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  1. H

    Lonely Angel

    Hi. Bit of advice needed. One of my pair of angels died a couple of months ago. Should I replace the one that died, and will the existing one happily cohabit with the new one, or should I buy a new pair? Thanks.
  2. H

    Guppy Fry Control

    Hello, I've had my 250L tank (100L*40W*70D cm) set up for over six months and all is well except for my Guppy fry explosion! When I initially set up the tank I was "assured" by more than one source that livebearer fry would not be a problem as they would get eaten by their tank mates. For my...
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    Sick Facny Goldfish

    Thanks for the replies. The water's changed every week, with the last change being 50% two days before the original posting. Water quality is OK. Ammonia & nitrite are both zero, nitrate was 20ppm. You could be right about the over crowding, we're going to get new tank when we can afford...
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    Sick Facny Goldfish

    I know this is a tropical site, but I was hoping someone could give me some advice on one of my little boys goldfish. The poor thing is just lying on the bottom of the tank, barely moving. It's in a 21L tank with two other common goldfish. I've tested the water with my Nutrafin kit and...
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    Two Missing Neon's

    Thanks for all the advice! I'll hold off on the UV and keep changing 20% a day. However I'm faced by another problem, I go on holiday in two weeks for a fortnight, so if it's not cleared by then could it get really bad in my absence?
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    Two Missing Neon's

    Thanks for this. I was thinking of getting one of the Vecton UV sterilisers, do you think this would be a good idea?
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    Two Missing Neon's

    No, the fish feeder was a human. They only fed them once (although I suspect they overdid it), then left the lid open and the condensation trays off. The water is kind of cloudy / milky, although it looks to have a slight green tinge if I look from one end of the tank to the other. I'll try...
  9. H

    Two Missing Neon's

    Size/dimensions/gallons of aquarium- 100w*40d*70h(cm's) / 55g Types of fish- 7 Neon Tetra, 7 Pineapple Swordtails, 7 Guppys, 4 Platys Number of fish and sizes - Filtration used and how do you clean it and how often - Aquaone CF1000, media rinsed in tank water when req'd. How much in the way of...
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    Two Missing Neon's

    I went away for a long weekend and came back to discover that two of my Neon's are missing. There were 10 before I left now there's only 7. I found one dead one, but can't find the others. Could they have been eaten? The tank contains Swordtails, Guppys and Platys. Could they have died and...
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    Thanks all, I now feel reassured!!!
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    Id This Fish

    One other thing. As she's all alone, should I buy her a couple of friends?
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    Here's another picture, what concerned me was the red/pink mark behind/below the eye. Could this just be part of it's natural colouring?
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    Id This Fish

  16. H

    Id This Fish

    I seem to have collected an imposter when I bought my Swordtail's. Can anyone tell me what this is?
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    Hi, I'm kind of new to livebearer's and am worried about my Swordtail's. I've got a tank with 7 Guppy's and 8 Swordtail's. I did have 9 Guppy's but two died earlier this week. In the picture's below, are the red/pink patches normal?
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  21. H

    Two Dead Guppy's

    Thanks Wilder, I'll check them in the morning.
  22. H

    Two Dead Guppy's

    The nitrate seemed to be as high as the Nutrafin test goes which, is 110 if my memory serves me correctly. The gills don't seem to be bleeding, just a red/pink tinge to them.
  23. H

    Two Dead Guppy's

    Noticed when I get home from work tonight 2 dead guppy's. The remainder of the tank (7 guppy's and 8 swordtails) all have pink/red gills. The fish seem fairly happy, no obvious gasping for air, all swimming normally. I guessed that the problem was nitrate, so did a 75% water change, which...
  24. H

    Stocking Levels

    Can someone explain why there is so much conflicting information regarding stocking levels? From my reading the calculations I've come acroos advise I can have anything from 140 to 280 cm's of fish in my 100L*40W*70D tank.
  25. H

    Propsed Stocking Level

    Thanks! A couple of questions: I've read that the Lemon Tetra's can get a bit "nippy" is that true? Also can you suggest any other fish that will use the middle of the tank? Bearing in mind that the Guppy's and Swordtail's seem to stick to the top third and the Plec's and Cory's will...
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    Propsed Stocking Level

    Yes, I realise that. However from what I've read and been told the Swordtail's are even more likely to canibalise their fry.
  27. H

    Propsed Stocking Level

    Thanks, have bought the first batch 9 guppys & 8 swordtails (instead of the Platy's)! Won't the guppy fry get "consumed" by the others?
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    I Just Have To Say This About Fishless Cycle And Rrd1952

    Yeah, but if I don't buy enough then I'll lose a lot of the lovely bacteria that I've worked so hard to build up. I'm sure I read somewhere on here that you should try to get to 75% stocking level after the fishless cycle had completed?
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    I Just Have To Say This About Fishless Cycle And Rrd1952

    I too wish to thank rrd1957 for his post. My 250L has cycled in 3 weeks and 2 days, and am off to buy a load of fhis tomrrow! Woohoo!!
  30. H

    Propsed Stocking Level

    After what seems like ages (actually it's just over three weeks), the nitirites are finally dropping and I'm ready to go fish shopping!!! I have a 220L (100L*40W*70D cm) tank and was thinking along the following lines for a community setup: Lemon tetra * 8 Guppy (female) * 6 Guppy (male) * 2...
  31. H

    Aquaone Filter Media

    I've got an Aquaone CF1000 filter, but can't seem to find the replacement filter meida anywhere. Can anyone help? I've tried emailing them but have had no response. :(
  32. H

    Will My Tank Get Overrun?

    Folloiwng on my from post yesterday regarding my rather hard water (GH>300). I was advised that I should stick to Livebearers or Rift Valley Cichlids. Now, I'm not too disapointed by this as I think I could make a nice community tank (55g, 100 cm long) with a selection of Guppy, Platy and / or...
  33. H

    Very Hard Water?

    Hi, thanks for your replies. One other question, can you suggest any fish that will like this water and clean / churn up the substrate (sand)?
  34. H

    Very Hard Water?

    So will I be OK with Platy, Guppy, Molly etc.?
  35. H

    Very Hard Water?

    I've just got my master test kit and did a GH & KH test. The GH is 300. The KH is 120. Is this bad? What fish will I be able to keep?
  36. H

    Lighting ?'s

    Hello, I have some questions about my lighting requirements. I've recently purchased an Aquaone Regency 100 (100 cm's L x 40 W x 70 D). The system came with an Aquaone AL-30D light and reflector (2x30W) I'd like to get a good selection of plants...
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    Lights On Or Off

    There's about a dozen live plants, so I'll just do the normal light cycle.
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    Aquaone Cf1000

    OK, another question, my filter (an Aquaone CF1000) came with various media. The sponge's and ceramic chips I understand, but what are the black sphere like objects with holes in that are sitting in the very bottom of the filter???? Oh, and whilst I'm asking about media, is it worht adding...
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    Lights On Or Off

    I've got plants, so I'll leave them on. Thanks!
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    Lights On Or Off

    Simple question, do I leave the lights on or off during the fishless cycle?