Propsed Stocking Level


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
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After what seems like ages (actually it's just over three weeks), the nitirites are finally dropping and I'm ready to go fish shopping!!!

I have a 220L (100L*40W*70D cm) tank and was thinking along the following lines for a community setup:

Lemon tetra * 8
Guppy (female) * 6
Guppy (male) * 2
Platy * 8
Bristlenose Plec * 2
Bronze Cory * 6
And some shrimps!

My water is currently GH 280, KH 120, PH 7.2 & temp 26.

How does this sound???
Sounds great :good: Be prepared for a lot of guppy fry though!

Thanks, have bought the first batch 9 guppys & 8 swordtails (instead of the Platy's)!

Won't the guppy fry get "consumed" by the others?
You realise that Swordtails are just as prolific as Guppies?.

Yes, I realise that. However from what I've read and been told the Swordtail's are even more likely to canibalise their fry.
Fantastic stocking list! Should work out well! Just try to get higher numbers of shrimp and remember to stick to the plan!


A couple of questions:

I've read that the Lemon Tetra's can get a bit "nippy" is that true?

Also can you suggest any other fish that will use the middle of the tank? Bearing in mind that the Guppy's and Swordtail's seem to stick to the top third and the Plec's and Cory's will probably stay down the bottom I would like something that will use the middle. After all, the tank is quite tall and I want to utilise as much of the space as possible.

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