Search results

  1. Matty P

    Ben's Tank

    It's coming along great and looking well. Can't wait to see some more pics as you progress.
  2. Matty P

    Dwarf Puffer And Shrimps

    Great pics iSnail. Great colours in the shrimp and DPs :good:
  3. Matty P

    Video Six Spot Blenny

    Our Six Spot Blenny sifting some live sand :good: Video Sorry about the background noise lol
  4. Matty P

    Video Coco Worm

    Bought them :thumbs:
  5. Matty P

    Mature Filter Media To Spare Anyone?

    List of people with spare mature filter media on TFF
  6. Matty P

    Discus Shots

    Yeh lovely discus, although in a tank that size I'd be tempted to go marine :nod:
  7. Matty P

    Few New Pics

    Great tank, love the rays :drool:
  8. Matty P

    Some Pics Of My Fish =]

    Lovely pics, that betta is great :nod:
  9. Matty P

    How Many Fish Do You Own?

    31 :nod:
  10. Matty P

    Random Pics

    Can't see any pics :no:
  11. Matty P

    My Heater Exploded

    How big is your tank? The bigger it is the longer it will stay warm.
  12. Matty P

    36g Bowfront

    Yeh thats a lovely tank, good job. :good:
  13. Matty P

    Cool Picture

    :lol: The didn't realise there were people until I read the first post.
  14. Matty P

    So Disappointed

    Buying a new tank would be a lot less effort :nod:
  15. Matty P

    How Often To Feed Your Fish?

    Thats my reef tank, my FW tank gets once every one or two days.
  16. Matty P

    My First Tropical Fish Tank

    :hi: Very good first attempt, love the bogwood. :good:
  17. Matty P

    B Cubed And Friends

    Sorry to hear about your last tank, good excuse for a bigger one though lol. Looking good, the gouramis are lovely. :good:
  18. Matty P

    How Often To Feed Your Fish?

    Some flake in the afternoon and some live/frozen in the evening.
  19. Matty P

    Frozen Food How Too

    IMO the best way to feed it is; put the cube / or part of the cube (depending on how many fish you have) into a cup of tank water to defrost it, when it is defrosted pour it into the tank and your fishies will devour it. :good: EDIT: spelling
  20. Matty P

    Your Tank Pictures

    Like the sand but could do with a few more plants (tall ones) it's looking a bit bare. :good:
  21. Matty P

    Return To Fishkeeping Journal

    The tank is looking really nice, love the cave. My favourite is the Marlboro Red if thats what its called?
  22. Matty P

    How Does This Look For Malawis?

    Yeh it looks good. :good: As 5teady said be careful the slate doesn't fall on the fish.
  23. Matty P

    Tropical Fish Treat?

    Thanks Sophia :good:
  24. Matty P

    Tropical Fish Treat?

    Sorry Jasno, I'll be happy to answer any questions you got. I just got a bit excited. :nod:
  25. Matty P

    Tropical Fish Treat?

    Sorry mate, didn't think lads were sensitive. :good:
  26. Matty P

    Fish Id Please

    Neon Rainbowfish.
  27. Matty P

    Video For Your Enjoyment (your Pics Of Fish And Your Tanks) (full Vid)

    Now thats what I'm talking about :lol: Btw what program do you use to edit the vids?
  28. Matty P

    Video For Your Enjoyment (your Pics Of Fish And Your Tanks) (full Vid)

    Mate you still have no taste :lol:
  29. Matty P

    Tropical Fish Treat?

    Because at the start I said that his fish will love live food, then he said that he loves animals (i.e. insects) so he wan't going to feed his fish any live foods. Then I said my fish loved live brine shrimp , bloodworm etc. he didn't quite take it very well thinking that I jadn't caught on to...
  30. Matty P

    Tropical Fish Treat?

    Mate calm down, I'm just teasin' ya lol. Some people here have no sense of humour :no:
  31. Matty P

    Video For Your Enjoyment (your Pics Of Fish And Your Tanks) (full Vid)

    It's rubbish cos none of my fish are in it lol. Very nice, great vid :good:
  32. Matty P

    Something Strange

  33. Matty P

    Your Tank Pictures

    So you like the tank then? You better cos it took me ages to make it look like that lol.
  34. Matty P

    Tropical Fish Treat?

    My fish love live daphnia, bloodworm and brine shrimp.
  35. Matty P

    Your Tank Pictures

    Wow that blue light is pretty cool, bit unatural but cool! Here are a few pics of my 122 gallon SW... Sorry if you just wanted FW pics.