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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. S

    Multies And Loaches?

    What kind of shellies? They are usually agressive and inhabit the same region of the tank as the loaches. Best thing to do would be to put the shellies in another tank, let some loaches live for a week in the shellie tank and remove them once they have eaten the snails.
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    New Set Up

    Nice, do you have a picture of the entire tank?
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    Shell Dweller Pics !

    Adult males are much larger about 4-5 cm and females just 2-3 cm.
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    Shell Dwellers

    I keep similis and they love escargot shells, at least they have produced a lot of fry. I agree with Griz go with multis, ocellatus can be super agressive towards each other. And in small tank the weaker one won't be able to flee.
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    Suggestions For Stocking Tanganyikans.

    I would go with one kind of shellies, they will all compete for the same territory so the aggressive species will win if you keep several.Shellies work with most communties as long as the other fish arent big enogh to eat them. Multis & similis can chase away fish that are several times their...
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    Tanganyikan Cichlids

    I would go wih a bunch of Neolamprologus Simillis or multis. Small and live in colonies not very agressive towards each other. They need plenty of shells though but wont compete with cichlids that are rock dwelling for space. I keep about 7 simlis and 2 Julidochromis regani (pair). The regani...
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    Re-doing 250 Gallon Tank!

    What do you want? Lots of fish? Few big fish? Many colors? Cool behavior?
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    Want New Rocks Need Some Help

    I used sand from the beach for my tangs. All i did was that i washed it, after 3 years still no sick fish. I think the best reason to buy rocks in nature is that they usually look better (more natural) and best of all they are free. :) Here is an underwater photo from malawi btw:
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    My New Malawi Landscaping

    The only thing I would change is to remove the red and pinkish rocks. I think they "clash" with your white setup and might steal attention from the fish. But it's a matter of taste i suppose.
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    My New Cichlid Rocky-tope

    I think it's perfect the way it is, more color would just give it a "messy" look.
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    Thinking Of Starting A Lake Tanganyikan Tank

    I'm pretty sure the pulcher's would claim the entire tank as their own once they have fry.
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    Thinking Of Starting A Lake Tanganyikan Tank

    I don't really think it matters so much, their behavior is supposed to be virtually the same. They are not that agressive to other fish put quite agressive towards each other. One pair can be kept in most tanganyikan tanks but 2 pairs require a large tank. If they pair up you will probably have...
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    Thinking Of Starting A Lake Tanganyikan Tank

    Provided your tank is large enough, yes. Once they get enough fry it can become quite crowded though. What julies do you have? Julidochromis transcriptus only grow to about 7 cm, Julidochromis marlieri about twice that size.
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    V For Vendetta

    So how many have seen it and what did you think? Even if it had a lot of cliches in it I enjoyed it. Hugo Weaving did a very good job as an actor even with a mask on during the entire film. For those of you who haven't seen it the movie is set in the 2020's and the story focuses on the...
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    Common Newbie Mistakes! (Read and learn)

    How about something about tank size? That gold fish bowls are not sometehing to keep goldfish (or fish) in. And that a larger tank is easier to care for than a small one.
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    How To Feed Cucumber

    I like the botia striata. You could try zucchini as well, I've heard ancistrus love it.
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    Neolamprologus Brichardi

    Um why not? They are adapted to live in water with a high pH, wild caught or not.
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    Need Id

    This page had some info about it:
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    Neolamprologus Brichardi

    How many gallons is that? According to this site you need 45 gallons: Maybe if you get one pair and keep them in a tank just for them it could work. As far as I know they don't eat plants but they do dig so it could be difficult keeping them in a planted tank. They also want...
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    Help With My First Cichlids

    For your first cichlid tank its easier to find out what pH your tap water is. If it is very hard (high pH) then it's perfect for Malawi och Tanganyikan cichlids. If it's softer you could go with South American ones. It is possible to lower or increase you pH but for your first tank it's easier...
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    Algae Eater In A Mbuna Tank

    Mbunas are algae eaters so I think they will be happier if you let them keep their algea for themselves.
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    Multifasciatus Not Breeding

    What size are they? Aren't multi females a lot smaller than the males?
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    More Cichlids...

    Also Corys are schooling fish and should be kept in groups. Also they don't like the pH your africans would want. If you want to keep africans the best thing to do is to start with cichlids from one lake. And keep a few of one or two species. That way you can actually keep them in an...
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    How to embarress your dog...

    *pic wont work*
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    Tangs, Malawian, or Victorian Cichlids

    You haven't seen a fish burrow if you haven't seen a tang shelldweller in action. ;) I do admit most of the malawi are more colorfull, but tangs have so many intresting behaviours.
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    Are these severums?

    Maybe there were breeding? Or you had some super grumpy cichlids.
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    Are these severums?

    Also known as Flag Cichlids, or Mesonauta festivus if you want the scientific name. I've heard that Angel fish are good companions for them.
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    Tangs, Malawian, or Victorian Cichlids

    Kinda torn, but I had to pic tanganyikan, because that is pretty much all I have :P
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    What would you do?

    ALWAYS buy as big as possible as long as your wallet can afford it and you have enough space to put it somewhere. A larger tank is easier to keep and it opens up more options when it comes to selecting fish. Fish suggestions: Start by reading a book and see what fish intrest you. Do you like...
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    info plz

    And one lonely mbuna wont be (or have) much fun anyway.
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    Pictures of some of my carnivorous plants

    So what can you recomend that doesnt require high humidity and is easy to take care of?
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    My female betta tank

    I wonder why you never see betta imbellis in fish stores, I like them better than the long finned splendens.
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    My female betta tank

    Female bettas look better than males in my opninion. Lovely colors.
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    One of my pics on TFP mag cover!

    Nice pic, to bad they cut away the part with 2 of the 3 fry.
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    Pictures of some of my carnivorous plants

    Don't they need a very high humidity?
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    neolamprologus brichardi

    It's almost impossible to sex them, unless you have a breeding pair then you know theres one male and one female. I don't think its a good idea to keep it alone they like to be in pairs or small groups, and if you get a pair/group they will most likely breed. When they are not breeding they...
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    Just curious to know

    Start by narrowing it down to the correct lake. The most common are Malawi cichlids, followed by Tanganyika and sometimes from lake Victoria.
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    Have your fry lived when not separated from tank?

    Usually one or two survived (lots of plants), i had 2 angelfish that ate mostly livebearer fry (guess it tastes better than frozen stuff). But the fry that made it past snack size usually lived long lives. Natural selection works. :P
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    1 or More?

    I think they should be in pairs or not at all. The male wont show his best colors if there isnt a female to attract.
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    Guppies arent beginner fish. When I had my fist tank guppies where the ONLY fish i failed to keep. If you can get wild guppies I'm sure they are easy but the fancy guppies aren't hardy at all. And some of the males have so big fins they can hardly swim. I hope the wild guppies get popular some...