Search results

  1. J

    Hengels Raspora And Salt

    hi, i have a tank of guppies (totally cycled of course) and have some salt in there as directed in my lfs. it isnt very salty but i have around 1 tsp for every 8 litres. i am looking to add some hengels rasporas to the tank as i think they are great. does anyone have any experience of how...
  2. J

    Ages.... Who And What Age....

    hey,im setting up a radiology practice in australia (sort of). hows it going?im 25 but every1 thinks im 35! disaster!had a 8gal tank for bout 6 a 75litre tank yesterday too!jim
  3. J

    Salt For Guppies

    my lfs guy tells me that guppies do much better if a little salt is added to the water. i have looked on this forum and cant see anything to back this up other than it being a disease treatment/prevention. have any of you guys heard of this? jim
  4. J

    I'm Addicted To This Site!

    same 4 me. i shudder to think what stupid things i would have done if i wasnt using this forum! thanks for all the help guys
  5. J

    Will These Fish Get Along

    peace. where in leeds do ya live? im from headingly
  6. J

    Will These Fish Get Along

    i reckon vinylman DID sound cynical in that post. this is a nebies forum for newcomers who by their very definition are still learning. as such i believe they should be encouraged to ask questions so they can learn rather than be 'told off' for doing it wrong. only my opinion.
  7. J

    Adding Salt?

    has anyone else heard of salt not going well with loaches?? i hear its quite good to add a little to a guppy tank but i also have some pakistani loaches in there. jim
  8. J

    Reducing Particles In Water?

    miss wiggle is right again. i put some floss in after having the same problem. it worked a treat. i have since kept the synthetic floss in and my water is chrystal clear.
  9. J

    What To Do With Fry

    sounds on fishlette! i reckon i could have some decent fun breeding better fish than the wholesalers. my email is [email protected] if you send me a blank email ill let you know what and how many ive got! sounds exciting. jim
  10. J

    What To Do With Fry

    im in oz! brisbane and i have my own shop. how about you? where are you? im down the road on the sunshine coast! do you want some well bred guppies for your shop fishlette??
  11. J

    What To Do With Fry

    great idea. are there any other members from Australia? is there any way to find out?
  12. J

    What To Do With Fry

    ok thanks, would they take store credit u think? or pay cash ever?
  13. J

    What To Do With Fry

    hi, i tried to put this on the livebaras forum but i wasnt alowed! anywhoo, what the heck does everyone do with all their guppy fry. surely people dont just keep expanding the number of their tanks! i have loads at the moment and dont have any more friends to give them too. what do u guys do?
  14. J

    Sick Platy

    thanks guys, i will speak to my lfs store to see if there is anything to treat it. if not i may look at other options. not sure what i would do without this forum.?! thanks again for the help. i will post the outcome on here one way or another. jim
  15. J

    Sick Platy

    hi guys, i have a small 28L tank but it is 5 months old now so i reckon its pretty established. all my stats are good- ammonia 0, nitrite 0 and nitrate 30. pH7.2. i had some cardinals that had a fungus on one of them so i treated them and after taking advise from this forum, gave them to a...
  16. J


    i had a platy thaat lay on her side the other day. i put an air stone in and treated the water for a fungus i suspected was affecting another fish in the tank. 24hrs later there seems to be a good recovery; toutch wood. hope this helps jim
  17. J

    Fin Splitting?

    hi, i got two guppies yesterday and it seems that their fins have split significantly within the first 24 hrs. my water parameters are all good ammonia 0, nitrite 0 and nitrate 30ppm. pH 7.4. i had a fungus it there and treated it successfully (i think) 3 days ago. could it be fin nipping...
  18. J

    Help! Sick Cardinals

    hey thanks alot. i cant find any pimafix (maybe its not available here in aus) but ive got some pretty expensive fungus killer so will see how i go. i have taken my shrimp out for the fist day of treatment just incase. i figure that the treatment will be at its strongest for the first 24 hrs or...
  19. J

    Help! Sick Cardinals

    thanks guys, is columnaris a fungus as well. not sure what is available here in Australia? i will try a fungus treatment and see how it goes. will this affect my shrimp??
  20. J

    Help! Sick Cardinals

    wow that doesnt sound good. though to be fair my lfs didnt charge me for the tests. the white bits look more like fluffy growths than grains of sand to me. is it possible to treat them for this kind of thing?? thanx for the help by the way, your an angel,
  21. J

    My Tanking Habits!

    how big is your tank kat???
  22. J

    Help! Sick Cardinals

    i got some water from my lfs, kept testing it at the shop (dunno what test kit they use0. it took about 4 weeks untill the shop guy said i could add fish. i added a platy then 2 weeks later i added another (died) but the lfs guy did the tests in front of me and the readings were a ok ammonia...
  23. J

    Help! Sick Cardinals

    yes. sorry i forgot to mention it. yesterday they were good ammonia 0, nitrite 0 and nitrate 30. my lfs thought it was about perfik. pH is just over neutral tho my tap water comes at about 7.8 so i have to use a ph -down to get it reasonable. could this be the problem, it says its safe for fish!??
  24. J

    Help! Sick Cardinals

    hi, i have had some cardinal tetras for about 4 weeks and have noticed that one has a white lump on his bottom lip and one fin. this wasnt there when i got him. it doesnt seem to bother him too much but i reckon it could be bad. i went back to my lfs and noticed that another in there has the...
  25. J

    What Is Causing Fin Splitting?

    thanks. i will do a water change now (30%) and then the same for the next few days. is there anything else that could cause fins to split??
  26. J

    What Is Causing Fin Splitting?

    hi friends, i have noticed that my fish's fines are splitting? i dont have a test kit but 7 days ago when i took some water to my lfs all parameters were AOK. zero ammonia, nitrite and around 35 nitrite! i have since added some plants. would that cause fins to split. i only have a 28 l...
  27. J

    Who Is Fin Nipping?

    probbably not till we move to a bigger house. i have a 300l/ hour filtration system as well as a 4inch airstone. as im now quite attached to the platty ill have to keep her. would i be pushing it getting more than 1 cardinal?
  28. J

    Recommendations For A 10 Gallon

    i have a 7.4 gal tank and keep a couple of yoyo loaches (harry & Lloyd). they are great fun and after initially being a little timid, are doing a great job of keeping the substrate clean. as soon as some muck falls to the bottom- they stir it up and break it up till it goes into the filter...
  29. J

    Who Is Fin Nipping?

    thanks for the replies guys, the shrimp does have little pincers but to be honest he only holds them up if the fish come to bother him. dont think he would have the strength in them to nip fins either. also i would think that if the shrimp was grabbing them, having watched how they act...
  30. J

    Who Is Fin Nipping?

    Hi guys, i have a new but established 8 gal tank with 4 cardinals, 2 yoyo loach and a female platty along with a freshwater shrimp. one cardinal- the largest one has had a significant amount of his tail nipped but im not sure who is doing it and what to do about it. if i were to make a guess...
  31. J

    Java Moss And Shrimps?

    thanks for the help
  32. J

    Java Moss And Shrimps?

    2 quick questions guys, i am just setting up my small tank (28litres). was wanting to plant it with natural plants but want to make sure they are hardy enough to survive the small tank limitations. would java moss suit this? 28 litre 1 platy planning on adding 4 cardinals and some cherry...
  33. J

    Whats A Good Algea Cleaner?

    thanks guys, i will see if i can get hold of any amano shrimps and leave a lil space for an otto, then see what algea arrives. are snails any good at removing algea or are they a bad idea?
  34. J

    Whats A Good Algea Cleaner?

    hi, i am trying to decide what fish to get to maximise my limited tank space. i understand that a bristlenose needs more space than i have. i was intending on stocking it with 1 platty (already got) 4 cardinal tetras 1 pakistani loach (probably) 2 or 3 shrimps ...and an algea cleaner anyone...
  35. J

    How Many Fish?

    are snails a good idea for removing algea?
  36. J

    How Many Fish?

    thanks for the reply, they are 2 female plattys how about if i simply add 4 neons and leave it at that? would i be ok without an algea eater?
  37. J

    How Many Fish?

    hi, i have recently been given a small 28 litre tank for my birthday. i have just about completed cycling my tank with fish (2 Plattys) ammonia 0.1: nitrite 0.01: pH6.8 i have good filtration and have added a 4inch airstone. i have a fineish white substrate and some plastic plants (for now) i...