I'm So Human


New Member
Oct 22, 2007
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Canadian in China
Ya I know my title is weird.

I love animals of any sort. And as a bleeding-heart gal I put a lot of 'human' emotions on things that really don't think and feel that way. I love my little fishies. I have just some simple tetras and things in my tank, not really focused yet after unloading the turtles. I've had fish since I was able to afford the hobby as a 12 year old babysitter. That would be about 26 years now.

Here's my comment or question or whatever this is...are my fish really playing? My mind says, 'Ya they are really lovin' that blubbler'. My rainbow fish seem to linger near by the super-flow bubbler and one at a time they dare each other to zip throught the bubbles. Then they all gather at the other end of the tank to talk about their adventure. Then eventually they do it again. Am I insane? Have I had one too many glasses of wine? Are they having a little bubble stream adventure?

Oh, there they go again. Heading back for yet another round of let's-blast-through-the-bubbles.
Am I insane?

Yes, quite possibly :p

I know what you mean though humans do have a tendency to ascribe human emotions to animal actions. When my cat comes and rubs his head against my leg I tend to think "ahhh how nice he is being affectionate", in fact it is more likely that he is just scent marking me as his property :)

My rams are another good example. When I get close to the tank to look they always swim up to the front directly in front of where I looking. My thoughts are "they can recognise me and are coming up to say hi". Most likely though they are either coming up to defend their territory from "that big thing that keeps appearing from nowhere" or they have learned that when something is moving around on the other side of the invisable barrier (glass) food is likely to follow.

No real harm in doing this with fish but finding out the real reasons animals act as they do can mean you are much better placed to be able to take care of them.
I used to have two angelfish and they would swim together down the side of the tank align themselves next to my internal filter then shoot straight into the flow and seemingly race each other to the end of the tank, then repeat until they were tired
i know what u mean
i have a 5 gal and 3 gal tank both w/ individual bettas (one is mine the other im fish sitting for while she studies abroad) and a 55 gal w/ platies and others

but when i walk up to my 55 gal the platies try to squeeze themselves infront of each other in the corner of the tank im standing at-my dialogue that they're saying "oh look at me! no look at me! no look at me! etc..."

and everytime i sit down at my desk (where the 2 bettas are) my betta always swims up really fast and then tries to have a starring contest with me.... he wins most of the time- my dialogue for him is "whatcho lookin at punk? do u feel lucky punk?" hes super aggressive, like no other betta ive ever met

the other betta anytime i come up to the tank he swims up a bit to the middle of the front of the tank and sort of looks back and forth repeatedly- his dialogue is " what are u doing? are u over there? or are u over there? or over there?!!!!! aaah!!!"
i have 3 cichlid tanks and every one of them recognizes me. when other people get close to the tank they all hide but when i get close they do this puppy-dog wriggle thing in greeting. :D

they are probably just thinking "here's that thing with the food" when i come up but it makes me feel loved :blush:
i have 3 cichlid tanks and every one of them recognizes me. when other people get close to the tank they all hide but when i get close they do this puppy-dog wriggle thing in greeting. :D

they are probably just thinking "here's that thing with the food" when i come up but it makes me feel loved :blush:

Whenever i enter my room my blue gourami always jumps and swims everywhere making splashes of water.

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