Tropical Fish Treat?

Because at the start I said that his fish will love live food, then he said that he loves animals (i.e. insects) so he wan't going to feed his fish any live foods. Then I said my fish loved live brine shrimp , bloodworm etc. he didn't quite take it very well thinking that I jadn't caught on to the fact he wasn't going to feed live foods.

Mate I was teasing you :lol:

Btw jasono what country u from?
My fish love live daphnia, bloodworm and brine shrimp.

Man you guys are thick as a brick.

Mate calm down, I'm just teasin' ya lol. Some people here have no sense of humour :no:
maybe some of us are sensitive and don't like to be teased by people who obviously had too much sugar?

Because at the start I said that his fish will love live food, then he said that he loves animals (i.e. insects) so he wan't going to feed his fish any live foods. Then I said my fish loved live brine shrimp , bloodworm etc. he didn't quite take it very well thinking that I jadn't caught on to the fact he wasn't going to feed live foods.

Mate I was teasing you :lol:

Btw jasono what country u from?
why do you want to know what country he's from? so you can make sweeping generalizations about the people that live there based on your limited experience with jasono?
Sorry mate, didn't think lads were sensitive. :good:
Guys calm down! This is jasno's first ever posts on this forum... don't give him the wrong impressions. :(
Sorry Jasno, I'll be happy to answer any questions you got.

I just got a bit excited. :nod:
off topic but I love your tropical tank Matty P. I have a similar stocking, angels, khulie loaches and blue rams. :)
Thanks Sophia :good:

oh oh oh oh . Dangerous ground there mate. She hates being called Sophia, it's SoFia!!! ( i know, she's my better half :p)

Anyway, back on topic!!

Jasno, you can try blanching some zuccini/courgette slices (boil them till they sink in the pan) and adding them to the tank. All my
fish love it. If you can, add some weight to them so they sink in the tank. The plec's are particularly fond of it and it helps them digest

Hope this helps! - got any pics of yours fish/tank?
A friend of mine breeds guppys, used to show them years ago, he has an attic full of trophies. Make your own beefheart mix, go heavy on the spinach & spirulina, as well as a good multivitamin. Adding some color enhancing flake helps with reds & such, betacarotine is a good thing. You want about half beefheart, the rest veggies and such. Double grind the heart, on the second grind add the rest of the ingredients to the mix. Freeze it up, and feed once daily.

Granted the original owner of the beefheart was once alive, but so were the fish used in making quality flake food.

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