Used Tank - Cleaning The Glass Before Setup


New Member
Mar 15, 2007
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Ok, so I'm squared away on cleaning the rocks, Thanks everyone for you help!

I have another question (I know, another newbie question) but, the inside of the glass on this used tank really needs scraped and cleaned. I'm not sure if I can use anything to clean it besides water and a scratch pad. I know that I don't want to use any soaps or cleaners. Any suggestions?

The best thing to do is to fill it with water and let it sit for a while. That will loosen most everything on it. Then you can mix the solution of bleach and water as Tolak mentioned in the other thread and clean it. You probably won't have to do much scrubbing but if you do a scratch pad will work (don't use on acrylic though). If you have to scrape anything, you can use a razor blade but be careful around the silicone corners. Just be sure to rinse it good. Vinegar and water also will work if you won't want to use bleach.
Vinegar is good for lime buildup from hard water. For thick dried algae let it sit with water in it for a few days, then take a single edged razor blade & carefully scrape the algae off the glass. Keep the blade away from the silicone seals, it will easily scrape them off.
Make sure to use white vinegar,it leaves no residue after it drys.Use it straight out of the bottle too.other than that,hot water and elbow grease.

I will give these suggestions a try...


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