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    Angel With Popeye

    Two days ago, I noticed that my largest angel had popeye so I immediately moved her to a 10 gallon hospital tank. I added aquarium salt and started dosing her with Maracyn-Two. :( The hospital tank has a filter running, and I'm also doing daily water changes to help keep the water clean. This...
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    Angel With Serious Eye Injury

    Thanks for the advice. I'll move him to a hospital tank today. What kind of medications do you think I should try on him?
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    Angel With Serious Eye Injury

    Hey everyone. I just looked at my Gold angel in my 46 gallon tank and was shocked to see that his left eye is seriously injured!! :-( It looks like something poked through it, since the inner part of his eye has a hole into it. You are able to see the inside of his eye, where it is all red and...
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    Black Angels Spawning

    Well, I was pretty surprised today when I glanced into my 46 gallon and noticed that two of my black angels were busy spawning on an Amazon sword leaf. This is the first time that I have ever seen angels spawn and it was really exciting to watch. :D The pair are around 11 months old, so they're...
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    Liquid Fertilizers

    What kind of liquid fertilizers do you guys recommend using for a planted tank? :unsure: I was looking at the Seachem liquid fertilizers, but then someone suggested dosing with dry fertilizers. My tank is 46 gallons, with a 2 x 96 watt light and I just ordered a CO2 system for the tank. My...
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    Co2 Question

    Now that I got the algae under control in my 46 gallon, I was thinking about getting a CO2 system for the live plants in the tank. The only size that I found that was suitable for the tank is the Red Sea Turbo CO2 Bio System for tanks up to 40 gallons. Even though it falls short of my tank size...
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    High Nitrates

    Yes, the Nitrate level is my tap water is 40 ppm. I posted it above too.
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    High Nitrates

    I have live plants in the tank, mainly some unknown plants that I bought at the LFS and some Java ferns. The Nitrates is also a bit high in my 46 gallon, but not as high as in my 29 gallon. :( My 46 gallon has several live plants as well, including Amazon swords.
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    High Nitrates

    Hey everyone. The Nitrates in my 29 gallon is really high for some reason. :( It's reading over 80 ppm, on the edge of becoming 160 ppm. I noticed the Nitrates were high on Wednesday, after I found one of my Koi angels dead. I immediately did a 50% water. So far, I've lost four fish in four...
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    Algae Problem

    Thanks for the advice. I originally thought it was blue-green algae, but wasn't completely sure. I might try the blackout first, but will the lack of light harm the live plants in the tank? I was thinking about buying ottos, but I don't know if they'll eat this type of algae or not. The...
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    Algae Problem

    I don't know exactly what type of algae the tank has. It covers everything (plants, rocks, driftwood, gravel) in a thin layer. It's fairly easy to remove, but it spreads very fast. Here's a pic of the algae. The tank has been set up for two years. However, I upgraded the lighting last...
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    Algae Problem

    Hello everyone. My 46 gallon tank has a horrible algae problem. :( I think the main cause of the algae is the lighting. The tank has a 2 x 96 fluorescent light, giving it 4.1 wpg and the light is left on for 10-12 hours a day. I have several live plants in the tank, including a large amazon...
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    Yes, it's recommended to keep the nitrate under 40ppm. The lower, the better. :nod: If the tank is a new set up, it could just be cycling. Just continue to do water changes and that should help bring the ammonia down.
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    The nitrate seems a bit high too. Is the tank a new set up?
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    My First Fry!

    Congratulations! :D The fry are adorable. Good luck with them. :nod:
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    How long has the tank been set up? What are the other test readings beside ammonia - nitrite, nitrate and pH?
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    A Good Day For The Guppydude

    Congratulations GuppyDude! :D Good luck with the fry. :nod:
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    Is Mickey Pregnant?

    Yes, she definitely looks pregnant. :nod:
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    Pregnant Or Dropsy?

    I agree. They look like they have dropsy. :( One of the symptoms of dropsy is that their scales pop out and look like a pinecone.
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    Wiggler(aka Fry) Pictures

    Awww they're adorable. Very cute. :wub:
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    Hiya All.....

    Hi Irf and :hi: to the forum.
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    Sand Suitable For Aquarium

    Thanks The-Wolf. ;) I'll consider getting pool filter sand for my tank then.
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    Sand Suitable For Aquarium

    Thanks for the link. I looked at it earlier, but just want to confirm which type of sand is suitable for aquarium use. :nod: Is pool filter sand safe to use in an aquarium? :unsure:
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    Sand Suitable For Aquarium

    What kind of sand is safe to use in a freshwater aquarium? Any advice would be appreciated. :)
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    2 Dead Fishies

    What's the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH levels in the tank? Are the fish that are displaying the symptoms breathing normally?
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    Maintaining A Healthy Amazon Sword

    Thanks. :) Is there enough nutrients in the latrite or will it require additional root fertilizers? I'm going to get a CO2 system soon, since the light level in the tank is so high and the plants would benefit from CO2.
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    Hiya Fishy Buds

    :hi: to the forum Raving_Insomniac.
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    New Tank Advice

    Hi Jibba and :hi: to the forum. The basic guideline for stocking a tank is one inch of fish for every one gallon of water. Any local fish store should carry test kits for ammonia and nitrite, as well as nitrate and pH. Is the tank a new set up? Hope this helps. :)
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    Jenkosowls Fish Tank

    That's a great looking tank. Looks very good. :)
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    Hi Fletch and :hi: to the forum.
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    Update Of My Tanks

    Those are some great looking tanks. :nod:
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    Assorted Pics

    Your bettas are gorgeous. Very nice pics. :)
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    Maintaining A Healthy Amazon Sword

    In the past, I've always had trouble keeping Amazon Swords alive and in good health. Last week, I bought a huge Amazon Sword at my LFS, so I want to try to keep this plant healthy and in good shape. :nod: The tank is 46 gallons, with a 2 x 96 watt fluorescent light giving the tank 4.1 wpg. I...
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    Removing Plantlets From Amazon Sword

    Does anyone know how to remove plantlets safely from an Amazon Sword without damaging the mother plant? :unsure: I was in the LFS today and, as usual, had to check out the fish section. In their plant stock, I was amazed that they had a very large Amazon Sword. So, I immediately bought it. The...
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    Laterite And Sand

    Ok, here's my idea . . . I put a thin layer of laterite on the bottom of my 46 gallon, put a plastic grid over it (like something I would find at the hardware store), and put an inch or so of sand over it. Since sand needs to be disturbed every now and then, the grid keeps the laterite on the...
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    Flourite And Laterite Difference

    Is there a difference between flourite and laterite to use as a substance in a planted aquarium? :unsure:
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    Sand Vs. Gravel

    I'm planning to replace all of the gravel in my 46 gallon soon, but I don't know if I should try sand, or use gravel again. :/ The tank has 7 cories and 3 clown loaches, so I know they prefer sand. Right now, I'm leaning toward sand but I never used it before. Is it hard to maintain? What are...
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    Turquiose Halfmoons Spawned

    Well, the male ate some eggs during the night but there are still a bunch of eggs in the bubble nest. I don't see any fry yet though. I'll see if the eggs hatch tomorrow. It's only been around 24 hours now since the pair spawned. I'll post a few pics later Splashluff. :)
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    Turquiose Halfmoons Spawned

    After two unsuccessful attempts, my Turquoise Mask HM pair finally spawned. :nod: I moved the female into the spawning tank on Monday, released her on Tuesday, and they spawned today. Oh, it was so exciting to watch! The first hour of embraces resulted with no eggs, and then they stopped since...