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  1. R

    Where To Get A Good Pair Of Angelfish

    Hi, i am thinking of getting a pair of angelfish for my 29 gallon. Does anyone know where online that i can buy a proven pair of Angels? Cheap shipping would help, but i'd rather get a good pair lol. Thanks.
  2. R

    Predator Fish For My 29?

    30x12x18 high. Those fish look pretty cool o.O Do you know a good source where i can get them? Hehe, i think im getting another 29 this christmas. Sweet, i can have one predator, and the other will probably be angels.
  3. R

    Predator Fish For My 29?

    My 29 used to be a planted tank but i want to switch things up a bit :good: What is a good predatory fish that i can put in there? I do not want to keep any puffer's though. The filtration i would have on it is an xp3. I do have some extra aquaclears though. Thanks for any help
  4. R

    29 Gallon Tank

    thanks :) Hopefully the tigers won't bicker amongst themselves too much xP
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    29 Gallon Tank

    I think i'll go with 10. Maybe albinos if i can find them. My maintenance will be pretty good since i will be doing ei fertz so i will have to do weekly water changes of 50% ;)
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    29 Gallon Tank

    Well, i dont know anywhere near me where i can get bumblebees. I do remember seeing something on bumblebee catfish that shoal. I dont think shell dwellers would work because the tank is planted, i don't have hard water (i think they need that?), and i dont have sand :( I probably have to stick...
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    29 Gallon Tank

    Any tips? I think i will go with tiger barbs, i just need to know how much will be able to live in a 29 gallon with a bn plec.
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    Petco Or Petsmart

    for me, i find things at petsmart cheaper than at petco. But petco seems to have a lot more variety of things than petsmart. I see plants and decor that i never see at petsmart at petco...
  9. R

    29 Gallon Tank

    Well, i am kind of looking to have a species tank. With one fish only (with the exception of my albino bn plec :P ) So tiger barbs might work. How much do you think can live comfortably in a 29 gallon tank?
  10. R

    29 Gallon Tank

    So confusing lol. I want to try something other than tetras this time. I have had them for awhile o.O Are there any 2inch + fish that aren't tetras that can live peacfully together in a 29? Maybe 6-10 of them. If i can't find any, i think i will go with a school of either Lemon tetras...
  11. R

    29 Gallon Tank

    I probably have to get rid of my stock in my 29 gallon planted tank because of NTD so i am open to new stocking options :shifty: Would a school of rams be able to live in there? I know that some may pair up but it is a fairly dense planted tank so the rams will have time to hide and make...
  12. R

    Pale Neon Tetra

    Arg, another fish less cycle xD It took me 3-4 weeks to do the first one. Not counting for my other tanks eitehr. Can ntd catch on to fish such as Pearl gourami's and harlequin rasboras? I am thinking of doing a differentish biotope, no more SA. I remember that ntd can catch on to other neons...
  13. R

    Pale Neon Tetra

    But can they pass it onto other animals even if they aren't in the tank with them? Like take out all the fish, and put in the new ones so there is no contact between the two. I just think that the it might be a disease that can stay in the tank. Also, if i let it off for 3 months, will i need...
  14. R

    Pale Neon Tetra

    DANG IT D: I followed yoru advice. Then, last night, i saw one neon Tetra like bulged up with this eyes bulging out, away from the rest, and was gasping really bad. I seperated him and he died this morning >< I see another neon with his tail ripped, i think thats another sign? A ripped tail...
  15. R

    Pale Neon Tetra

    I think it is NTD, his body is a bit bloated. I think that is what happens because the bacteria inside the neon multiplies? Should i just euthanize him. He is starting to swim funny.
  16. R

    Pale Neon Tetra

    Well, my oldest neons (about 5?) have been with me for about 7 months or so, got them last year. The rest are relatively new, about 1-2 months ago.
  17. R

    Pale Neon Tetra

    Tank size:29 gallon pH:7.6 ammonia:0 nitrite:0 nitrate:20 kH:? gH:? tank temp:84 (hot florida...) Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Out of my 11 neon tetras, one neon has turned pale. It is only in its midbody and its a creamish color...
  18. R

    Finally My Journal Is Here! 36" 100l High Tech

    ooh, any pics? One more plant question :3 Is the plant in the back right a giant hygro of some sort? I really like the looks of it.
  19. R

    The Goldfish Bowl

    thats the best place i have ever seen that sells plants... I wish my fish stores were like that D: *drool*
  20. R

    Difusing Diy C02 With Xp3 Outlet

    Is it possible to difuse diy c02 with the outlet of an xp3? I have a 20 gallon planted tank with that filter and two nutrafin canisters running with that mixture, i dont like the ladder though because there is always some gaseous thing growing on it even though i have a gas seperator. I would...
  21. R

    Finally My Journal Is Here! 36" 100l High Tech

    nice forground! Is the tennellus , e tennellus "narrow"?
  22. R

    Bicarbonate Of Soda

    What is Bicarbonate of soda? in the sticky about diy c02, it says that thats what you should use as a stabiliser. If i have a ph water of 7.5, should i even use bicarbonate of soda? thanks!
  23. R

    Scatched My 5 Gallon Tank

    is it like a stick that has a white course thing on the end. I have something like that but its for glass. I think i should have bought a white one...
  24. R

    Scatched My 5 Gallon Tank

    the filter is part of the hood. The tank has a black trim on the top which holds the filter inplace. The intake can only be in the back since that is where the bracket is that holds the filter. The light would have to be repositioned because if i turn it around, it would look very ugly...
  25. R

    Scatched My 5 Gallon Tank

    well, the tank is a bow shaped tank. And only the bow is scratched although there is a little tiny scratch on the left side panel. The dimensions are a bit wierd though, it goes like this. The back of the tank is parallel to the front (if you connected the ends of where the bend starts...
  26. R

    Scatched My 5 Gallon Tank

    I made a stupid mistake. My 5 gallon acrylic corner marineland had a very bad case of gsa so i took it outside for a scrub. I have those sponges used for washing dishes that are yellow on one side and green (course) on another. I tried using the yellow but the algae was stuck on really good...
  27. R

    Purigen Regeneration

    *bump* It has now been 48 hours and there is still brown stuff on it. I tried washing it through with water but its still in there. any help? thanks
  28. R

    Purigen Regeneration

    Yesterday, i put my really brown purigen in a 1:1 bleach water solution. Today, it is still brown although a lot of it has gone into the water. On the paper that came with the purigen, it says to only wait for 24 hours, but if its still brown, should i wait longer? (the browness is because of...
  29. R

    Green Dot Algae Attack Leaves

    I got gsa on my anubia leaves. All i did was up c02 a bit and add some excel and the dots slowly got dimmer and just disappeared :D
  30. R

    Green Dot Algae Attack Leaves

    I got gsa on my anubia leaves. All i did was up c02 a bit and add some excel and the dots slowly got dimmer and just disappeared :D
  31. R

    Totally Ot Of Bettas...but I Read A Ghost Story

    same thing for me lol. except im only 13... Whenever i watch a scary movie, i gotta have a funny one to watch after it xD And whenever i read a scary book, i try to read it all in a day because the ending usually makes it better... I remember when it was summer when i was smaller, goosebump...
  32. R

    Corys Are Lopsided

    OOPS i just saw that i posted it in tropical chat. Would a mod be nice enough to move it to the emergency section please? thanks
  33. R

    Corys Are Lopsided

    I just finished changing the substrate in my 20 gallon tank from sand to black gravel and this morning, i saw that my corydoras were on their side. They were still breathing and i kind of scared them so they went upright and swam away. When they stopped though, the just slowly flopped over...
  34. R

    Help With My Bristle Nose Pleco!

    what cycle, my cousins? My tank has no problems that i can see of since i have had it set up for about half a year and my only death was one neon tetras and it was stuck to the intake filter for somereason. It seems as if the pimple is going away! It has faded to about less than half what it...
  35. R

    Bristlenose Fry

    very nice! the bn are so cute lol. What kind of fish do you have? Some seem like harlequins to me. So many anubias too lol
  36. R

    Help With My Bristle Nose Pleco!

    i did a water change. Sorry im so late in replying lol. Yup ammonia is 0, Nitrate is about 10 now. (i use api test kits btw) In my 20 gallon tank, i have 1 albino bristlnose pleco, 3 corydoras swarchtzi (sp?), one angel fish about 2 inches (the temp one), 3 ottos, and 11 neon tetras. Yes i...
  37. R

    Help With My Bristle Nose Pleco!

    Nitrite: 0 Ammonia: Looks like .1 but im sure that its because of the tannins. My water is pretty dark. I think it is actually 0 too becuase i have an aquaclear 30 and an xp3 running on the 20 gallon lol. Nitrate: I dont have my test kit for this now because i let my cuz borrow it for his...
  38. R

    New Gravel

    hm, that may be it. Because of those rocks got split open and when i looked inside, it was a whitish color and had a bit of a sparkly look to it. thanks!
  39. R

    Help With My Bristle Nose Pleco!

    Last night, before i went to sleep, i saw that my Albino bn pleco had an injury. He is about 3-4 inches long and lives in a 20 gallon tank with neons and corys, with a temporary angel (im holding it for my cuz as his tank is cycling) The injury is on the right side of his body near the middle...
  40. R

    New Gravel

    I decided to switch out the substrate in my 20 gallon planted tank (it is sand right now) to black inert gravel because i like the blacker color to make my fish stand out more and because now, my planted tank will mostly be with plants such as anubais, java ferns, mosses/riccia so those dont...