Shoaling Fish


Fish Fanatic
May 12, 2007
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i was wondering will all shoaling fish shoal together or do they stick to their own knid?

for example will cardinal and rummy nose tetra shoal together?

and will different corys stick together?
it depends really on the species, i would not expect cardinals and rummy noses to stick together however neons and cardinals that look similar would

if they look similar in terms of size and colouring then they will probably shoal together

the othe thing to consider is the species, for example with Bronze Cories and Albino Cories, these are the same species but different colour morphs so will shoal together (but it would be better to get a group of each or just choose one of them)

so if they look the same, or are the same species then yes they will, otherwise no they won't.
mm, but my black neons and scissortail rasbora shoal together, and th escissor is a lot bigger and not really the same colour?
mm, but my black neons and scissortail rasbora shoal together, and th escissor is a lot bigger and not really the same colour?

they're in a cycling tank and not in proper shoal numbers, they are bound to be distressed and as such will take refuge where they can find it.

in a healthy mature tank they would ignore each other

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