Help With My Bristle Nose Pleco!


Fish Crazy
Mar 23, 2007
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Last night, before i went to sleep, i saw that my Albino bn pleco had an injury.

He is about 3-4 inches long and lives in a 20 gallon tank with neons and corys, with a temporary angel (im holding it for my cuz as his tank is cycling)

The injury is on the right side of his body near the middle.

It looks like a red pimple with a white prick in the middle of it.

I have no rocks in that aquarim other than smooth river rocks and my driftwood is mopani driftwood so i dont see any sharp edges on those either.

Can anyone help me please?

I really like him since when i bought him, he was really shy but now swims around during the day.

I can give more info if needed but i have to go to school right now...

Can you post water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
The pimple sounds bacterial with the white spot in the centre.
Nitrite: 0
Ammonia: Looks like .1 but im sure that its because of the tannins. My water is pretty dark. I think it is actually 0 too becuase i have an aquaclear 30 and an xp3 running on the 20 gallon lol.

Nitrate: I dont have my test kit for this now because i let my cuz borrow it for his fishless cycle (the same one im holding the fish for) although he is dropping by today to give it back.
I was gonna do a water change today so should i test the water before of after the change for nitrates?

I wont be back until around 7 though because i have tennis now.


my bn seems fine though, i walked in my room after school and saw him sifting around in the sand and then went back to his reg spot on my driftwood to nibble.

edit: oops i forgot ot add, my ph is around 7.3-7.5 which i dont get cuz i have two pieces of driftwood that i wanted to lower the ph >< Oh well, i have another one right now soaking.
I would do a water change then if you have ammonia reading.
How many fish are in the 20 gallons tank.
i did a water change. Sorry im so late in replying lol.

Yup ammonia is 0, Nitrate is about 10 now. (i use api test kits btw)

In my 20 gallon tank, i have 1 albino bristlnose pleco, 3 corydoras swarchtzi (sp?), one angel fish about 2 inches (the temp one), 3 ottos, and 11 neon tetras.
Yes i know that the tank is a bit over stocked but im just waiting for my cuz to finish his fishless cyle and he can get his angel back.

Im thinking of a stocking after this. I might have to return the corys because i will be changing to inert black gravel and i dont think they will be happy.

Heres a little guess though; bn plec, 5 otos, and x neons. is 20 alot? Most of these fishes are small bodied cept for the plec

ok, on track again, it looks as if the pimple thing has shrunk a bit!
Bad water quality will make fish ill, just hope the cycle dosn't take for ever.
Good luck.,
what cycle, my cousins?

My tank has no problems that i can see of since i have had it set up for about half a year and my only death was one neon tetras and it was stuck to the intake filter for somereason.

It seems as if the pimple is going away!
It has faded to about less than half what it was before.

wee lol.
Sorry read it wrong.
Fish can heal themselves, if it going away I wouldn't worry.
Have you used a med.

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