New Tank Arrangements

Are you planning on keepimg the Dwarg Puffers with the Crayfish. I only ask because I just bought one of each. Planning to keep the Cray on his own in a 30 but was wondering whether to try him with the dwarf. Sounds daft I know but it was just one thing that I thought about. I have enough tanks for them to have their own, which is what I will end up doing probably.

Great tanks btw
Love the tanks, Dude! Especially like the brackish setup... I've never seen An Orange banded shistura loach in anyones aquarium before... Any info on them...
I'm a girl ;)
Here's some info on the loaches:

nice tanks synirr, how are the blennys doing in a group of 3?
I don't have three blennies?

Nice tanks :D In the first shot of tanks, what size tank is the bottom one, the one that has what looks like a Giant Gourami and Tiger Oscar in it?
That's a 40g, I believe. It's a temporary setup, obviously. I'm holding the gourami for someone who is building a 900g for it, and the oscar is going to be a mate for my large one (I hope).

How do you manage to have no algae in any of your tanks?! Even the brackish one?
Easy, I scrubbed all the tanks down on the same day as the pics were taken! :lol:
Seriously though, most of my freshwater tanks grow very little algae... I have no idea why. I blame it on frequent large water changes, I try to do 25-40% a week. The brackish will eventually have algae I'm sure, but the nerite snails will help some.

:lol: that reminds me of what our front room looked like before we bought the new house, you need a fishroom my friend.
I DO have a fishroom... it's just combined with the computer room, lol :p

:crazy: your electricity bill must be ginormous?!
Not really, I like to keep the apartment at around 80 degrees F most of the time, which works well in a hot climate like Texas. This means I have no use for heaters, and the filters and lighting apparently don't use that much electricity.

Are you planning on keepimg the Dwarg Puffers with the Crayfish.
Yes, but only because they are dwarf crayfish. Any other kind would eventually kill the puffers, but these only get 1.5-2" max.

what kind of blenny is that? looks beautiful!
Zebra blenny, Omobranchus zebra :)
Beautiful tanks you have there, Synirr! Especially love the Dwarf Puffers. :wub:
Love the tanks, Dude! Especially like the brackish setup... I've never seen An Orange banded shistura loach in anyones aquarium before... Any info on them...

I'm a girl
Here's some info on the loaches:

Thanks for info... Are they fairly common in LFS around you? Because I have never seen them! ( But want one... )

Sorry, but I call everybody "Dude"! :rolleyes:

Not too common, but we managed to get them a couple of times at work. I think there are still two left.
All I have to say now is....... where do you live and do you have a security system? :p
Regarding your rack, I think I have the same rack, but mine is black. Did you get it from target? The box said each shelf was rated for over 300 lbs, but I was hesitant and my wife is a little scared that my 20 gallon will break the rack, however considering how the shelves work, I don't know if it's even physically possible. How long have you had your tanks on that stand? I may show your setup to my wife so she can breathe a little easier.

haha why dont you like the blenny?
I do like the blenny? ????
He's just a jerk is all, very aggressive. I like him just fine, in fact I think he's great... his tankmates, on the other hand, may have a different opinion of him :lol:

Regarding your rack, I think I have the same rack, but mine is black. Did you get it from target? The box said each shelf was rated for over 300 lbs, but I was hesitant and my wife is a little scared that my 20 gallon will break the rack, however considering how the shelves work, I don't know if it's even physically possible. How long have you had your tanks on that stand? I may show your setup to my wife so she can breathe a little easier.

I got one of my racks at Sam's Club, it's the larger of the two and holds 600lbs per shelf. The other I got from Bed, Bath and Beyond, and it holds 500lbs per shelf. Still, I think you'd be safe with a 20g on the one you've got. Water weighs about 8lbs per gallon, and I like to overestimate and say 10lbs per gallon, and even by that count the shelf should hold.

EDIT: Almost forgot, the tanks have been on there almost a year now. We use these same kinds of shelves where I work too, and they have been holding strong for 6 years.
Great tanks,I really dig the shortie you have,it gives a different perspective on the scale of the interior objects.Where did you find something like that?Was it made to be a reef tank?
I got it used from a coworker. It's not reef-ready, and he was using it to house baby turtles... no idea what it was made for originally.

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