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  1. bullhead

    Cheap Wine That Tastes Good....

    :good: :good: :good:
  2. bullhead

    Full Of ?'s Tonight

    how often do you do water changes on your planted tanks and what kind of bioload does it have?If you have a small to non-exsistant bioload can you prolong the need for water changes?
  3. bullhead

    What Is It ?

    I have a 10 gal. planted tank.set up for about a week now.1.8 watts per ga.3200k power compact 8.5 hours a day,no Co2.Using florish excel and nothing else.No bioload as of yet.In the last 3 or 4 days the tank as begun to develope a fuzzy,cobb web looking stuff growing off the plants...
  4. bullhead

    Just Thinkg Ahead......

  5. bullhead

    Fluval 305

    No problems,I renew it about ever 6 months or so.I follow the instructions to a "T".You do need a very fine micron media bag to put it in thou,which I also get from seachem.Do not bleach the bag,it will disinegrate after a few times.I have pulled a bag out of my filter that was just as black and...
  6. bullhead

    Lighting For Clams

    I believe the smalest of the clams will still reach a size of 10 to 12 inches across and they need high lighting,10,000k and lots of it.I dont think it would be wise to stuff one into a nano.Do ALOT of researh before doing this.
  7. bullhead

    Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

    I was bummed to hear that.One of the great authors,humorists,free thinkers and rebels of our time.he will be missed :(
  8. bullhead

    Fluval 305

    this tells you ....... love this stuff,been using it for about 5 yrs on 1 tank and 4 on another.
  9. bullhead

    Fluval 205

    SOund like they didnt rinse of the ceramic rings at all.They will creat a mess if you dont.I'm not sure how you would get rid of that stuff since it is so fine,other than water changes that is.
  10. bullhead

    Fluval 305

    You think it will take that long?The new fiter should colonize quickly on an established tank and shouldnt cycle at all.Its just colonizing a "new area" not the entire tank.
  11. bullhead

    Fluval 305

    Just hook up the fluval and let it run for about a week and then remove the juwel or what ever your gonna do with it,This should be enough time for the new filter to colonize.Get rid of the carbon,add the floss.did it come with those ceramic rings?if not u might want to get some of those too.THe...
  12. bullhead

    Saltwater Forum For Emergencies?

    If its there more people will use it ,there by increasing the amount of traffic in the section, there by increasing the number of knowlegable people with in the community on that paticular subject.I beleive the larger the community the more info and opinions you will be exposed to which will...
  13. bullhead

    Just Thinkg Ahead......

    Thats what I was afraid of.
  14. bullhead

    Goldfish With Ich

    I used ridich,worked fine.Safe for plants and inverts.As stated above these things are usually brought on buy stress of some kind.Poor water conditions or other health problems(internal).Goldfish are notorious for swimbladder infections which can weaken the immune system.Do big water changes to...
  15. bullhead

    Saltwater Forum For Emergencies?

    I think its a good idea to have a marine emergency may not get a ton of traffic but it would be good to have a specific place for something like that and I think it wold attract more people to the site if we broaden the range of subjects within the fish keeping arena.I think the site...
  16. bullhead

    Just Thinkg Ahead......

    I just finished setting up my 10 gallon planted tank and was thinking ahead to what type of dwarf cichild to put in it when the plants fill out.I like blue rams,but have kept them before,maybe gold rams for good color contrast.I also like the cockatoo's,reds,dbl reds,orange,blk stripe.any...
  17. bullhead

    Blue Ram Protruding Anus Update: Help!

    I have only ever noticed a extended ovipositor on my females,blues or bolivians,never seen anything resembleing that on a male.Maybe a parasite of some kind,just a guess.If it is acting fine and seems in good health other wise I would worry too much about it
  18. bullhead

    Where Do You Get Sand From?

    I bought my sand at the local hardware.It was kid safe play sand (white),free of foriegn objects ,100% pure sand,thats what the bag said anyways.I didnt wash it ,probably not to smart on my part but I didnt have any problems.Its been in my 90 gal.cold water tank for more than 2 yrs. now with out...
  19. bullhead

    $20 -9/11 Topic Closed

    Well,I guess I am the minority here,I still dont see any harm in good clean conversation on any subject.So I guess I'll let sleeping dogs lie.........sorry for seeming like a.p.i.t.a. :P
  20. bullhead

    $20 -9/11 Topic Closed

    The link I provided should shed some light on the topic of general chat posts. To sum it up general chat topics all too often turn into a name calling, mud slinging mess that will not be tolerated on a family oriented forum such as this. I agree it should be shut down if it gets hostile in...
  21. bullhead

    $20 -9/11 Topic Closed

    I bet that 50% of the topics on here diverge from thier original subject.If thats the reason then I have a topic that needs to be closed cause it started as a MH question and ended up as plant talk.Wouldnt moving it be a better solution?Sorry Bloo,I didnt find anywhere where it said idle...
  22. bullhead

    $20 -9/11 Topic Closed

    I dont understand why the topic on the 911 $20 bill started by BigMick was closed.I didnt see anything as heated or distastefull,so why was it closed?because 1 person didnt like the subject,I dont think that is fair.We are all adults here right?I think a mod. needs to reopen the topic and allow...
  23. bullhead

    Metal Halide Questions.....

    Sorry to be off subject :X Thanx for the advice and I think I will go with the 70's. :nod:
  24. bullhead

    Metal Halide Questions.....

    My advice is still, go with less light. A pair of 70w would be more than adequate. If you need more than my word, ask Plantbrain. It's one of his mantras :rolleyes: 2 - 70 watts would give me approx. 2.8 watts per gallon,I'm not sure if that would give me enough to grow the plants I'm...
  25. bullhead

    September 11th...

    oh yeh and mine too bullhead. cant help feeling that if old oil lamp was to return to the Whitehouse, he would be very sad at what he found. he tried to destroy government by patronage, but sadly it has come back. no wonder his parrot showed so little respect for the people at his funeral. I...
  26. bullhead

    Farming, The Environment, Morality And Vegetarians

    bullhead -- Your point about farmers is very important. Reducing the cost of food production via factory farming and genetically modifying crops has done nothing to raise family farm incomes. I've lived in Nebraska where farmers are literally working the ground for less income than someone...
  27. bullhead

    Cost Of Running A 5 Gallon Tank

    in comparison to your other tanks.......pennies per month for electricity and maybe a couple of bucks for food,supplements and water changes.probably less than a couple cups of coffey,the fancy kind.
  28. bullhead

    Farming, The Environment, Morality And Vegetarians

    Tokis,do you fend for your self or do you provide for a family?do you still eat of the plate of your parents?I understand the moral issues but at the sametime I must think of my family first and for most.I am not poor and I am not over privilaged either,I am middle income america,I am concerned...
  29. bullhead

    September 11th...

    Dont overlook anything.The U.S. goverment has done a lot mess up stuff and lied about it.I believe that we are lied to more than we are told the truth.enough said.
  30. bullhead

    Metal Halide Questions.....

    Yeah,after doing more research I'm looking at a dual 175 watt retro fit kit.By the way thanks for the help.
  31. bullhead

    Metal Halide Questions.....

    Planted tank,high light plants and driftwood with philadendren on it above the water surface.What distance from the tank surface? I've heard evrything from 8" to 24".Further from the tank ,the weaker the light penatrating to the bottom,is this right?
  32. bullhead

    Best Power Filter?

    :stupid: I like the aquaclears also,less movig parts=less problems and they are cheap -saving $= :cool: .I had a biowheel and didnt care for it,wheels didnt always spin and I understand why the wheels are there but I dont really think they help.
  33. bullhead

    Metal Halide Questions.....

    No one has any suggestions? :dunno:
  34. bullhead

    New Tank Arrangements

    Great tanks,I really dig the shortie you have,it gives a different perspective on the scale of the interior objects.Where did you find something like that?Was it made to be a reef tank?
  35. bullhead

    Metal Halide Questions.....

    what size metal halide woud I want to use ,wattage wise for a 50gal.(u.s.)tank.I think its 18" deep. Can I use a a single bulb fixture or do I have to use a double fixture to properly illuminate the entire tank.what is the best bulb iyo for plants?no paticular type,I wolud like to shot for 4...
  36. bullhead


    Yes it did and I thank you. :thanks:
  37. bullhead


    What type of rocks are safe to use in the aqurium setting?Which ones will change the ph?I know that some will raise the ph and harden the water,but will any have the oppisite effect or even a nuetralizing effect?
  38. bullhead

    Any One Ever Emigrated?

    Yeah,I've thought about that to.My sister did it,but she married a canadian.She still had to pay some fees and do a test to become a citizen,she said it wasnt that hard the way she loves it there.
  39. bullhead

    My 29g Re-do~~lots Of Pics

    My big question right now is what kind of filter do ya'll use for planted tanks? I have the kind that hangs on the back on all of my tanks except one. ( It has a built in the hood thing. ) The other thing is... can you use a bubble bar type thing for your CO2 instead of the ladder? Would that...
  40. bullhead

    Used Tank - Cleaning The Glass Before Setup

    Make sure to use white vinegar,it leaves no residue after it drys.Use it straight out of the bottle too.other than that,hot water and elbow grease.