Green Dot Algae Attack Leaves


Fish Fanatic
Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
90 Gal
224 Watt Daylight 6500K - 10 hours/day
2X DIY Yeast
PH ~7
Water change every 2-3 days 25 %

Recently, my plants are being attack my green dot algae. I scrub most of them sticked on glass of aquarium. But what to do for plants??

Its supposed not to like KH2PO4 being added to the tank, but I get it in my tanks that I add KH2PO4 to, so who knows. Don't really think there is much you can do. A think Nerite snails will eat it and I certainly dont get it in my tanks that have Nertie snails, but thats only a solution if you dont have loaches in the tank.

BTW - you have a lot of light for just two yeast co2 kits. Do you know the co2 level in the tank? For a 90gal I'd want a pressurised CO2 kit. How new is the tank and whats the plant growth been like?

It's not just PO4, it's also CO2.

You need both in good concentrations to prevent it.

Tom Barr
I got gsa on my anubia leaves. All i did was up c02 a bit and add some excel and the dots slowly got dimmer and just disappeared :D
I got gsa on my anubia leaves. All i did was up c02 a bit and add some excel and the dots slowly got dimmer and just disappeared :D

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