Assorted Pics


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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Got bored doing waterchanges, so took some photos and a video. More to come later.

Bai, look at that killer anal fin B)


Video of Bai plying chase the live brine shrimp
And more pictures...

Pao, methinks he's bitten that tail into that, um, interesting shape, little git.

Daawkpaense, he's come a long way from being a little 'girly'

Proi, he's got irritating fin trouble that won't heal, or perhaps it's healed that way. Along with Pao, methinks he'd benefit from an opaque tank...

40g, mess, what mess? It's not that dark, the flash/room light was bad.

Long view, lots o danios, hiding places for the copious bottomish dwellers...

One eyed swordtail eating non-existant algae, as the trio spend all day every day doing

Cory corner, visible are two non properly ID'd, one arched and can you spot the other bottomdweller?
Is it a kuhli?

Lovely set ups btw :good:
Those containers the bettas are in.. aren't they for seamonkies?? I have one of those, and it's waaaay too small to house a betta. I would get something else to put them in.. Even an ice cream bucket is like 4x the size of those.. :crazy:

Hate to be a butt-head, but I just don't think it's nice having them in such small containers.
Those containers the bettas are in.. aren't they for seamonkies?? I have one of those, and it's waaaay too small to house a betta. I would get something else to put them in.. Even an ice cream bucket is like 4x the size of those.. :crazy:

Hate to be a butt-head, but I just don't think it's nice having them in such small containers.

Notice it's exactly the same container every time? And if you *happened* to look at my profile, they're all in 1.5g minimum, with hopes of upgrades as and when floorspace becomes available... That happened to be the flattest sided container, ergo the one best for pictures.

take some pictures of your tanks with the flash off.

ya' know you could of just apologised vancouver but no you come up with another smartalec remark :rolleyes: about you look into the member before you insult them next time.

Nice looking 40g feeshy, will be much better once u start getting the oddballs in there.
All I saw was a pic of a betta in a .3 gallon container. How was I supposed to know that they were only in there for pics?

Even I figured that out. Before i saw your post i knew someone was gonna post about how she keeps her bettas in horrible conditions.


This offends me. Please take pictures with the flash off!
As I said.. a simple note saying they're in there for pics only would have eliminated anyone even thinking about posting something like that. Didn't even cross my mind that they could have been in there for only pics, as I have lots of betta containers that are the same.

No big deal anyways, was just a misunderstanding..


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