Id This Fish


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
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I seem to have collected an imposter when I bought my Swordtail's.

Can anyone tell me what this is?

One other thing. As she's all alone, should I buy her a couple of friends?
you could, but make sure there is 1 male to 2 females, so you could buy 1 male and 1 female, or another female :)
Definetly buy another one--else she may feel left out,
i'd say either one female, or one female and a male.
depending on the space in your tank, and if you would like tons of babies!
yes add a few more..females and maybe 1 or 2 males..keep in mind that they eat there own if they have babies..if yoyu plan on breeding start up a fry tank..maybe a 10 gallon or bigger..and make sure its cycled...the babies of platies are very sensitive to evrything...feed them liquid baby or crushed flakes...very finely not DO NOT introduce them into the big tank until they are about half an inch to an inch they will be eaten if to small
I have a couple of them myself, they are such cute little guys! They only fish that survived my tank disaster a couple months ago!

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