Recommendations For A 10 Gallon

need ammonia, nitrate and nitrite stats also :good:

Thanx We bought a kit that tested for all of them but the ph value was the only concern. It is the recommended numbers and combinations of fish that we are not sure of.

Any suggestions are much appreciated.

You would do better posting this question as a new topic in this forum. 8 gallons is not a whole bunch of space to be honest.


4 galaxy rasbora
4 pygmaeus cories
a couple of amano shrimp
1 interesting piece of mopani wood with a few real plants attached with cotton. Anubias barteri var. nana + Java fern both good options.

i have a 7.4 gal tank and keep a couple of yoyo loaches (harry & Lloyd). they are great fun and after initially being a little timid, are doing a great job of keeping the substrate clean. as soon as some muck falls to the bottom- they stir it up and break it up till it goes into the filter.

yoyo loaches- i reccomend them!
i have a 7.4 gal tank and keep a couple of yoyo loaches (harry & Lloyd). they are great fun and after initially being a little timid, are doing a great job of keeping the substrate clean. as soon as some muck falls to the bottom- they stir it up and break it up till it goes into the filter.

yoyo loaches- i reccomend them!


We have now got some guppies (5) and some neon's (4). Would you still recommend adding the yoyo loaches - what do they look like? and are they calm with other fish?
do you know what sex the guppies are? and the tank is too small for neons IMO because they prefer to be in groups of 6 and are active fish so for me the minimum would be 15 gal. if you don't know the sex of you guppies use this :good:

Purple is the females anal fin as you can see it is 'fan' shaped
Red is where the gravid spot is which is where the fry develope
Blue is the male anal fin as you can see it is pointed and also known as the gonopodium
You would do better posting this question as a new topic in this forum. 8 gallons is not a whole bunch of space to be honest.


4 galaxy rasbora
4 pygmaeus cories
a couple of amano shrimp
1 interesting piece of mopani wood with a few real plants attached with cotton. Anubias barteri var. nana + Java fern both good options.


We have now got 5 guppies and 4 neons (which after reading more on this site I now know are probably not ideal). What could we add to this combination?

many thanks

do you know what sex the guppies are? and the tank is too small for neons IMO because they prefer to be in groups of 6 and are active fish so for me the minimum would be 15 gal. if you don't know the sex of you guppies use this :good:

Purple is the females anal fin as you can see it is 'fan' shaped
Red is where the gravid spot is which is where the fry develope
Blue is the male anal fin as you can see it is pointed and also known as the gonopodium

Thank you - the guppies are definitely male.
well thats ok then no fry to worry about. but i'd return the neons and maybe get 3/4 shrimp instead
yes you could keep a single male with a few small cories, or divide it into 2 or 3 and keep 2/3 males or have a group of 5 females if heavily planted
i saw this an i was thinking about making a community tank not soon but in the future sometime. and i just absolutly fell in love with the Sparkling Gourami. when i do make this community tank that is what im going to have most of. they are just sooooo cute and adorable! :D this is a great thread! :good: thanks so much for taking the time do this!
I have a 10 gallon and right now i have a pleco, 2 red eye tetra, 2 serpae tetra, and 1 painted tetra. Can i add more fish or is this all i have room for??

I have been reading alot and now i want to seperate them into groups. Top swimmers,mid, and bottom.
I like tetra's alot but what other fish can i put with these tetra's to spread out the look? I need a top swimmer so what is recommended??
Also i notice the fish hang out alot on the bottom, but i read they are mid fish? Is this normal??

Any help from you guys would be great
alscrx any idea on what pleco you have? i would have either a shoal of 6 red eyes or 6 serpae and return the rest, they'll be much happier that way and be much happier and more active this way. then your pretty much stocked, but you may have to remove the pleco if it is a future foot+ speicies
Does anyone know if a blue dwarf gourami would get on with some neon tetras? the guy at my local pet shop who is very helpful told me hes had loads of people have trouble with gourami's being a bit bullying (ie they try to eat the other fish) towards their other fish. So he told me to get some red honey gourami's instead... thing is I have had my heart set on a blue dwarf gourami for AAAAAGES and I dont want to get it if it eats my neons up :blink: ... anyway that i can at least help them get along . At the moment I have 5 neon tetras. They are doing well and I was thinking maybe upping it to a 10 fish shoal to deter the gourami from bullying? but I wasn't sure if different tetras would shoal together or not ... so do i go for another 5 neon tets or just different tets to give the tank a bit of variation? aaaargh I feel like my head is gonna explode with all these questions . Any help would be GREATLY appreciated :)

Julie (in edinburgh scotland)

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