Very Hard Water?


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
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I've just got my master test kit and did a GH & KH test.

The GH is 300. The KH is 120.

Is this bad? What fish will I be able to keep?
its bad for soft water fish, its not that good for the community fish, its pretty good for livebearers and its brilliant for rift vally lake cichlids or brackish fish
they would do great in your water. and if you want live plants get some bunches of elodea densa, they will grow like wild fire. i can see the tank already with all the different bright colours of those fish, those plants and some rock formations, very nice
Hi, thanks for your replies.

One other question, can you suggest any fish that will like this water and clean / churn up the substrate (sand)?
you could try a few snails that burrow in the substrate and a green puffer fish (tetraodon fluviatilis) to take care of the snails. or try one kuhli loach, acclimate it well and if its ok get some more. the same for a bristlenose plec, their pretty tough. also egg laying fish that could do well are "some" of the rainbow fish. google to see which ones prefer the hardest water. good luck

edit; also a small shoal of bumblebee gobys could work well

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