me because I started with a nano fish only tank (20g). LFS told me if you can handle this tank, you can handle any size as you want. New tank was set up around 1 week ago and started the cycle with two suicide Damsel. The fish looks...