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    Moss Wall With Stringy Moss?

    can stringy moss be walled? or do they grow too spaced out for a nice looking wall? hmm.. if aynone knows... let me know. thanks
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    Good Wall

    i am trying to create a dense thick moss wall. What moss would work good? And dun even say Java moss and Christmas moss cuz they look so disgusting when walled.
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    Which One Is Easier?!?!

    okay, i am a plant noob and i need to know which of these are the easier/hardy plant in plain gravel no CO2 environment. (with only occasional fert) Stargrass valisnera spiralis Limnophila sessiflora sagitaria subulata yea... so if anyone knows please let me know. Thanks a bunch
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    Ahhh..! Father Of 30... And No Clue!

    hi, i just got a bit over 30 fries. My female dropped them like mad. okay, so i seperated them from the others. I've never raised guppy fries to full adult. They always died before that. So this time i wanna make it right. First of all, what the heck do i feed? All the times in the...
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    Plant Recommendation

    of course it will. I am just too lazy to empty the 2L yeast bottle every week. Plus my tank is right beside where i sleep. I dun want anything like that in my bed room.
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    Id This Monster Algae Please

    only some part of the moss are turning brown. But most are green.
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    Id This Monster Algae Please

    i got this very thin long spread-like algae dominating my tank. I guess it;s kinda like hair algae. First i liked it cuz it tangled all my moss together preventing them from floating and seperating. Now i can hardly recognize them. And it is impossible to get rid of cuz they are 'part'...
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    Plant Recommendation

    thanks for the all the posts wow, Juncus Repens was exactly the kind of plant i was looking for. Nice bright green, bushy and clean looking. Water Wisteria look pretty nice too. Would Water Wisteria grow well in my aquarium set up? I will write once again. 10gal Only occasional...
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    Plant Recommendation

    I am looking for bushy plants, under 30cm in size. My 10 gal breeding tank has no CO2, and only occasional fertilization when java ferns turn pale. I have shirmps so i try to limit ferts. The bottom is just plain gravel. If anyone has any recommendations of hardy, green, bushy (and...
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    Ahhh ! It's Happening .... Again!

    1) 2.5 WPG 2) 16-19 (10-13 hours of natural sun light, but not direct, and 6 hours from a light blub) 3) No fertilizer 4) Yes.
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    Ahhh ! It's Happening .... Again!

    my plants are going clear.... AGAIN. What the heck is wrong???? Even if i do water change, it still happens to my java ferns. arggggggggggggggg!
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    Omg. Tank Is Turning To Hulk

    I got HUGE algea growth in my tank. I really dun know (and not interested) in specific name of this algae. It's just typical green algae. Before, i would just dump in a culture of daphnia and they would wipe out algae within days. But ever since i increased number of my fish, daphnia kinda...
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    J.fern Help!

    well i didn't fertilize my tank at all cuz all i have in my 10gal is tons of differnt types of mosses. So, it should be okay if i just leave them?
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    J.fern Help!

    Yea that's exactly how my leaves look like. But it's not the tip that's going clear. At this rate, in 2 days, entire leaves will go clear. (it's has gone clear about half in 2 days)
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    J.fern Help!

    My ferns were very green. Now all of my ferns are going clear from the tips. And it is spreading very fast. (almost all the leaves in 4 ferns) They are dwarf java ferns, and are at 3-4cm right now. what do u mean by genenral fertilizer? Can i buy this from store? Thanks
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    J.fern Help!

    My java fern leaves are going clear from the tips. And it is spreading. What causes this and how can i fix it? It is tied down to a rock with some fish, algae, and CO2. Thanks in advance!
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    Dumb Guppy

    well i wouldnt be worried if the guppy chases other ones too. He's been chasing same platy for days.
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    Dumb Guppy

    I introduced new male guppies today but they are only chasing after female orange platies. It is very weird. I've had guppies for long time but this is the first time that they are chasing something other then their own species. If anyone had any experience with this please let me know...
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    Stimulate Growth

    Hi, i just got some taiwan moss from a friend. What's their growth rate like?
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    Do Algae Eaters Also Eat Moss?

    only and only if they only eat algae...... sigh
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    Do Algae Eaters Also Eat Moss?

    damn. those chinese algae eaters cause more hussle than good. I am moving them atta my tank.
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    Do Algae Eaters Also Eat Moss?

    Do chinese algae eaters also eat moss? I am gonna put in some taiwan and java moss on monday but afraid that algae eater might eat them. If anyone know anything about it, please let me know. Thanks
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    Co2 Diffuser Type

    Which one is better at dissolving CO2? Ladder type (where CO2 slowly goes up level by level) or those diffuser types you see on ebay?
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    Java Fern

    still pearling... hm.. by the way. riccia is hard with algae eaters. They keep on sucking on the rock making some of the riccia to seperate and float on surface. Its so anooying.I feel like grabbing them and ducktaping their mouths. :) I also learned why people say to make the net as tight...
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    anyone know any good site with pictures that can be used for background? (i am trying to print one out) Or does somebody have a nice picture of their aquarium? I am looking for bright clean mossy heavily planted background thanks~
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    Question For Tom Barr

    i am so confused... 0_0
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    some active fish can use up quite a bit of oxygen. For example... 2 minnows will die within 20min in 1g tank without any supply of oxygen. I don't see how putting in a lot of fish won't work. hmm.....
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    Will keeping more fish be sufficiently enough to provide enough CO2 for plant growth? Say... 7 neons 3 platies and 1 algae eater in 10g. I really can't go through weekly bottle change of DIY.
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    Java Fern

    lol not really. i didn't do any water change. my WPG is at 2.5 plus the sunlight They been pearling ever since 2hours i put them in the tank. so many bubbles. kinda look nasty. So i usually take a stick and swirl around.
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    Java Fern

    lol those riccias are pearling like mad. So much that it look like bubbly sewage water. Thanks. i will get those ferns then.
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    Java Fern

    My friend is giving me a couple of java ferns with about 6 leaves each. But i got no substrate nor CO2 in my 10gal. Would they still do okay? ( i don't expect some crazy growth. As long as they dont turn brown and die off)
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    My Work In Progress

    the first and the second picture near the top. squiggly lines.. maybe it had something to do with flash... by the way nice looking tank
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    My Work In Progress

    what are those white lines on the wall??
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    Riccia Wall

    cuz i wouldn't have enough.
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    Riccia Wall

    Does walling with Riccias work? I just got some from Supercoly1 and letting them float for now. I am gonna do bottom carpet with christmas moss and 2 sides with riccia. I know christmas moss will work. But not sure about riccia.
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    Carpeting Plants

    o... read it wrong.
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    Fert Ppm

    not those 2 in 1 ferts ( that kill weed, and fertilize) There are things that only contain ferts. I would go check out as soon as my exams are over.
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    Fert Ppm

    well, othe then the fact the general fertilizers contain very high phosphate level, aren't they okay to use? I mean, people are so afraid of high level of PO4 cuz it causes algae boom. If i can control that, i think i am better off with general fertilizers that come in tiny circles...
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    Fert Ppm

    anyone know where i can get some in Canada?? Greg Watson will charge $15 for shipping for $5 worth of actual stuff.
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    Fert Ppm

    so i guess this Greg Watson guy is the cheapest person to buy off from if you live in North America... ...sigh This would be a good time to know someone who works in laboratories... 18year-old has limited connections.... bugger