What Is Causing Fin Splitting?


New Member
Apr 25, 2007
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hi friends,

i have noticed that my fish's fines are splitting? i dont have a test kit but 7 days ago when i took some water to my lfs all parameters were AOK. zero ammonia, nitrite and around 35 nitrite!

i have since added some plants. would that cause fins to split.

i only have a 28 l (7.5gal) tank with

1 female platty (one split in tail)

2 yoyo loaches (one with several and one with just 2 splits in the tail)

4 cardinal tetras (no splits as far as i can see)

and 1 shrimp

please help...

hiya, your levels of ammonia and nitrite could well have gone up after adding fish, it's very likely if the tank wasn't cycled before adding them

have a read of the link in my sig 'what's cycling'

i will do a water change now (30%) and then the same for the next few days.

is there anything else that could cause fins to split??

It could be either be fighting fish (unlikely though), more likely to be fin rot. Frequent water changes and treatment. I have it in my tank too, I'm treating them with myxazin, but I've ran out so I'm switching to melafix.


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