

Fish Fanatic
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
Philadelphia PA, US
im not sure what it is but it showed up this mronging the grayish white patch on his jaw area i dont think it was there before, tho it might have been just not as light colored
he seems fairly active though he hasnt blown a bubble nest since i last changed his water this weekend

only other occupant in the tank is an otto that he's terrorizing that will be gone come next weekend
Greyish white patches on fish can be columnaris to parasites,.
is the betta flicking and rubbing against things in his tank.
nope he seems happy no abnormal activity, he's eating fine, reacts to me walking around the room, seems to be breathing at a normal rate and is very alert to whats going on around his tank
is it possible for bettas to prematurely go grey in the face like humans can go prematurely bald??

i did add a bit of salt to his water(which he tried to eat and then spat out) a few mins ago
I would keep an eye on the patch.
Columnaris can start off as greyish white patches,.
Unites states maracyn one and two.
Uk myxazin by waterlife and pimafix, or anti internal bacteria med by interpet and pimafix.

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