What's The Most You've Seen A Fish For Sale For In A Lfs?

Aqua Andy

Fish Crazy
Aug 1, 2005
Reaction score
Colchester, Essex, UK

I've seen a Golden Arowana for sale for £3995.00 Woh!

The most I've ever spent is £29.95 on a L066 King Tiger Plec.

Andy :)
i have seen an arrowana for 200 pounds, a ray for 300 pounds. but the most ive spent on a fish was...6 pounds. or 24 pounds if you count live rock. LOL!
this is about the third one of these "most expencive fish" threads in the last 3 months. anywase ive seen some saltwater fish for over $500.
any one seen duice bigalo the film were he smashes the fish tank and there is a big frilly black and white big fish caint remember name maybe a tiger something so my question a. whats the fish called and b.how much does one cost?
I think we all need to keep in with CFC guys. He has an arowana!!!!

I don't count the cost when I buy a fish so obviously I have never really checked how expensive they are.

I know Discus are usually £60.

I think you must have no other ties if all you spend is thousands on a fish.

Guess some feel they have to have.
lol, ive got 2 arowanas (did have 3 until 2 days ago :( ) but they are not the ultra expensive ones like in the link, mine are just a lowly silver arowana and a jardini which you can pick either up for around £50 each, although both of mine are stunning examples of their type i might say.

Most i've speant on a single fish is £265 on my gulper catfish.
Most expensive one I've seen for sale around here was a marine fish,I think it was called a zebra eel or something like that, it was £100 but soooo worth it, it was beautiful!

Most I've paid for a fish was £15 each for my 2 senegalus, they were worth every penny :)
well why dont we have a "least u have ever paid for a tropical fish?" topic?

I got an Australian Northern Trout Gudgeon about 2" long for free from the lfs :).
they had no idea what it was, and it was eating all their other fish, so they let me have it.

P.S. anyone know how much it usually wd be?

Mogurnda species usually sell for £5 to £10 depending on the shop and the species.
any one seen duice bigalo the film were he smashes the fish tank and there is a big frilly black and white big fish caint remember name maybe a tiger something so my question a. whats the fish called and b.how much does one cost?
its some sort of lionfish (u were close!)
as to price i have no idea tho i did see one at my lfs but cant recall the price
A red Dragonfish (Arrowana) for 60,000 CND, thats about 60,000 USD, 42,659.35 Euro, and 29,698.97 United Kingdom Pounds.

The most I have paid has been 40 CND for a Discus.
Most expensive fish i've seen at a lfs that i can remember from the top of my head was a Giraffe Catfish for just over £60's if i remember correctly :) .
I'm sure i've seen more expensive fish though, just trying to remember....
The most I've ever seen in my LFS for a fish? $18000 for a 1.5ft red tailed gold arowana, the most I've ever paid? $40 for a 4" silver arowana.

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