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    Hole In Head...not On The Head?

    heres a better picture also if it is indeed lateral line/hole in the head ive read both that htth is contagious and not contagious
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    Hole In Head...not On The Head?

    the circled part
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    Hole In Head...not On The Head?

    so I come home from school for winter break and a few of the family fish in the 55 gal tank have died (2 green brochis catfish over the span of about 3 months) well on a few of my silver dollars have what looks like hole in the head but its near their anal fin looks like craters and such back...
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    Aggressive Betta

    so i have a fairly aggressive betta who i adore i was wondering if it would be a bad idea to put a BN pleco in with him 10Gal US tank
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    Silver Dollar Swim Bladder Disorder?

    silver dollar now seems fine, but has a bit of fin rot which im treating
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    Silver Dollar Swim Bladder Disorder?

    could it be bacterial?
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    Silver Dollar Swim Bladder Disorder?

    so one of my silver dollars who ive had for over a year freaked out when i went to clean the tank and he freaked out and now seems to have major trouble to not float on the top of the water collum whenever he tries to swim he floats towards the top of the tank and then swims down water...
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    How Old Are You

    im 22 will be 23 new years eve
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    Water Changes And Silver Dollars

    i have 3 caves, 2 made of propped up rocks and one a fake log, a floating "moss" and a ton of plants all fake b/c of silverdollars eating all the live plants ive tried to put in there
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    Water Changes And Silver Dollars

    so everytime i do a water change in my tank the silver dollars i have(6 of them) they freak out and keep running into things all throughout the tank. and i always feel bad cause they end up hurting themselves any ideas as to scare them less? would leaving the hose in the tank help any?
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    Hair In My Tank!

    nah there was about 20ish in the actual water collum im thinking it might have been from the triple sulfa i put in the other night
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    Hair In My Tank!

    and now they're gone the lights were on for like 20 mins
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    Hair In My Tank!

    i woke up this mroning and it looks like theres bits of hair floating in my tank all about 3mm or so long any ideas dont have time to get a picture this morning will get one later tho 5 gal w/ betta, otto and live plants
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    it couldnt be a scar/battle wound from the otto could it?
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    what sort of drugs should i have on hand if it is columinaris? slash would tripple sulfa work?
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    nope he seems happy no abnormal activity, he's eating fine, reacts to me walking around the room, seems to be breathing at a normal rate and is very alert to whats going on around his tank is it possible for bettas to prematurely go grey in the face like humans can go prematurely bald?? :lol...
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    ive had him for about a week and he's seemed pretty happy
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    im not sure what it is but it showed up this mronging the grayish white patch on his jaw area i dont think it was there before, tho it might have been just not as light colored he seems fairly active though he hasnt blown a bubble nest since i last changed his water this weekend only other...
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    New Betta!

    Westly my red crowntail passed away last week, he was pretty damn old a year and a half so he had a happy and enjoyable life. but i got a new blue (steel blue?) betta boy yesterday and im thinking sonic fits him just about right also whats the best way to clean the outside of my tank?
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    Different Type Of Fish Emergency

    so my filter stopped working, its a 5 gallon hex kit from marineland with the biowheel. i can still hear it running and if i pull the extender thing off and just have the filter running it runs a little bit maybe my filter is dying? any suggestions, already took it apart and cleaned everything...
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    Cleaning Sand

    awesome thats just what i wanted to hear! its my fist try at sand substrate and i thought that the sand in the water would hurt the fishs' gills edit: man i should have searched before i asked...
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    Cleaning Sand

    how does one clean sand thats in a tank (power filtered 5 gallon) without stirring up a ton of sand?
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    Betta Temperment

    its amazing how differnt bettas can vary in their temperment my betta is freakin psycho, he'll go after anything that looks remotely like a betta my friends betta who im watching for the semester b/c she's abroad is so calm i think ive seen him flare once ever he wont even flare at his...
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    Betta And Pleco

    haha wow... i thought i put that in there but i didnt its a 5 gal
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    Betta And Pleco

    i have a major algae problem in my one tank and have a small pleco in another tank can they live happily together for a few days?
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    I'm So Human

    i know what u mean i have a 5 gal and 3 gal tank both w/ individual bettas (one is mine the other im fish sitting for while she studies abroad) and a 55 gal w/ platies and others but when i walk up to my 55 gal the platies try to squeeze themselves infront of each other in the corner of the...
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    Female Betta Problem

    yeah thats what i was thinking w/ a broken fin sorry but i got nothin on the water stats and shes back here at school so i dont know if she can get water stats prolly not ill try ammonia burn also seems like a possibility if its up that high ill find out the stats thanks for ur help
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    Female Betta Problem

    my friend has a female betta in a 55 gal tank(unsure of the stocking) but when she bought her home the betta hasnt been able to use her pectoral fin but now its starting to turn black any ideas whats causing it? sorry unless she brings pictures back from school i got nothing
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    Ph Has Jumped From 6.2 To 8.4 Over Night

    certain municipalities change the chemicals they add to the water which can change pH, not sure if it would change it 2.2 units tho
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    What's The Most You've Seen A Fish For Sale For In A Lfs?

    its some sort of lionfish (u were close!) as to price i have no idea tho i did see one at my lfs but cant recall the price
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    Triple Sulfa

    wow... i am an idiot thanks for the idea! :cheers:
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    Triple Sulfa

    i got triple sulfa for my one betta and it treats 5 gal which is fine for all but my friends tank hers is a 3 gal tank and i have no scale to measure the weight properly so what im asking is how bad would givign almost a double dose of triple sulfa be for a betta?
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    Small Sized Oddball

    excelent! man i really need to look b4 i start a new thread LOL!
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    Small Sized Oddball

    ive always wanted to get an oddball only problem is that my only free tank right now is a 5 gal hex i might be getting a slightly larger tank soon, 10-20 gal but would rather just use my 5 gal. so my question is are there any oddballs that i can put in a 5 gal?
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    Dwarf Puffer

    funny you mention that... im currently reading it at this moment... :thumbs:
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    Dwarf Puffer

    anyone have any good reliable sources on them also im planning on putting him/her in a 5 gal hex by himself w/ if i can find it black sand and some tall drift wood and maybe some live plants
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    A Somewhat Ethical Question

    thanks guys you pretty much said what i thought you guys would which is what im pretty sure i already knew... cheers :drinks: