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  1. S

    Elite Light

    ok great thanks a bunch, if i cant get them then with my hands ill get some pliers to it:) ok anybody any ideas as to the reason they just flash? am i right ?
  2. S

    Elite Light

  3. S

    Elite Light

    hi i have an elite style 35 had it about a yr now. a few months ago the light decided it wouldnt turn on and just flashes constantly. id say it would be the starter? now my problem i cant seem to get the light out to have a look. is it just me being silly and need to turn the edges (there stiff...
  4. S

    Putting New Fish In Your Tank

    i let the temp get up for 20mins, add some of mine wait 10 reapeat twice then tiped the bag up and let out the fish, and the water. should i leave the water in there and just net the fish out?
  5. S

    Supraking's Test Results

    damn wiggle, u reply very fast:) before i could update the title of the thread, and then read through it all again:) cheers dont know wot i would do without u
  6. S

    Supraking's Test Results

    ok just tested my water again, 21/5/07. looks like the cycle is coming along nicely Ammonia - 1mg/L Nitrite - 0.4 mg/L Nitrate - 5 mg/L gunna carry on with the water changes and check my ammonia daily, nitrite every few days. until the ammonia stays at 0:) my 3 current inhabitants seem to be...
  7. S

    Supraking's Test Results

    oky cheers, ill continue with the daily changes and do test for nitrite every other day (or should i be doing all tests every day?) so i know when ammonia is starting to be changed to nitrite well , did that sentance make sense?
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    Supraking's Test Results

    ok tap water i get pH 6.5 and about 1 mg/L nitrate
  9. S

    Supraking's Test Results

    ah oky thanks wiggle, will do
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    Supraking's Test Results

    been doing daily water changes for a week now, apart from today:) might have to do one before goin bed, ive only had the tank 2 weeks (nearly) so i wasnt expecting it to be cycled
  11. S

    Supraking's Test Results

    ****update is in last post**** right got the nutrafin mini test kit, ran a test on everything but not sure if i did it right? do the results look ok? pH - 7.5 Ammonia - 2mg/L Nitrite - 0 mg/L Nitrate - 7 mg/L (should i be getting nitrate without nitrite?) ill be doing a pH test after doing a...
  12. S

    Supraking's First Tank

    well my last neon popped it last night :( left with the loach (which needs to go) the scissortail and the molly, all seem fine at the moment tho so i get paid tomoz getting test kit and ich med hopefully well get things sorted:)
  13. S

    Shoaling Fish

    mm, but my black neons and scissortail rasbora shoal together, and th escissor is a lot bigger and not really the same colour?
  14. S

    Supraking's First Tank

    damn, my salt has anti-caking agents :( and yes it does look more like the CAE:( looks like its gotta go. and no im not adding any more until things have settled down and the cycle has finished, dont want to destroy the lives of any more poor fishies, also decided im going to change my lfs. the...
  15. S

    Supraking's First Tank

    damn. woke up this mornin to find 2 more neons had died. the scissortail seems fine but only schools with the remaining neon now and again and only for a short time. the others seem fine. so now ur saying its a good idea to get a few more of the loaches? also will ordinary table salt do the job?
  16. S

    Supraking's First Tank

    ty, so how big it gunna get? also just done a water change. and i noticed my 3 remaining neons might have white spot? which is a b***** as i dont got no money for the treatment until thursday, any ideas on a way to prolong the life of the lil nippers till then? all 3 of the other fish seem fine...
  17. S

    Supraking's First Tank

    right it was abit of a pain to get, but this ones lovely:).. second one:) sry that ones abit blurry it was hard to get some better photos:) hope it is a small one, dont want to see it go. but if it is gunna get too big i have a new home for it sorted
  18. loachopen.JPG


  19. loachonrock.JPG


  20. S

    Supraking's First Tank

    ok cool. ill get out the camera again and try getting it out of a corner cheers
  21. S

    New Tank

    sucking loach, tbh i dont know which species it is, and the scissortail seems to be schooling fine with the 3 neons:)
  22. S

    New Fish House Project (its Quite Big) 2800 Gal

    wow, 2800gal worth of tanks, imagine cycling that :crazy:
  23. S

    Supraking's First Tank

    yup, shame ud end up with a mini cycle, if u loose ur fish in some freak accident, buy some:)
  24. S

    New Member New Pics Watcha Think

    very nice, i really like the second one:)
  25. S

    Supraking's First Tank

    ty, i liked the stand too:) plus it matches my tv stand:) cost me £120 with everything but the fish, not too bad i think
  26. S

    Molly Bully

    oky i think one of the neons are going to dye tbh, it is sitting in a corner above my heater and filter, the same place i found my other molly dead? yes i have a small cave and 3 plants
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    Supraking's First Tank

    thanks mate, wot colour gravel u get? it is only a cheapish one, and once i get a bigger house ill be getting a second hand big one:) and I WILL be doing a fishless cycle and making sure all fish are correct, for now it will have to do
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    Supraking's First Tank

    thats ok ur not harsh, you are helpin me loads here, thats the reason i joined here also my tank now has background and a new plant
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  31. S

    Supraking's First Tank

    ok updates:) my sucking loach my scissortail rasbora and 4 black neons next post ....
  32. suprakingsloach.JPG


  33. S

    My Tank

    nasty:( im sure it can only get better:)
  34. S

    Supraking's First Tank

    thats the one :good: and oopsy :blush: anybody want an algea eater once it gets too big :blush: , i know a few people with larger tanks so could pass it on once it gets too big for my tank
  35. S

    Molly Bully

    i have just bought a few more fish and added to my tank, i had a molly in there on its own before. now it seems to be bullying my new fish. nipping them to get out of the way:) is this normal? or shall i get rid of the molly? or jus hope it stops once the new members have been in a while?
  36. S

    Supraking's First Tank

    thank you for the info, however... unfortunatly the girl friend decided it was time to get more fish, so i asked in the lfs what would go well with the molly, i now have a scissortail barbera (spelling?) 4 black neons and a sucking loach. i do see some of them dying from the ammonia (but ill be...
  37. S

    New Tank

    right the mrs got inpatient, we now have a scissortail barbera (spelling?), 4 black neons and a sucking loach. also found out 35litre is actually about 8 gallon, so slightly smaller than i thought. think i am going to do a large (30-40%) water change daily as my tank isnt going to be able to...
  38. S

    Supraking's First Tank

    oky think ill go plant background and then another 2 plants eventually (cash is a bit lacking at the mo) and yes i was going to wait to get a test kit before adding anymore fish, i did originally get a black molly too but it died the day i got it, i wanted to know what was compatible with my...
  39. S

    My Tank

    just a thought but wouldnt a cut up net, tied to the end with an elastic band not work? or would the fish just bite it off?