Pale Neon Tetra


Fish Crazy
Mar 23, 2007
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Tank size:29 gallon
tank temp:84 (hot florida...)

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Out of my 11 neon tetras, one neon has turned pale. It is only in its midbody and its a creamish color. Fish behavior is normal, he was still swimming with his buddies before i isolated him temp.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: Every 2 weeks, 30-40%

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Nothing

Tank inhabitants: Neons, one albino bn pleco

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):Just plants, and i took out some plants

Exposure to chemicals: None that i know off

Digital photo (include if possible): Maybe tomorrow, i just found out tonight so i don't have time to find my camera and get a pic

Any help would be appreciated.

How long have you had the neons, it could be old age or its just been a bit stressed lately
Well, my oldest neons (about 5?) have been with me for about 7 months or so, got them last year.

The rest are relatively new, about 1-2 months ago.
In the red strip area does it look like a creamily milky appearance if so you could be dealing with ntd,.
Its it possible to load a pic up of the sick fish.

Ntd signs are.
The red stripe area will look bleached out a creamy white milky appearance in the red stripe area.
The blue area on the neon can go yellow colour.
The neons will leave the shoal and be restless.
They will sometimes swim in a funny motion.
Lumps that go to a point in the tummy region.
Blacking linning around the red tail area.
Bent spines, dropsy and popeye in the later stages of ntd.
False ntd the fish will have a fluffy white appearance along the back of the fish and down the sides to form a saddle shape, this is not ntd but columnaris.
I think it is NTD, his body is a bit bloated. I think that is what happens because the bacteria inside the neon multiplies?

Should i just euthanize him. He is starting to swim funny.
If his red area is creamy white yes I would end his misery.
Keep an eye on the other neons, or destroy them all, know it sounds awful I've had it and it was awful.

I followed yoru advice.

Then, last night, i saw one neon Tetra like bulged up with this eyes bulging out, away from the rest, and was gasping really bad.

I seperated him and he died this morning ><

I see another neon with his tail ripped, i think thats another sign? A ripped tail?

I jsut remembered something, the day that i saw the first one have ntd, i fed them for the first time ever hikari frozen bloodworms that very same day. Is this just coincidence? Is it possible that the neon could have gotten a parasite from the bloodworm and contracted ntd in about 4-5 hours?

Sorry for all these questions...

if i destroy them all, is it safe to get a new stock? Or would some of the parasite be hiding (like it would for ich)? How would i disinfect if it does stay.

If i destroyed all the neons, and got a batch of black neons tetras instead ( i really like those more than neons after i saw them), is it possible that those neons have the same chance of getting ntd as the reg neon tetra? As i understand it, not only neons get this disease but it does form from them. Maybe if i get black neons, they would have a better chance?

Thanks for all the help Wilder.

Sad times for me... Sad times.
The carry the parasite I think so I doubt it's the blood worms, but feeding to many blood worms can make them bloat up.
I wouldn't add anymore fish they can pass it onto other fish like tetra and guppys, harlequins.
I would leave your tank at least 3 months to see how it goes before adding anymore fish.
But can they pass it onto other animals even if they aren't in the tank with them?
Like take out all the fish, and put in the new ones so there is no contact between the two. I just think that the it might be a disease that can stay in the tank.

Also, if i let it off for 3 months, will i need to "re-cycle"?

It has an xp3 running on it and about half 3/5 of the tank is filled with plants (soon to be more if i can find the ones i want). I also have other tanks running that have very mature media that i can give a shake...
You can pass desease from tank to tank by unsterlised equipment.
I stripped my tank down and started again after ntd.
You could then start the tank up after stripping it down and steralising eveything by doing a fishless cycle by adding ammonia.
There a thread by rdd1952 on the fishless cycle.
Arg, another fish less cycle xD
It took me 3-4 weeks to do the first one. Not counting for my other tanks eitehr.

Can ntd catch on to fish such as Pearl gourami's and harlequin rasboras? I am thinking of doing a differentish biotope, no more SA.

I remember that ntd can catch on to other neons and Angel fish, just not sure about the fish above.
Not sure which type of fish can catch ntd all the information differs.
My harlequins died of ntd, yes angels can get it.
I wouldn't move any fish for at least 3 months to another tank, or add any new fish.

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